Saturday, August 13, 2011


My neighbor's driveway is over 1500 feet long, enough to have two steep hills and a surface rough enough to loosen your teeth if you were to push or pull the blue 90 gallon bin to the street even half full of whatever will pass for reuseables. And I must pay over $200 each year for the privilege. I'm only 86 and our driveway only 800 feet and I have not walked that far in ten years. So we have a challenge facing us. But that's not the hard part, remembering what can't go in there. I realize you don't toss half of a  soggy left over cupcake in there but it  will take pernhap  months to avoid mistakes, upsetting the sorters  that make final decisions. I haven't yet heard about punitive damages, or any rules regarding limiting particular materials but I assume there are fixed rules. I just know this will be a grand experience. A few tips, that's no parts of a chicken ever goes in Blue can but the paper wrapping it came in may qualify. Steel cans go Blue but only after wasting water for rinsing sticky juices. Only empty beer bottles are recyclable, alcohol goes with paint cans and used oil.  We still don't know who gets the profit from sales of the recycled or  recycler. Lots of money there that could be used to reduce citizen cost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't like the way you've been treated? Got a bone to pick with your so called representative then go to the polls on August 23rd primary day in Virginia. Vote out the imcumbent and get some fresh blood into our anemic and corrupt government.

Deb's Education Corner