
Our President continues campaigning, golfing, undermining border security, bankrupting the country. I ask what would happen if BP goes into bankruptcy. While the White House assured BP that it wasn’t seeking to drive the company out of business, I seem to recall the same promises made to Chrysler and General Motors, and after a manipulation and perversion of the bankruptcy process, we now own two car companies. Obama is a petulant and immature child who is totally incapable of dealing with others, he's violent, combative, insolent, smug, rude, insensitive, small minded, petty, and extremely delusional. He was never qualified nor fit to serve in the senate nor the white house. His lies are becoming too common, his deceptions are too transparent and those few who still worship him are not enough to keep him in the undeserved place he has dishonored with each statement and act. His phony and weak facade is cracking. Will enough voters realize this in November?
McChrystal should remember an old saying; when you lay down with dogs, don't be surprised if you get up with fleas. A man with his background and field experience dealing with Afghani tribesmen should have known bringing in a reporter from Rolling Stone Magazine was intended to undermine the prosecution of the war. He is not to be respected or defamed, he erred and is paying the price with his career.
Funny thing, isn't it.? Obama dithered for months over whether to send more troops to Afghanistan. And how to respond to the Deepwater Horizon spill. But when McChrystal criticized the president, he was gone in a day. I don't think it was very smart for McCrystal to speak out like that when journalists are present, but the hypocrisy displayed by the left never fails to amaze. If this was Bush in the same situation we'd see McCrystal in heroic poses on the cover of every left wing birdcage liner in the country and he'd probably be named Time's Person of the Year. What's so amazing is BHO trying to make it sound like it wasn't personal. Puhh-lease, this guy has absolutely ZERO tolerance for anything resembling criticism…classic behavior for a narcissistic sociopath like Zero.
Does anyone else find it very ironic that Oblahblah fires HIS choice of "the best man for the job" and replaces him with a general President Booosh relied on to champion the surge in Iraq? Wasn't Obammy one in that peanut gallery of vultures that both slandered "General Betray-Us" and claimed the Surge is a policy of failure?
God I pray that this November, we Americans totally annihilate the Democratic Party. Honestly If America is to survive, every American must wake from their slumber and see what is going on. Please, make it happen, for the safety and sake of the world
Is everyone who comments on this site an angry old white man. I would think so because of your constant bashing of our President. I am sure you believe that your country is being taken from you by THEM you mean(anyone who isn't like you in color, age, or religious beliefs).Where are your solutions? You are part of the problem,too many criticisms and not enough solutions.
I cannot tell what color skin adorns the bodies of people who comment but I can say this...every white man I know, of all ages, agrees with the writer of the Post and none of us believe we are racists, just educated enough to recognize the disaster liberals are creating. Not for old white men but for all those younger of any ethnic or political group. Our old male hearts are very concerned about those who must clean up the Obama mess.
Must it always be if you disagree with President Obama who happens to be Black then you are a Racist. Using that logic why did 98% of the Black Community vote for Obama? Was it his platform? His record, rhetoric or because he is Black? If it is the latter then who really is the Racist. Voting for a person because of their color is a sad commentary of our society. Just so you know my color is tan and there are more of us tan people on this earth than anyone else, and no we don't vote for the tan candidate just because of his or her color. Wise up, learn the issues free yourself from the plantation mentality and perpetual dependency on government.
PRESIDENT BUSH WAS a petulant and immature child who is totally incapable of dealing with others, he's violent, combative, insolent, smug, rude, insensitive, small minded, petty, and extremely delusional. He was never qualified nor fit to serve in the senate nor the white house. His lie's are becoming too common, his deceptions are too transparent and those few who still worship him are not enough to keep him in the undeserved place he has dishonored with each statement and act. His phony and weak facade is cracking... Fixed it for posterity. I am white, disagree with the constant Obama bashing posts, and think this site is inherently racist...
