Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Five of our eight city elected leaders decided to take school decisions out of the slow to act School Board by deciding the City Manager should decide where the new school or schools should be located. Bennett, Barclay, and Barlow, the three “Bs” thought otherwise and were reminded by Skeeter, in so many words, it was none of the city’s business. Gardy, tired of School Board dithering stuck Council’s neck out but Skeeter countered with quotes from the State Constitution indicating the School board held all the marbles. Skeeter said she could not give away the authority of the School Board. Any teacher might have said, “Now children, let’s get along.”


Anonymous said...

So because of administrative fumbling it will go before the court to decide? Couldn't help but notice the forth "B" Brown was missing. Could it be because his friend is running against Skeeter. This entire chapter smells of municipal ineptitude and backroom deals.

Anonymous said...

Planning Commisioner William Goodman is challenging Lorraine Skeeter for the School Board seat. Was this all a manufactured show in support of Goodman's run? Does council want to drag Skeeter out of the SB Chairmanship kicking and screaming? Both candidates are a sad reflection of their borough's inability to produce capable elected officials. There is a whole lot of nothing to show for the long a period of "service to their community" be either of them.

Anonymous said...

Neither are smarter than a fifth grader. Judging by their word and deed that's about as far as they got in the public school system. Apology to children in grades 1 thru 5.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Skeeter excuse me if you and the incumbents running for the school board had been doing your job the number of accredited schools would have increased. The number of dropouts lowered. The number of graduates going to college increased. The schools would have tested higher and the teacher retention rate improved. You would have controlled costs and better managed programs. However you chose not to. Instead you allowed Dr. Liverman to lead you around by the nose and now look like a fool. A name well earned. If the City Council is chipping away at your authority you have only yourselves to blame. Forrest Gump said it best; "Stupid is, what stupid does."

Anonymous said...

Ms. Skeeter the School Administration has an expensive attorney on salary. For a change its you that needs to sit down keep your mouth shut and let him do the talking.

Anonymous said...

Why talk at all? The City Council and their girl manager to do what they want anyway! Suffolk politics demand that all things be politizied and done in the backroom as usual. Did anyone really believe that it would be done ortherwise? If so you must be from the backwoods and without a Suffolk News Herald subscription! Gardy will get the school for Holland and Miteer will be to stupid to even figure out it happened until the school is already built. Or they will buy him off for a few dollars worth of gravel to give out as politcal patronage in South Suffolk for his next re-election bid.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Johnson may just be guilty of blackmail or extortion by reminding everyone that Council can withhold funding for any school anywhere in Suffolk. A gentle reminder that she holds the power and might just use it. On the other hand she suggests they find a way to get along.

Anonymous said...

7:27 does that mean we'll be hearing songs like "Mayor Linda Johnson, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm", coming from the mouths of grade schoolers? THe public school system can only do so much brain washing and liberal indoctrination with their limited resources. Now if the mayor would like fund a school for the annoited and privlidged in her name then that's another matter.

Anonymous said...

Skeets should understand after so many years on the School Board the purse strings are in the hands of Mayor Johnson. City Council can ask whatever they wish and depending upon the School Board's answer the funds will be released or not. A recent letter from Skeets to council basicaly said it was none of their business concerning the operation of the school district. So it's no surprise to see council's reaction. If she holds on to her seat she will still be held in contempt by them and that's no place for the Chairman to be. Remember it's all about the children not you.

Anonymous said...

From the Virginia Pilot

SUFFOLK The School Board will collaborate with city staff and the City Council to find a location for a new elementary school, but the final decision rests with the board, members decided Thursday. In a resolution that passed unanimously, the board affirmed its responsibility to select a school site but acknowledged a need to work with the council.

Deb's Education Corner