Sunday, June 6, 2010


Strange how Mark Outlaw, heir to the new Taj Mahal on Kings Fork, suddenly decides the Nansemond Suffolk Volunteer Rescue Squad doesn’t need the $50,000 they asked for during the budget meetings. Does that mean Chief George William talks through his hat or just likes to lie and/or stretch things past the limit. Biased, yes I am, only because my grandson moved to Norfolk after being part of the Suffolk Squad for years still drives out here to do his volunteer duty. These volunteers have been offering free labor and time for 50 years receiving nothing but praise for what they do. All Cuffee Glen could offer was that the city will not be bullied or threatened, a very cavalier attitude toward a group of generous citizens with open hearts. But if Chief Outlaw will pick up the tab for supplies, training, and equipment it boils down to the city wanting control and trusting no one. Well I guess that’s what government does…Obama and Cuffee Glen merely share a prerogative. Perhaps the decision could have been handled differently and a better information exchange.


Roger A. Leonard, Suffolk... said...

Information exchange in Suffolk is always one-way affair. It seems clear, that the fine volunteers that have manned the rescue squad and fire stations for years, are only worthy of recognition when they are needed for political endorsements and purposes. There is little recognition of the millions of tax dollars they have saved the city and citizens of Suffolk over the years. But, who does not understand that when there is a political season, the politicians pose and preen for the support of groups like these? Just look at some of the recent elections for examples… But, when the time comes to recognize these hardworking volunteers by providing some level of minimal support, they are cut adrift by the Mayor, Manager, Council and the professional staff...

After watching many political events in Suffolk over the years, I am always amazed at how easily my fellow citizens will give away their votes; to supposedly hold a “marker” for what and when they need something from the mighty and powerful. How many that comprise the rescue and fire squads now believe that they have true friends on council? Is there anyone left that thinks this is right?

To assume that this “insurance issue” was just an oversight, begs that we believe that our professional administration is stupid and incompetent. Then to assume that it was done on purpose, can only show that they are petty and trite. I have known most of our professional city staff for years and they are not stupid, nor are they totally incompetent. So that leaves only the last option and as such, one must ask why they would be so petty and trite with such an issue? What is their purpose? These questions leave countless opportunities to surmise the what and why for such actions. To a finer point will this be the turning point to insure that even the strongest apologists’ for our council, manager, and leadership in Suffolk will have no answers for their actions or inactions? I doubt it…

There will always be those who will step forward and claim that this was all a mistake, or that it was not done intentionally. I for one will not accept such a lie and must admit that it is time to hold those who choose to contrive such lies be held accountable and recognized for what they are. My only question to ask is: Who on our elected council will step forward and ask what the heck is going on here and demand that heads’ roll??? Want to bet who will beat their path to the next calculated public event?

Then we must ask the simple question, what took you so long to step forward Mr. Coucilman???

Roger A. Leonard

j said...

I would like to thank the volunteers for their dedication and service.
I have a few questions that I have been wondering about:
Why is it that NSVRS is the only group of volunteers that is complaining about the lack of full funding by the city? Are the other groups funded in part by the city or entirely by fundraisers and donations?
What is the problem with the city paying for supplies, training and equipment? If the city is to provide the funds for these items (by way of full funding or paying for supplies, training & equipment) it seems that they should be allowed to spend the funds as they see fit to ensure that the equipment and treatment the public receives is at the same level regardless of which crew responds. Perhaps the city gets bigger discounts on larger purchases of supplies, and the volunteers get training that is equal to the professional squad.
The rescue squad is manned by a paid crew during the day and volunteers at night, would the accounting for who owns/pays for the supplies used be easier if the city paid for them all?
There is a lot of speculation by the public and no information from the city (which gives the appearance that something underhanded is going on). Could it be that Mr. Outlaw and the city are working in the best interest of the public and NSVRS is the entity that is “wanting control and trusting no one”? The Deputy Chief of NSVRS, Robert W. Hundley, offered to answer questions from the public in the SNH on May 28. Questions were posted on May 29; to date (June 7) not a single question has been answered.
The lack of insurance for the volunteers is perplexing (trying to be polite) and the lack of communication from city hall is unforgivable. This shows a complete disregard for the safety of the public.
We need to give our full support to all of the First Responders, professional and volunteer, as they are the ones risking their lives to save ours.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, the volunteers are not saving anyone as they cannot even run a truck down the road without insurance, especially the people insurance like worker's comp. Maybe that was the idea all along! How could a city manager paid almost $150,000 a year in pay and allowances make such a stupendously stupid mistake?

