Monday, September 27, 2010


For only the second time in my adult life, I am not ashamed of my country. I want to thank the hard working American people for paying $242,000 plus additional expenses for my vacation in Spain. My daughter Sasha, several long-time family friends, my personal staff and various guests had a wonderful time. Honestly, you just haven't lived until you have stayed in a $2,500 per night suite at a 5-Star luxury hotel. We only booked 70 rooms for our friends, staff and family. Thank you also for the use of Air Force 2 and the 70 Secret Service personnel who tagged along to be sure we were safe and cared for at all times.

Air Force 2 only used 47,500 gallons of jet fuel for this trip and carbon emissions were a mere 1,031 tons of CO2. It costs only $11,500 per hour to operate Air Force 2 and each additional plane for the other members of our party group. These are only rough estimates, but they are close (who's counting?). That's quite a carbon footprint as my good friend Al Gore would say, so we must ask the American citizens to drive smaller, more fuel-efficient cars and drive less too, so we can lessen our combined carbon footprint.

I know times are hard and millions of you are struggling to put food on the table and trying to make ends meet. I do appreciate your sacrifice and do hope you find work soon. I was really exhausted after Barack took our family on a luxury vacation in Maine a few weeks ago. I just had to get away for a few days. Will write more from Martha's Vineyard where we will spend our sixth vacation this year with more of our family and friends.


Queen, M. Obama


Anonymous said...

Pock: The biggest problem I have with Barky Obama and Marie Antoinette on vacations is they keep coming back.
This trip in the beginning Bo was going to pay for it but we taxpayer was only picking up the tab for the use of the planes abd security. As soon as Barky arranged the meeting with the King of Spain, it became an "official" trip and we paid for the entire trip.
Still, using the President's own broken moral compass, the Obamas have 'made enough money' as evidenced by their numerous lavish vacations. Seems someone's compass needs an adjustment. Well, our Robin Leach President and his wife need look no further for that adjustment than the average American who has sold for cash their over-tightened belts and now vacations in the local KOA campground, fitting 5 into a 2-man tent.
Obama and Aunt Esther are appearing more and more like a rulers of a third world country whose economy is failing while the leaders party on.....
Check this quote:
"And the reality is that right now families across this country are cutting every frill and stretching every dollar as far as they can -- and they should expect no less from their government."
- President Barack Hussein Obama 07/22/10
This vulgar display excessiveness on our dime at a time when most Americans are struggling to make ends meet just simply illustrates the Obama's greed and outright contempt of the American people and the country.

Amos Kingfish said...

Lets get one thing right for the record, Aunt Esther can only be Maxine Waters. The two faces and characters are inseparable. Marie Antoinette is the best description of the "if they cannot eat bread, then let them eat cake" First Lady Michelle.

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget Michelle took in over $300K for a no show job at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Since she left that position has remained unfilled. Now think about how many people that money could have helped or the research it could have funded. This summer she flew to Spain with military fighter escort and air refueling tankers on standby so she can stuff her mouth and espouse the doctrine of self-sacrifice for the greater good of global income redistribution. The sad part is Black Americans still think she's the bomb.

Toasted Cracker said...

This personnality of entitlement is rampant in the black community. What will happen when they no longer can afford to buy a Mercedes and at the same time receive foodstamps should be a major concerm to all of us. Government offices, the public school systems and most major medical facilities are populated by the same people that believe they are owed big time and will take that what they don't receive in the way of handouts. They will not standbye while their handouts disappear nor go away quietly. So prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Its going to be a rough decade after the November 2nd correction.

Anonymous said...

Toasted Cracker, you are such a racist. What you said is a slap in the face to all the Black members of our society who have achieved so much and have contibuted to our society.You think only one race has a monopoly on government handouts?
Your blogs to "Inside Suffolk" are so narrow minded that I can only imagine the hatred and envy you possess to others.

Anonymous said...