4:42 If you are discussing George W. Bush then I want to clarify one point you seem to not know. He never served in the Senate. Please get your facts correct before enguaging the keyboard.
Funny how a liberal will typically go to the "Well, you don't like me because of my (insert race, sex, sexual orientation, atheist, or other indentifier)." It's never that someone simply doesn't like one's stance or politics. It's sometimes easier to speak from your feelings, forget that thing above your shoulders, and eliminate common sense.
As usual liberals play the race card…white and black. I am a racist because I didn’t vote for this community organizer because he is black? I didn’t vote for McCain either, I voted for a Clinton if you can believe that. But I am racist? Lets try this if I may and when you’re through reading it please rebut it by calling me a racist. Some simple questions to begin with, ok?
Do you ever question affirmative action?
Do you make moral judgments on the gangsta lifestyle?
Do you prefer NASCAR over the NBA?
Do you believe that Republicans have ever won a fair election?
Did you question the motives of the young black men who pulled Reginald Denny from his truck and beat him within inches of his life with pieces of concrete? (They could not help themselves since they are oppressed.)
Do you question why some blacks call themselves "African-Americans" instead of just "Americans?"
Do you categorize any type of black behavior as self-destructive?
I was just thinking:
Liberals support institutional racism with Equal Opportunity programs and quotas.
Liberals love to relive our past shame of slavery. Are you fond of that era?
Liberals support political gerrymandering based on race. This helps keep them folks in their own neighborhoods
Liberals do not believe that the black man can be self-reliant.
Liberals support abortion, which is more common in the black community.
Liberals and blacks should be so proud of what you can expect from the messiah.
1. You have a right to a massive government debt that will saddle your subsequent generations with the obligation to pay it back. Remember, we are all about redistributing wealth. Even from people who haven't been born yet.
2. You have the right to a nanny government that will take care of you from the womb to the tomb (unless you are aborted). This will ensure a dependent class of people who will continue to vote to keep the Democrat Party in power.
3. You have the right to have an emotional response to social issues rather than a pragmatic one. When our programs fail just think about the intent, not the result or the unintended consequences. If you need to numb the practical side of your thinking, just remember Obama's soaring rhetoric, Pelosi's shrillness, and Reid's self-righteousness
4. You have the right to become secular humanists and consider the government as your religion. Remember, God makes you wait for your rewards; the government can serve you now.
5. You have the right to racial disharmony. The government needs to divide you into groups and create suspicion. This will give the government an opportunity to bring forth more solutions that actually make the problems worse. Starting an endless cycle of expansive power.
6. You have a right to economic envy. If someone works too hard and gets ahead, that is unfair. If we unionize everybody, we can level down the top achievers and make everybody mediocre. No more income gaps.
7. You have a right to inferior public education. We shall fill our school with underperforming unionized teachers and administrators who will dumb down our children. Our schools shall become Democrat voter factories.
8. You have a right to have your government tell large corporation how to run their businesses. These businesses, outside of a few lean years, consistently make a great deal of money, drive the economy and provide jobs; the most successful welfare program out there. We really need a bunch of corrupt, incompetent politicians who cannot operate their own budgets telling them how to run our businesses.
10. You have a right to be so overcome with the power of the government and the subsequent impact on your life that you lapse into a mellow apathy and continue to vote in the incumbents, if you vote at all.
Welcome to the real world of liberalism and Barry Sorreto aka Barrack Hussein Obama aka YOUR "president"
Just returned from Honolulu the birthplace of Obama. Judging by the number of unsold Obama memorabilia, critical bumper stickers, public and media commentary they're not too crazy about him either. Honolulu is 19.67% White, 55.85% Asian and 6.85 Hawaiian & Pacific Islander, 4.37% Latino, 1.62% Black, 0.19% Alaskan & American Indian and the rest Other. They elected a Republican to Congress for the first time in decades in a heavy pro union formerly solid Democrat state. Explain why hope and change isn't working even in paradise?
