Yesterday President Obama in full damage control mode following his press conference remark calling the Cambridge Mass. Police as acting stupidly offered an olive branch to the Arresting Officer Crowley and Professor Gates to come to the White House and join him for a beer. What if the police officer doesn’t like beer and prefers wine instead. Maybe for personal or religious reasons he doesn’t drink alcohol. The same could be said about the professor. Why didn’t Obama offer a box of donuts to the police officer and a bucket fried chicken to the professor? It was yet another insulting arrogant remark and still there is no apology. If beer with Obama puts this issue to rest he should try it with Iran and North Korea.
Deme Panagopulus
Obama was merely trying to out shine Joe Biden with a stupid remark of his own. Mr. O did pretty well and it won't go away.
Deme: Obama said that this should be a “teachable moment.”
Not for him, of course. For everyone else. Obama will never apologize publicly, ever. It would undercut the infallibility doctrine that he depends on.Deme, what's that you often hear about holes and digging? Someone should remind our President-Messiah. He will apologize ad nauseum for America, but will not apologize for himself.
I think Crowley should go. I would, if I were him. Obama loves photo ops.Howver I would grab a can, shake madly, open, then proceed to spray Gates and Bammy as if it were a Laurel and Hardy or Martin and Lewis movie.
Obama doesn’t do things that don’t ultimately benefit him, this invite to Sgt Crowley to come and have a beer,smells like a setup. Not just a setup against Sgt. Crowley, but a prop up for Professor Gates as to make this whole mess go away. Not go away in the normal sense, but to also provide political cover for our spoiled child president who will never admit he was wrong, as evidenced by his lame “apology” (essentially blaming both Crowley and Gates for the escalation) while stuck on stupidly.
Would a casual beer between the guys be construed as a putting all differences aside, thus putting that recording that could and show the truth in the can for good? Should that happen, race pimp Gates will have been spared the humiliation due, and he really needs have a Tawana Brawley comeuppance moment.
If he is allowed to walk away after defaming an officer of the law and the President of the United States can walk away after defaming the character of an entire police department, then Barack Obama will have succeeded in playing the race card again, winning again, and putting the card back in the deck for future use.
As in the case of“reparations” taking money from those who never owned slaves and giving it to people who never were slaves. Gate's is a very vocal leader of that idea. We havent really seen stupidity yet.This event was just the begining of class warfare.
No wonder gun sales are at an all time high and the sales are not going to decrese. Lock and Load
The Democrats (despite their assurances) surely haven’t read all of what’s in their health care bill. There’s no way they would have let this slip had they really done so…?
The proposed health-insurance bill from the House of Representatives refers to mentally disabled people as “retarded” — a term advocates, relatives and physicians find outdated and offensive.
The bill refers to: “A hospital or a nursing facility or intermediate-care facility for the mentally retarded . . .”
In 1994, then-Vice President Gore referred to Republican Senate candidate Oliver L. North’s supporters as “the extra-chromosome right wing”. As we all know, having that extra chromosome can result in the development of Down syndrome. With that, there is growing consensus that insensitivity is a trait inherent to Democrats.
No big deal. Democrats will abort the unfit (retarded) so why show them any compassion in the first place.
President Obama didn't just off on a tangent regarding this situation. He was asked a question. He gave he's opinion, which he is entitled to do.
People to need to take a deep breath, step back and move on.
There are to many other more important issues facing this country. We are at war PEOPLE!! Let's not lose site of the big picture, while nit-picking this one to death.
" Gates is looking now to take the high road as a educated racist. Still Obama acts like the spoiled brat that he is. "I look forward to studying the history of racial profiling in a new documentary for PBS. I told the President that my principal regret was that all of the attention paid to his deeply supportive remarks during his press conference had distracted attention from his health care initiative. I am pleased that he, too, is eager to use my experience as a teaching moment, and if meeting Sgt. Crowley for a beer with the President will further that end, then I would be happy to oblige.
This is nothing more than a pc way of trying to save face. The man made a donkey's a$$ of himself but is too proud to admit it in a humble manner so he is resorting to this pathetic attempt to “reach across the aisle” while still maintaining his innocence. When you think about it the donkey that represents the liberals applies here bigger than one could have ever thought.
I have a nightmare*.... that my six children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Wonder what Gates would say to this..
Some have said all of this was a conspiracy inclding Gates. I say I think it was to. Three cops were sitting around a donut shop with nothing to do. And the white cop said, "I'm feeling my shortcomings and a need to flex my muscles."
The black cop said, "Why don't we go out and lure a brother out of his house so we can bust him on the porch?"
