Thursday, February 10, 2011


U.S. Joint Forces Command will be 1,450 employees and one building. Two buildings up for grabs, said General Odierno. Of course Rep. Randy Forbes expressed disappointment in the decision.
“While Virginians will see the economic impact immediately, the strategic harm caused by the abandonment of military "jointness" will be a weakening agent to our military capabilities for decades,” Forbes said in a statement released Wednesday. Eighty percent of  the 2500  contractors employed by JEFCOM  are gone and only 300 of  3900 LEAVING employees will be reassigned. Critical functions will remain with the organization, particularly relating to modeling and simulation, but will be done in a more efficient  way. The General admitted what we said months ago, he had been given the mandate to shut JEFCOM down. A two star  general will take over what’s left of JEFCOM. The Department of  Defense will save 400 hundred million annually and the Office of Economic Adjustment  will provide a Workforce Transition Center in North Suffolk ($470,000) to help workers find jobs. So far the Pentagon has failed to release detailed analysis supporting the closing.


Anonymous said...

Hey look at the bright side. UAW workers will be receiving their bonuses. No more expensive space shuttles to scare wildlife, pollute and promote global warming. We have national socialist healthcare regardless of what the courts rule. States are floundering in debt. School systems across the nation are focused on social engineering, diversity and crap like WTF-BFF. Our borders are so pourous the Mexicans a beginning to feel the pressure of depopulation in their cities. We have a foreign policy that has alienated us from our allies and leaving us exposed to the most radical side of humanity. With a fast approaching 14.3 trillion dollar national debt, what's a few measily jobs here in Suffolk worth? Ms. Budget can hardly wait to propose new taxes and fees.

Anonymous said...

There goes the New City Hall. Oh well I guess they will spend the money now we dont have.

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