Friday, February 11, 2011


Our new School Superintendent moved without fear or delay to catch up to the fact dollars are scarce by imposing his no raise rule for all employees including teachers. People on Social Security got the same deal and lived with it. Deran Whitney takes his new job seriously when he closes two schools. The State reduced the usual annual check to the school system, and wisely insisted the school system contribute more to it’s own pension plan. That adds to 5.2 milliom Whitney will not see. But, and here’s the door he left open; even though his budget calls for nearly two million less than last year he knows the taxpayers will come up with the shortage. He said he is committed to continuing to provide the best possible educational experience to all of our children.”  With what we have.


Anonymous said...

These are the times we wish the reknown, learned and eloquent Dr. Milton Liverman was still warming a seat at the SPS. He would be able to pry the tight fisted on council to give to the school system yet another break. He fooled them so many times, he made it look easy. Remember the old saying; "it's all about the children".

Perhaps Whitney should ask for suggestions in the way of public comment outside the usual failed methods of the past, to seek new means to reduce the budget. Try extra-cirricular activities paid by the students. Reduce bus schedules and privatize many non-educational functions currently occupied by expensive city employees. Share services with the city instead of hiring more staff. How about the city creating a private-public partnership to encourage competition focused on test scores, graduation rates and college admissions. Only when Deran and fellow administrators feel the heat will they act.

Anonymous said...

You got "Milton Jr" and how's that working for you? How about cutting the multiple layers of administrative staff at the school board office - especially those who cannot correctly put a simple sentence together or spell words correctly. Holding monthly meetings for all staff to simply justify their jobs.

Anonymous said...

Between Milton Jr.,the mayor, council and those over at the SB, lets not forget all of the talk about open and transparent. Those who speak it, Suffolkians can finally discern that you are a men and women of words, just words.

Anonymous said...

Deran is telling us all that we need more taxes to support a school system who's status is status quo as its goal and the continuance of dumbing down.
So as to help the schools I propose a tax on dogs that are over 20 lbs more and is not neutered to have an insurance policy covering injuries or damage caused by that dog when it is off the leash or out of the dog's yard.
This does not in any way penalize dogs, or prevent people from enjoying the benefits of dog ownership.
Hey if the govt can force us to buy medical insurance why not force us to buy insurance on our pets? Why not livestock? Remember "Its for the children"

Mork from Ork said...

It's obvious Deran is following the ways of his mentor Dr. Milton Liverman. I wouldn't be surprised if Whitney appears at the next city council meeting wearing Vulcan pointed ears and a toy phaser gun demanding more for the children.

In his letter of resignation Captain James Tiberius Kirk-Liverman paraphrased Captain Picard on the final voyage of the Starship Enterprise: You are, without question, the finest team of professionals ever assembled. It has been my honor and my privledge to have served with you. Safe Journeys.

We can ill afford another school chanecelor as disconnected from reality as Liverman. Whitney needs to get serious about cuts in spending or get out.

Anonymous said...

How charitable is the board itself? What will they sacrifice for the children? Cell phones, gas, car mileage, personal expense accounts? Any other perks? You are asking others to make more in the way of sacrifices. How bout bottled water? REMEMBER ITS FOR THE CHILDREN.

Deb's Education Corner