Before "Barry Sorreto aka Barrack Hussein Obama aka YOUR president" was elected, the president who presided over the LARGEST US government in history was? George "I'm the decider" Bush. Before him... Bill "It depends on what the definition of is, is" Clinton... Before him... George "Read my lips" Bush... Before him Ronald "Iran Contra" Bush... Notice a pattern here? Since the Great Society (not just 1990) the government has been selling votes through social programs.
But thing with Obama and Cuffee-Glenn, at least as far as some of the POSTERS on this site seem to rejoice in, is their race and equal opportunity issues. With the mayor, the jabs are aimed at a perception of her getting ahead, same with Parr. Never a mention of their stances on social issues. Obama did NOT create the welfare state in this nation.
George Bush was the president extending unemployment benefits to their current levels. Clinton instituted the Welfare to Work Program. You Republicans MAY be being snookered, huh?!
And, yes, there are a LOT of overtly and covertly racist comments posted here. If you cannot differentiate race from social issues, maybe you ought to have a closer look into your own family tree and/or neighborhood, chances are you won't have to look far to find someone who looks like YOU and behaves in a manner you attribute to THEM.
Real quick, Bob. You OLD men are at least reaping the rewards of a system that is failing. At the same time you're complaining that the system is unfair. What policies have you been voting for for the last 60 years that have brought us to this place?? I was born into the problems your generation created. It's not just Obama's mess.
The US's largest oil spill? Cheney and Haliburton, not Obama. Daddy Bush was president when the Exxon Valdez spoiled her guts into Prince William Sound.
The debacle of a war in the middle east? Bush's unwinnable war. If General Powell had dared to "step off the plantation" and bad mouth George Bush, I can only imagine the responses here.
"Amid anxiety over the nation's course, support for Mr. Obama and other incumbents is eroding. For the first time, more people disapprove of Mr. Obama's job performance than approve. And 57% of voters would prefer to elect a new person to Congress than re-elect their local representatives, the highest share in 18 years.
The results show "a really ugly mood and an unhappy electorate," said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducts the Journal/NBC poll with GOP pollster Bill McInturff. "The voters, I think, are just looking for change, and that means bad news for incumbents and in particular for the Democrats."
Thankfully for the time being we still have the First Amendment. Every American has the freedom to give their opinion and others the opportunity to determine the validity of the individual's argument. However our national media and acedamia concluded long ago they know better than 330 million Americans. With lies, inflammatory statements and half truths they suceeded in electing the Obama-Biden Administration. The average American allowed these underqualified, unethical individuals to advance in government with Chicago style thugs currently occupying 1800 Pennsylvania Avenue and enabled by like minded leaders in the House and Senate. Many Americans are now seeing their children's future shoved aside because of a huge national debt, Affirmative Action and racial quotas. They are now awakening and the tide has turned in favor of fiscal conservatism and racial balance. Suffolkians have also become wary of local government's arrogance of their interest. All city council members white and black deservingly have been criticized on this blog. Perhaps Johnson and Parr the most frequent. I regret if you don't like the tone of the comments because it hurts your feelings, but after all it is a "free" country.
I'm almost an old man, almost white and yes I'm damn angry. After being shot at in the Arabian Gulf and having dutifully paid my taxes, and voted in every election I find my government has gone gangsta. As far as I'm concerned the 1960s civil rights movement died from suicide.
1800 Pennsylvania Ave is the World Bank Headquarters. Funny.
General Petraeus aka McChrystal lite, Funny?
Lets take a look at the history that liberals and blacks deny.
First of all and most important from a political point.
MLK JR was a repug. The great society. LBJ ring a bell? War in Vietman? Can you say Gulf of Tonkin? Can you say lie? Would you like for me to bring up all of the lies told by liberals abt Saddam Hussein. Naw my bet is no.
