Saturday, August 6, 2011


r - Chosen by Asker
There are more whites on welfare than blacks but percentage-wise there are more blacks on welfare than whites. It's also important to note that 24.7% of the black race lives below poverty line while only 8.6% of the white race does (as is stated here… ).

The countless whites who whimper about blacks on welfare as if it's a black-only program when 1.) there are plenty of whites on welfare and whites have always been welfare recipients in the U.S.; 2.) for the majority of its existence, welfare has been a white-only program. Hate to burst bubbles but welfare was created for solely whites. News flash: blacks were denied all their rights 35 years ago and prior. One of those rights was access to welfare. It was only by the end of a grisly African American Civil Rights Movement did poverty-stricken African Americans finally become eligible for welfare along with whites. Thanks to African Americans fighting for the equal rights of all minorities, all poverty-stricken racial groups became eligible for welfare. [source:… ]; 3.) even if welfare were a black-only program, whites would STILL be unjustified to whimper about it. If that were the case, it ought to be regarded as a small reparation for the 5 century long era of anti-black atrocities that ended 35 years ago. It's as a result of that era that so many African Americans are impoverished. The entire African American community had to start out at the bare bottom and work their way up from scratch. In addition, it ought to be regarded as a small measure taken in respect to white privilege. (What are whites even doing on welfare considering white privilege and the fact that they weren't enslaved from the 1500s to 1865, legally discriminated against from 1865 through the 1970s, then separated from society's wealth in white flight)? News flash: today's elderly blacks were treated like garbage and denied all their rights 35 years ago (that includes most jobs; all decent jobs; all decent salaries); consequently leaving today's middle-aged blacks to start out impoverished, much like most of today's younger black generation. Besides that, blacks have been doing the dirty work of whites for the vast majority of their time spent in the U.S., while receiving nothing but racial abuse from whites in return. 3.) middle-class African Americans like myself pay taxes and aren't entitled to welfare even after wrestling our way out of poverty-stricken lifestyles whites have placed us in and we're not whimpering about paying taxes everywhere you turn around like the white community is 4.) despite the fact that middle-class African Americans pay taxes, they receive no credit for paying taxes as the majority of whites whimper about it as if they're the only people who pay taxes and aiding all blacks and only blacks -- Much like affirmative action, welfare is in no way reparation for the black race like whites treat it as. Hell, it's not even treated as reparation by whites, but worse: preferential treatment that solely blacks get over all races. The white race hasn't done squat to make up for the era of anti-black atrocities. The only thing they've done is whimper AS IF they've done far more than enough. In addition to working for the white race with repayment of mistreatment, impoverishment, and zero reparations, blacks additionally have to deal with baseless welfare whimpering from whites.
August 6, 2011 11:20 AM


SPTSP said...

"We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added" Ronald Reagan

The longest war we've ever had is the war on poverty. I think everyone knows that welfare creates a dependent state when there are no strings attached. Require work searches, visits to the library, volunteer work-things that not only will result in a job but also expand their thinking beyond themselves.
A hand up, not a hand out was once considered the best help one could provide to the down and out. The employed taxpayer could well heed how a great number of those collecting government subsides perceive them by looking up the word, chump and related words such as mark, fall guy and fool. Only then would the cries of racism be overwhelmingly countered by demands from the taxpayers to revise the requirements. Drug dealing baby daddies stopping in to help produce another increase in benefits child are referred to as entrepreneurs by the grandmothers, who in turn are paid by the state to care for, in too many cases, future recipients of government largess. They are predominantly not held accountable for support. The single mom syndrome has been escalated by those knowledgeable in working the system. Food stamps sold for half value in order to obtain cash to purchase more desirable items is a common abuse of the system as well as HUD guidelines being overlooked by caseworkers regarding those arrested for drug offenses being denied subsidised housing. Police reports published of arrests in HUD housing projects for drug violations by previous offenders fill the pages of newspapers daily. But, point out these facts and all you hear is racissssssssst.
Some say that
there has never been any war on poverty, it is a war for votes.

FACT:The more welfare that families receive from government, the less necessary fathers are for their support. Lacking the role model of a responsible father, children grow up to believe that dependency is a natural condition of life.

FACT: Welfare and crime are directly related.

