Sunday, September 5, 2010


Your brain, like mine, needs exercise.  On this page find link to Virginian Pilot.  Click on it and bring up that newspaper. Click on Salaries of Suffolk Employees. You will see number of ees, average salary of any department, total salary paid.  Now click on any department and see salary of department head. Now use your searching skills to find salaries of City Manager and City  Spokeslady.  If you find both give yourself a star.  Your are then ready to determine price of benefit package. If you are shocked at any employee total cost let us know.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure Fire Fighters in Suffolk do their job satisfactory and risk their safety while taking pride in protecting the life and property of the public. As reported in the Sun section of the Virginian Pilot Sunday the 5th, Firefighter salaries ranged from #35,083 to $45,071 which is adequate, fair and reasonable. But $68,789 to $74,582 for a Battalion Chief and $114,000 for the Fire Chief is what's wrong with pay for administrators in most cities, they are over paid compared to the rest of the work team. If the top pay for a Fireman is about $45,000 then a Battalion Chief should make about $55,000 and the Fire Chief should make about $65,000 then you would have your pay scale about in order. I'm sure our Battalion Chief's and Fire Chief are dedicated, knowledgeable, and very good employee's but overpaid in my opinion which is not their fault but the fault of past and present city managemant that let the pay for administrators get out of hand.

Anonymous said...

And volunteers are spit upon by "Chief" Outlaw and council

Anonymous said...

Lifetime pension at or near the employee's retirement salary level is outragious. How many employees must be kept employed just to keep the pension system afloat? This is the most damaging aspect of the state budget issues.

Anonymous said...

(A new post for your consideration)

It's interesting to see who is doing what in our city. Parks and Recreation Director Lakita Frazier appears to have become the defacto troubled at-risk youth director. She reminded us recently of where our money and her interest has been directed through the Suffolk Office on Youth, Youth Feeding Programs, Youth Advisory Council, Summer Work Sucess Programs and yet another expensive city position of Youth Services Coordinator. One has to question has the talented director lost her interest in Parks and Recreation, is she being distracted by ancilliary duties or is she postioning herself for a higher city office. Based upon the current rash of shootings and stabbings, it looks like she bit off more than she can chew.

Anonymous said...

With the average pay for employees of the Parks and Recreation Dept being reported as $37,885 and the Director being paid as reported $104,000, this is whats wrong with admintrative employee pay. The Director should never be paid almost 3 times what the average employee is paid. The Directors pay should be higher than the average employee but nothing even close to $104,000.

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget Ms. Frazier's benefits are roughly 33% on top of her salary not including fringe benefits, perks and then she has that fat VA-employee pension waiting for her she retires. To the average working citizen that's a lot of food on the table. To her it's just candy on the playground. Anyone feel you are being cheated?

Anonymous said...

Another comparison that can be made is our Firemen, training, and equipment costs compared to equivalent costs in other cities. Only our officials can come by those numbers. If we could make such a comparison we might learn that Suffolk leads the way in unnecessary spending.There is talk but no findings so far.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if one of future Councilpersons would provide that answer for us. We can't expect any of our current members, who have access to the numbers, to do it for us. It is about all they can do is to make it to the meetings on time. And if our fire expense were outrageous we would never find out. Johnson's transparency
is equal to a muddy windshield.

Anonymous said...

Lakita Frazier, Director of Recreation, is more than likely the second wealthiest black women in Suffolk after the city manager.It is sad she can't devote all her time to Recreation instead of programs more related to welfare.

I'm staying home said...

Can you smell it in the air, I'm referring to the Waste of Suffolk. The now annual event along Main Street in the hub of downtown where you can watch your tax dollars literaly go up in smoke for a purpose that has yet to be clearly explained. Several restaurants and non-food vendors will be there however one or two may drop out because of the onerous Suffolk Meal Tax. Others may be scared away fearing the Treasurer's Office will be monitoring sales and demanding their cut on the 20th of the month of face the axe. There will be unparalleled entertainment of a cornhole tournament (whatever that is) and the never popular with the crowd Peanut City Cloppers insulting the intellegence of the audience except for the parents that are trying hard not to be recognized.

Next month we can look forward to the crowning of Peanutfest Queen and the fashion show for the tasteless featuring mens and womens clothing that hasn't sold since Nixon was President. The ladies should make sure to have their big hair on that day. Then you can eat and drink at the Shrimpfeast before experiencing the taxpayer sponsored Peanutfest and demolition derby. Last is the crowd pleasing highlight of the month, the Swamp Roar motorcycle gathering of leather, chains, tatoos, overflowing midrifts and bellys. This event coincides with the all you can ingest bug swallowing contest as they race around what was quiet pastoral communities. Ah yes it's all here just where it has been unchanged for decades(except for the taxpayer cost) in beautiful Surprising Suffolk.

Anonymous said...

Stay Home
There are several venues that can lead you out of the city but my guess is 17 is a bit closer. You drive safe ya hear?

Suffolk Tropic Thunder said...

Instead of going to the Waste or staying home, why not take a short country drive down 460 to the IOW County Fair. Simple Jack and his friends will also be there passing out campaign leaflets.

Anonymous said...

You call which will be tomorrow's SNH headline; Thousands attended Taste of Suffolk or Obici ER sets all time record.

Anonymous said...

If you dont go how can you challenge how many people were there. Please make sure you pay your taxes too.

Deb's Education Corner