Halliburton no bid contracts? First Executive order signed by Clinton.Who funded money to LBJ when he was a rep in congress? Brown and Root that later became a part of Halliburton.Who just gave Halliburton another no bid contract worth 270 million.Bush isnt in the WH now and hasnt been in over 20 months. Who talks tuff against America? But not our enemies? Who wants to place his flip flop on the throats of those responsible for the gulf disaster? Halliburton is involved from a technical aspect, but Zero gives them another no bid contract?
Lets see Bush is the fault because Zero wouldnt post the healthcontrol bill on the day let he promised?He broke Obamas promise to post all bills on the net. Bush broke Obamas promise to have the healthcontol hearings on C Span.
Bush broke Obamas promise to keep unemployment under 8%.Bush broke Obamas promise to close Gitmo. Bush broke Obamas promsie to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.Bush broke Obamas promise to find a church to attend.
Yes its all Bushs fault that Obama is nothing more than a puppet of the failed Bush adminastration.If Bush wasnt still in charge then all of Obamas problems would be resolved and we would be celbrating the arrival of hope and change.Will Obama ever accept responsibilty for something or anything? My bet is he wont but will blame others and will say present.
The system of socialism is a successs? First of all what I have I earned. I worked and still work for what I have. There isnt one parasite entitled to my success because he or she thinks they are or a socialist president and a hall full of socialist thinks its their right to take my sucess and share it with society's leeches.
Before the race card is played again, let me make sure that Pelosi,Reid,Durban, Boxer, Dodd, Frank, etc etc havent changed from white to black. Mutants are they?
Racism in the Democrat Party - past and present - is buried by the liberal press since it does not fit the media template in which the Republican Party is painted as a racist party. The charge that the Republican Party lacks diversity prevails in spite of the existence of around two million black Republicans in America. Ignored by the media is the fact that virtually no credit is given to Republican leaders for their inclusiveness, including President George W. Bush who appointed more blacks to high-level positions than any president in our nation's history. Bush's appointees included Gen. Colin Powell as the first black Secretary of State and Dr. Condoleezza Rice as the first black female Secretary of State. Both of these accomplished black Republicans were derided as "House Negroes" by Democrats.
So much for love and tolerance
1. If you blame Bush for all the problems of the nation. 2. If you blame Bush for all the problems of the nation and then excuse Obama by saying Bush did the same thing.
3. If you think it wrong to execute a serial murderer but OK to abort a baby because it is inconvenient. 4. If you think it wrong for an oil company to pocket 50 cents a gallon on gasoline but OK to impose a $2 a gallon tax on the same gasoline. 5. If you think it wrong for Israel to stop rockets from being smuggled into Gaza but it is OK for Hamas to fire those same rockets at Israel. 6. If you think it is wrong for parents to allow their 16-year-old daughter to sail around the world alone but it is OK for that same girl to have an abortion without telling her parents.
YOU MAY BE A LIBERAL: 1. If you think people who voted against Gore and Kerry only voted against Obama because of his race. 2. If what you think and feel is more important than what you actually achieve. 3. If you believe the ability to blame and sue is more important than the ability to solve problems. 4. If you wake up angry, go to bed angry, and spend every minute in between trying to punish the world because you exist.
“A liberal is a person who’s been educated beyond his capacity to learn.”
Should you want to verify this, go to http://www.thomas.gov/, enter “HR 3590″ in the search box and look for “CRS Summaries.” This is what you’ll find.
Title IX Revenue Provisions—Subtitle A: Revenue Offset “(Sec. 9002) Requires employers to include in the W-2 form of each employee the aggregate cost of applicable employer-sponsored group health coverage that is excludable from the employee’s gross income (excluding the value of contributions to flexible spending arrangements).”