Why should Obama,and all politicans wish to create more jobs when it is welfare recipients who are their greatest fans? See comment on votes
The impact of food stamps, Section 8 housing subsidies, Medicaid, and other support programs has been to create a permanent welfare class"
Welfare is not compassion it is stealing. It's easy to be nice with someone else's money. An individual, church, or organization that helps another person or family out is compassion. Welfare is one of if not the biggest con game going in America. Learn to play the system and the free food and medical coverage you get is just the beginning.
Before one can try and spin my comments as being racist in nature due to their ignorance, and possible hatered of whites, latino's and asians. My comments are directed to those who live in Section 8 homes or the "projects" and those some consider trailer park trash.From a present day cultural standpoint, you can thank the Al's, Jermiah's Jesse's Shelia's including the Springers and Povich's, liberals and repugs alike.
48.5 million Americans are now on food stamps and the majority of them were at once hard working Americans. When the last adminstration left office I believe the head count on food stamps was over 20 million. Something to think about if you can.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I'm naive, but I do not think that the majority of people who have a problem with welfare have a problem with a particular race. The problem I have with the current welfare state is that it requires practically nothing of the recipient; this leads to generations of families who have never known anything but the dole. What is the benefit to getting a job when the government will pay you not to? What's the benefit of finishing school without reproducing, when the government will pay you for each child? We need to fundamentally change entitlement programs in this country. They were never supposed to be permanent, primary sources of support for families. There should be penalties for the things listed above, not rewards. You get pregnant while on welfare? You'll make do with less. You can't be bothered to look for a job? Benefits cut. It's not about race, its about reality. We cannot afford to support people who have no desire to support themselves.

IMO said...

Unpopular but honest. Hold on.

I understand and agree that blacks have been treated atrociously throughout the history of this country. However, the continued insistance that modern blacks are victims of their circumstance is hurting the black community, not empowering it. The prevailing theory that all blacks are victims only emphasizes the idea that they are neither responsible nor able to change their current situations, which I find to be supremely insulting. The fact is that there are plenty of successful Americans of all races that have utilized the public school system, hard work and personal responsibility to create personal success. The fact is that there are many Americans of all races that have chosen to depend on public assistance as a lifestyle, expanding cycles of violence, teen pregnancy, absent fathers and substance abuse that seem so intrinsically linked to welfare.

Historically, blacks have been mistreated. Unfortunately, rather than use that as a motivator to ensure the success of the younger generations, many seem satisfied to use it as an excuse to exemplify every negative stereotype their detractors can dream up. Others see racism in every situation, regardless of truth, and inflame others because they are so desperate to remain relevant, consequences be damned. Both of these roles are arguably as insidious as any external racism today, because they destroy the community from within.

The solution is not joining a gang, or decriminalizing drug use, or expanding welfare. The solution is expecting much of yourself and much of your fellow man, and being accountable for the outcome of your efforts (or lack thereof). Institutionalized excuses, victimization and a complete lack of personal responsibility are doing more damage to today's youth than the ghosts of yesteryear ever could.

SPTSP said...

If you believe in the Constitution, the Rule of Law, etc. you have to first establish where welfare falls under our system of federalism. It doesnt. Clearly, this is a state issue.Nowhere in the Constitution did the states delegate powers to the federal government for welfare.
The real problem with welfare is the massive rate of Black and Hispanic illegitimacy and lack of seeking and completing an education.
Obama refers to success as the "fortunate ones,"(white men and women)especially to those who prefer victim status. With this nonsense he completely disregards one's intellect, self-discipline, drive, commitment and ambition and the on-going work ethic required for success. Not to mention the many, many sacrifices along the way. Of course he would know nothing of this since he has lived as a spoiled, catered-to, elite….. He is such a huge failure, a constant liar and he is lawless but he could have tried to be a role model for education, family, etc…. rather than continue to promote victimization, which basically telegraphs no confidence in the abilities of others.This type of leadership of Obama's and liberals is exactly why our welfare program is a bust and is a cancer of our society.
American does not not have a race problem, it has a cultural problem. People of color, as they say, that chose to assimilate into the American culture succeed, those that don't fail. Just look at the people of Asian dissent. They have succeeded in America because they have blended their culture with ours and have contributed greatly to our success as a country. When any one of any color obeys or laws, works hard to become educated and is loyal to their citizenship, they succeed to the best of their ability. Anything gained without the aforementioned traits is harmful to America.
I've never understood how someone who was never a slave seeks reparations for that long-gone practice, but there it is in its' various forms.
I was laid off in 2001 right after 9-11 from a job I held for 12 years. I was unemployed for almost two years.To date, I have recovered only 2/3 of my previous income. I made it a full time job to look for a new job.I accepted unemployment during that time period and accepted it as long as it was available to me but felt it was just a form of welfare, which it is. I admit I was glad it was there, and I didn't abuse it. I was determined, and I succeeded. If I can do that at 51 years of age,(now 62) why can't someone half my age do it? The answer is character and integrity. It's always easier to complain than it is to work. It's easier to receive a debit card from the govt than it is to work. The sad part is that the children growing up in these circumstances learn the same thing re work. What a shame that almost all of this is done simply to garner votes and constituencies. I hope we can ultimately fix this because it will eventually kill the Nation if we don't. I dont have white guilt nor do I think I am a privelaged white male. I am an indiviual and not a member of a group who thinks I owe them something. I dont.