So you are speaking for the black community? Are you black? History and facts has always been denied by many. So now you can call me a racist. Now that you have done that, what else would you like to discuss? More truth? Or you version of it?

Anonymous said...

No, i am not speaking for the Black community, I am speaking from being brought up without hate or prejudice in my system. We will never have peace and love with one another when so much venom is stored from just ignorance.
Spending an hour in church each Sunday does not make you a Christian. Don't remember hearing or reading anything about God's children being different from one another, but who ever you are, i guess you can make up your own rules.

Anonymous said...

There goes that R-word again, so popular with one group that lacks the ability to argue their position. Why after decades have past, and the election of the first black president largely with the support of Whites, do we still have programs like Affirmative Action, race hiring quotas and testing that favors one race over others. Why is government, the public schools and major medical facilities disportionatly hire one race over all others? Why did 96% of Blacks vote for Obama? Was it his race or the way he smiled while looking down his nose condensendingly at you? When Blacks start to address their racism, self imposed segregation, thug-hood victimized mentality and demand an end to discrimnatory policies then we truely will have change we can believe in.

Toasted Cracker said...

Anon 0800, you are someone who espouses Christianity peace and love and then scream racism because someone dares to challenge your ideals. Rather than dialogue you go straight to name calling. What a small closed world you must live in and it's quite interesting that you have existed there for so long while affirming you are a Christian. But I'm sorry that word game doesn't work here. It might work at your office and I'm sure you used it in the past for your own personal selfish interests, but not here. Instead how about you taking a little time for self-reflection and a quick trip down reality street before you trip over your ignorance again.

Anonymous said...

Anon: 8:00
Church? A place where "Christians" gather to decide what sins they will tolerate this week.

Light your candles, hold hands of others sway to the music and sing Imagine or "We are the world" here, let me get you a Coke

Anonymous said...

The photo of the First Lady shows her laughing with us or more likely at us. Since the o's took office where has Grandma Robinson been hiding.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:00

Liberals believe we should be our brother's keeper.. With that being said Anon, you accuse TC and myself of being racist. Ok then good so be it. Try some food for thought if you will.
While we are taught to love our neighbor, we are also warned that if we don't work, we don't eat.
Love your neighbor as yourself is the command? We are supposed to be our brother's keeper, but the Bible says nothing about the government being our brother's keeper. Neither Constitutionally-speaking nor ethically-speaking is it the job of the government to "keep our brothers." In order for the government to do that, they must confiscate (steal) from the citizenry to make it possible, thereby violating the 8th commandment.Many blacks and yes Obama subscribes to the theological doctrine of "Government is God." That you won't find anywhere in the Bible.
Anon Charity comes from the heart. I would say that is a "christian" thing.America has always been a nation of brother's keepers at the neighborhood or community level. Neighbor helping neighbor, raising a barn, bringing in crops, feeding and clothing the destitute, amassing funds for widows and orphans, and a long list of other things. The liberals and many blacks define being a brother's keeper as welfare based on taxpayer's dollars, given to the "needy" as defined as those "who are less fortunate". No thought is given as to why these people are "less fortunate" in that they do not have everything that the more fortunate have. Is it because they dropped out of school, alcohol, drugs, criminal record, looking so weird so as to be unemployable etc? Further, the community assistance of the past ensured food, shelter, and clothing. Today, assistance ensures a lifestyle, an apartment,or a home, choice of foods and clothing, a TV, cell phones, tattoos, piercings nails weaves and jewelrey and maybe an automobile. This,Anon is not being one's brother's keeper, it is being one's brother's enabler.

Anonymous said...

Who said the following???
“People are frustrated, their anxious, they’re scared about the future. And they have a right to be impatient about the pace of change. I’m impatient,” “It took time to free the slaves,”
I will take racist for 500 Alex. Who is Obama?
ANON and you call TC and myself racist?

Anonymous said...

If all else fails call the New Black Panther Leadership of King Shabazz to straighten folks out. It's cool with Eric Holder, Obama and black organizations including the NAACP and church leaders. No meaningful gains, just excuses. Thank you

Anonymous said...