Oh, I know, it was someone else's mistake and she has no responsibility! Sounds like the real story, uha! Want to bet we never really get the full story from the back-hole called CITY HALL? Maybe we can all watch how she makes this one right. What say ye Madame MAYOR? How does your manager look in this mess? Please fillin the next excuse.

rpock said...

The “insurance” problem mentioned in connection with volunteer groups is that no premiums have been paid since November of 2009 leaving the city vulnerable. If a volunteer fireman had been injured fighting a fire the city could be stuck with all costs, potentially millions. Why wasn’t the insurance premium paid? There’s the rub, the City Manager insists it was probably a “Past terminated city employee” that failed his/her responsibility. If that were the case either the insurance agent or the insurance company would have questioned the loss of business and notified City Officials. Apparently that did not happen, or did but was ignored. This was a serious lapse of necessary insurance coverage and a serious mistake in business follow-up. The policy had been in force since 1981. Questions being asked include: was policy dropped intentionally? Which past/terminated employee had responsibility for payment? Whose responsibility did it become? Our City Manager insists the policy cannot be renewed until there has been a complete audit by the Commonwealth even though one volunteer group obtained coverage within the hour. Without compensation insurance no volunteer can render services for the city. Many believe that is the way the city wants it.

Toasted Cracker said...

Can we ask for a special prosecutor to investigate this sorry example of government mis-management. Our investigative super sleuth reporters at the SNH could lead the way or at least contact city council for their views and the insurance broker. Don't bother to seek answers from the city manager she'll be hiding behind her desk.

Anonymous said...

Can someone FOIA the insurance records?

Anonymous said...

I assure you that City Council nor the City Manager will never give you a accurate amount that is being spent in overtime to fill these gaps, due to this MISTAKE in the insurance. Somebody, needs to be held accountable wether the person has left the city or not everybody has a boss and everybody works for somebody: Manager works for Council, Council works for us the TAXPAYER's, so we need to be at City Hall on June 16th at the next Council meeting demanding answer's on both subject's at hand. Yes, the volunteer's are saving us million's of dollars every year. If we don't support the volunteer's, then we are going to be paying taxes that are absurd.

Anonymous said...

Cuffee-Glenn's monthly automobile allowance should be withdrawn and the money given to the NSVRS. Selena should admit that she made a mistake or was following orders. Perhaps she never has been in a position like this because of her background. Like the gulf oil spill, the longer she withholds the facts and doesn't act the worse it will get.

Anonymous said...

Light bulb goes!!!! Why not turn to C.Phillips Ferguson to invesigate? Between his office and our cracker jack sheriff Issasc's I am sure that they will do the job and gather up nothing but the truth(?) and facts. Then meet in a "private" setting and once again find no wrong doing by anyone.

Anonymous said...

From the playbooks of Johnson and Cuffee Glenn: Accuse the innocent; twist the facts; obstruct investigations; make misleading cstatements; feign emotion; and reap retribution when no one is watching.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone learned how the lapse in Worker's Comprehensive coverage was discovered? Was a claim filed or a city employee happened to be going over last November's files? What are the legal ramifications for allowing the coverage to lapse?

Anonymous said...

Where is the Suffolk News Herald's Opinion? Do they know something or have been told to be quiet. Something as obvious as renewing a insurance policy that has been overdue since November, and the Opinion Pages remain silent? Hmmmm, when it comes to lost dogs, cats in trees or some stupid event they blather endlessly with staff reports and their opinions, but when we need them to take a stance they're without comment. I try to remember they are; The Newspaper that cares about Suffolk.

Anonymous said...

There is no news that is fit to print! The SNH is afraid to print anything that the Queen Bee does not approve! Have you seen how mad she gets if it is bad news, for her?

I have given up the SNH for Lent, and have never missed it. Since Roger quit writing the place has gone down hill like a fifteen year old skateboarder on a rip!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chief! Can you say extended warranties?

Anonymous said...

Chief Outlaw needs to dry his hose! Volunteers across the country save millions to their community while sacrificing their personal time and sometimes lives. This is the spirit that made America Great. Chief Outlaw and his maneuvering with council is a classic example of what is wrong with government.

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