Anonymous said...

Where in the wonderful continent of Africa have Blacks done well as a nation? What have they given the world in math or science recently? Bring them across the Atlantic to places like Haiti that has a predominately black population and look at the deplorable mess they create. Haiti also happens to have one of oldest democracies in the western hemisphere.

Years ago people looked down at Asians particularly Chinese and Japanese as coolie labor. Do we look at them the same way today, hardly. They own us. They populate our finest universities, and are a hard working industrious people. They are making and beating the pants off of us, even with our underwear hanging out for all in the Hood to admire. Blacks maintain a mini-society of victimization and confrontation constantly using race as leverage while living in a self-imposed segregated world. No other race tan, red, white or yellow seem to have this chronic entitlement mentality. I write this as an angry deeply frustrated man of color.

Anonymous said...

Please permit me to say this this post and its comments show better than anything I could imagine why IS has become so powerful in our community.

Nether the local newspaper (VaPilot) nor the daily news/advertising handout(the SNH) have ever presented this much depth and provoked local citizens to this kind of in-depth thinking.

I have a strong opinion here but would be able to state it as well as has already been dooe by the post and comments.

I am proud to be in a community where Mr. Pock and associates can encourage and present this kind of fair and balanced ideas on such an indepth issue and hope thst no one with any honest opinions will ever be intimidated into not expressing the and even tolerating them where ther is honest and constructive disagreement.

Sniffy Pop Tuna Scented Popcorn said...

Anon 3:48
IS and Pock are not scared of Political Correctness where the SNH cowers down to that concept. Remember though being offesinve on purpose doesnt sit well here but when one is defending one comments we will find those who fail to debunk those comments are the ones who cant with facts.
I have seen lately one who posts as if he or she is a liberal and is black. Im sorry if this person had ovaries he/she would have Obama's baby.

Anonymous said...

There must be some corrolation between the increase in the distribution of food stamps and the population of Lexus, Infinity and Mercedes on the streets. Maybe it's just me but the people driving these cars were the same that purchased sub-prime homes and walked away from their personal responsibility and are now moving back into them under Section 8 housing benefits. Look around your neighborhood, desperate banks are placing their long vacant foreclosed properties into Section 8 housing to stem their loses. It's good news for the banks, bad news for downtown slumlords and the rest of us that pay our mortages, our fast increasing HRUBS bills, property and storm water taxes. Please explain to me who is the slave and who is the master?

SPTSP said...

These are the same morons, who bust their butts to get anything free. Ie Turkeys, school supplies etc etc..Welfare queens Welfare kings, if its free they will take it from those who really need it.Never mind they have a fine ride, fancy wheels, nails weaves, gold chains and teeth. Smokes, and their 40 ozs malts I pods, cell phones and yes flat screens and x boxes.A perfect example of this is when Thelma whats her face knocked down the 88 year old grandmother who died..Its a culture thing..ME ME ME, ITS ABOUT ME AND ---- YOU

SPTSP said...

How many billions have been spent since the 60′s on the War on Poverty? Reportedly, the poverty rate remains pretty much the same.You think,maybe money isn’t the answer after all these years?

SPTSP said...

I ask this of the blacks on here and in general. Do you think that Martin Luther King (a republican) would be happy with the state of blacks today? Would he approve of the Jermiahs, the Jesses. A, Charlie Rangle,Black Political Caucus and Obama and his Ghetto wife? This question will be called racist, but its about character.

NOBAMA said...

Zero wants the rich to pay more taxes. Charlie Rangle was unavailabe for comment.

SPTSP said...

Pock: “The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.”

“The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”

Anonymous said...

10:26 SPTSP well said. We are awash in a flood of fools. They are a product of the education system, self imposed ethnic victimization, conspiracy theorists, and an overwhelming lack of personal responsibility. We are about to have our second civil war.

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