Starting in 2011—next year—the W-2 tax form sent by your employer will be increased to show the value of whatever health insurance you are provided. It doesn’t matter if you’re retired. Your gross income WILL go up by the amount of insurance your employer paid for. So you’ll be required to pay taxes on a larger sum of money that you actually received. Take the tax form you just finished for 2009 and see what $15,000.00 or $20,000.00 additional gross income does to your tax debt. That’s what you’ll pay next year. For many it puts you into a much higher bracket. This is how the government is going to buy insurance for fifteen (15) percent that don’t have insurance and it’s only part of the tax increases, but it’s not really a “tax increase” as such, it a redefinition of your taxable income.
Also, go to Kiplinger’s and read about the thirteen (13) tax changes for 2010 that could affect you.
People have the right to know the truth because an election is coming in November. So vote intelligently, based on your values. But also adjust your tax withholding, or increase your savings, so that you aren’t surprised and put in a jam when your federal income taxes are due on April 15, 2012.
And one other thing you still want to buy into the b.s. that people making under 250 k wont be facing additional taxing? Then your in for a surprise, not that breaking promsies are not a trademark from this socialist president who has millions, when the benchamrk for taxing settles at about 42 K Damn that George Bush, its all his fault.
No matter what is passed or how bad things get the black popluation still think Obama's the best thing since peanut butter on a banana. It's remarkable how unresponsive after being brazenly lied to by their ministers, community leaders and elected representatives. What does it take? The freedom their great grandparents received after 1865 no longer mean anything or did 625,000 Americans die for nothing? Nor shall be expect an answer because there isn't anyone who is willing to speak out fearing being belittled and called derogutory names by their own people. Cowards!
I thought he was the best thing since malt liquior 44's and a pack of Kools
Obama's comment on his Grandmother and her prejudice; "The point I was making was not my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know - there's a reaction in her that's been bred into our experiences that don't go away and sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society."
Having lived in Honolulu for many years with a population of over 800,000, I never recall whites or any other race including mixed having the type of reaction Obama stated his grandmother was bred by experience to have, whatever that means. The city is a melting pot of races and religions. The sidewalks are crowded with people from every walk of life. If Granny Dunham had such reactions she would never have her apartment and more likely would have been checked into Queens Medical Center, Kekela Psychiatric Ward. So what can we conclude from his comment? Is Obama an opportunist ready to show the race card he learned to play so well, or is he only prejudice against elderly whites?
The messiah is keeping one promise. He is now starting to gut the military just as the last two liberal pukes who have been in he WH did.Just the gutting of the military.
The Air Force must retire six fighter air wings equivalents, and at the same time build 301 fewer F-35 fighters. The nuclear bomber force will be completely eliminated in the name of unilateral disarmament—the B-1 and B-2 and B-52 and other bombers will still be able to drop bombs, but their nuclear weapon wiring and controls will simply be removed. Procurement of the new refueling tanker and the C-17 cargo aircraft will be canceled. Directed energy beam research and other advanced missile and space warfare defense projects will also be eliminated or curtailed.
Active duty Army personnel will be slashed from 562,400 to 360,000. That includes elimination of about five active-component brigade combat teams (the report is not exactly). The Army will also suffer a myriad of other cuts, including closure of overseas bases.
The Marine Corps would be cut by 30%, from 202,000 to 145,000, and the other funding cuts planned for the Corps mean the United States will not be able to mount a major amphibious landing on any hostile shore. Marine Corps programs to be killed include the V-22 Osprey tilt rotor aircraft and the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle.
The Navy isnt beyond approach either. Defense contractors and suppliers are no different. The north end of Suffolk is or was a hot bed for these good folks. I forsee signs in many yards saying for sale or foreclosed. Hows that for hope and change working for you now? Unicorns and sparkles for everyone and let them all sing Imagine.
9:53 but only Jimmy Carter could give away something of such global importance as the Panama Canal. Barack is looking to give away something to endear himself to the Nobel Peace Prize crowd. Perhaps he needs to relax more and go for a massage with AL.
Congress Shall Make NO Law. The executive branch cannot make law.
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