POST for Inside Suffolk

Our City Manager will soon receive the 2010 Distinguished Public Service Award from the Conference of Minority Public Administrators. This award is an example of the growing divide between between Black, White, Red, Yellow and Tan Americans. It demonstrates a clear lack of sensitivity of image versus substance, political agenda versus public service. This official recognition by a national organization awards performance based on race. A Non-Minority Public Administrator Award would raise cries of descrimination, racism and would not be tolerated. So why is an award for being a minority acceptable?

Mayor Johnson needs to step in and say NO to the City Manager. This does not unify Suffolk it tears it apart. If she is allowed to accept it, then THEY are guilty of endorsing one set of standards for minorities and another for the rest. With that type of thinking from our elected officials and city administrators how long will it be before we see two drinking fountains in city hall.

Anonymous said...

When whites like myself express anger how come its hate? But real racist like Al,Jesse, The BP party who make a living with hate and a president who is cereating class warfare liberals remain silent. Demwits/liberals offer to blacks table scraps knowing that they will always be hungry and that hunger will be supplemented with more 'social" programs for takers of ALL colors that have been spoon fed to mediocrity. As for this hate issue, it's never a two color arguement its always only one color that hates. I as a white man I am just @@#@! tired of it. Our post racial president and the black AG said we all needed to discuss race. Problem is when whites speak out its racism.
When whites do speak out, it's white liberals, progressives (what ever they are this week) who call other whites haters and racist.Its not conservatives, tea partiers or independents who need diversity training.

Anonymous said...

To the Blog author:

How can you allow some, if not most of the crap, to be posted on this website? Freedom of speech comes with responsibilities. I've read insult after insult. How can you allow "posters" to be so disrespectful towards our President? This website is filled with hate and disdain. How shameful! But America is what it is.

Anonymous said...

ANON: 9:37 Then if you dont like the site, dont comeback, its called a choice. You chose to support Obama good for you. You are the liberal, where is your tolerance? The comments you are upset about are truth. Do you actually know anything about the truth, fact and HISTORY?
I will be glad to debate you and it. You come on back now ya hear? You can pick the topic. Its your CHOICE..

Anonymous said...

Here we go again with another trip Pock. Michelle and Barky are off to India.
The Fleecing Of The American Taxpayer continues: Obama To Rent 800 Rooms For Trip to India

This is absurd to rent this many rooms to go to India. I think this is a extreme waste of money to be billing the American taxpayers. Obama should scale back his plans to the minimum if he means cutting spending. He needs to be transparent and reveal the cost of this cotton pickin operation.
Barack and Michelle's Mumbai darshan plans - The Economic Times

To ensure fool-proof security, the President’s team has booked the entire the Taj Mahal Hotel, including 570 rooms, all banquets and restaurants. .... 125 rooms at Taj President have also been booked, apart from 80 to 90 rooms each in Grand Hyatt and The Oberoi hotels.
The officer said, “Obama’s contingent is huge. There are two jumbo jets coming along with Air Force One, which will be flanked by security jets. ..... The President’s convoy has 45 cars, including the Lincoln Continental in which the President travels.”

“Rooms at the Hyatt are for the air crew and other members who will accompany Obama. The US president will also bring his chef along,”

Isnt it just swell to see Barky leading by example in tough economic times.

Doesnt this idiot know that millions of Americans are in a recession, out of work and are facing unknown healthcare costs and taxes in January. Oh thats right its never about America or Americans It's is about Barky and MEchell.I’m sure all the unemployed folks will enjoy watching the news about the Obamas’ hugely-expensive taxpayer-funded slap-and-tickle tour while they’re sitting home waiting for their benefits to run out. Yep, this will cheer them right up.

Oh one other thing.Our First "LADY" will visit a red light district in New Delhi to meet with prostitues.(Opps I mean sex workers) I guess they will share fashion tips. She should feel right at home

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