Then the Hispanic cop said, "Yeah, I bet the president would stumble right into that one!"
Yup, it was a conspiracy from the start.
Once again Democrats have been historically racists and have proved, once again, that they know how to uphold that title.
Robert Healy the City Manager of Cambridge MA, just threw his police department under the bus. The city will embark in conflict resolution programs and countless other touchy feely sessions by so called Washington based experts to help the departent become more sensitive and aware. In other words he is willing to place the officers at grave risk to their lives than support their actions. Rather than address the basis for the arrest and subsequent actions the white city manager and black mayor believe it is to their interest to re-re-re-train their police officers. With that line of thinking why didn't they just take away their handcuffs, gun and body armor. No doubt payment for these programs will be funded by one of Obama's stimulus programs. Today is not a good day to be a cop in America.
Sometimes when you have a confrontation with a police officer and you end up in handcuffs, it's just because you are a pompous butt not because of the color of your skin. Black and white cops will tell you this.
Now the Black Caucas jumps into the fray. Blacks are always the victim, From a political standpoint it is their message, White man keeping the black man down..Well in the mode of our chief victim,and the BPC they acted STUPIDLY.
Oh, my goodness. Yes, it's time to rally around the troops. Let's not even consider for one minute that Gates may have caused the problem by following the officer out of his house and yelling at the officer and at the same time insult the officer's mother.
Let's blind ourselves to the possibility that Gates was wrong in his behavior because he is highly connected and everyone in town was/is sucking up to him.
And while we're at it, thank you president Obama for humiliating the police officer, his department and law enforcement in general with your inane comments. Even Obama admitted he didn't know the full story but nonetheless, felt like he should comment about it.
Henry Gates, PhD, arrest has nothing whatsoever to do with white racism, as it has to do with a Black Man who believes that he is "Above the Law."
The police (plural) in which there was a white blck and hispanic cop not A cop responded to a call that is all. I dont recall seeing a mailbox or a glowing blinking sign overtop of the residence saying HENERY GATES PHD A BLACK MAN (OR WHITE MAN) LIVES HERE. Much of crime in the black ommunity is black on black. So was the black policeman there to serve and protect just the blacks in the neighborhhod? In the words of Jesse Jackson "I am somebody"...In the mode of many blacks right and wrong I am the victim and I dont care what you say so the liberal politicans in D.C.tell me so.
The eminent and tenured Professsor Gates still hasn't apologized. He was outraged he wasn't recognized by the police as a dignitary and consequently lost it. He felt it was his right to slander, rant and fire off inflamatory accusations. I'm sure after a beer or two he'll calm down to just calling Sargent Crowley and the Cambridge Police Department racists.
"Professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates could have avoided being arrested and the ensuing controversy by just talking calmly to Cambridge, Mass., Police Sgt. James Crowley" - Colin Powell
YA THINK!! Ya think so! Ya freakin' think so Colin? I know, try this Skip Gates. Staple a piece of bologna to your forehead and ask the pitbull next door if he'd like to play? Same result dummie.
Just because Gates is a Harvad man doesnt mean he has common sense
Professor Gates was looking for a fight and found it. Now he look the fool and should. This seems to be a gorwing problem where to many look for a fight due to some precieved slight and when they find it they cry foul.
Some people will always have a chip on their shoulder, especially when they can use race as the excuse to act like an idiot and hat includes our fine President!
Audacity of Hops
Biden: "Do you think my Camaro will be safe in this neighborhood?"
I am certain that our President is helping to bring us to a post racial state in this country, by helping Sgt. Crowley realize he was guilty of some sort of heinous racially charged thinking. I feel like those people in the movie, "Scanners."
Did Joe get tipsy? Bet he challenged Crowley to a best of seven thumb wrestling contest.
Only one man at the table who sat at that table who actually have taken the oath to protect and to serve...and has done so.
Beer pong with Obama and Biden anyone? Crowley did have a chance to recover his dignity. He'll be branded a Racist and forced to leave the Cambridge PD. If he has one once of wit he'll go public and write a book.
I will begin this comment by saying I am a Democrat who did NOT vote for Obama/Biden. While I agree this whole situation was handled poorly from start to finish, I take issue with the way the blogger on this site decided to opine about it.
Unless you live under a rock, you surely know that "talking things over with a few beers" is kind of a time honored tradition. I've done it myself a few times. And you know what? If you don't like beer, you could drink whatever you want. It's just a saying. I doubt any of the men involved were forced at gunpoint to drink the beer.
Secondly, comparing a bizarre arrest and racial tension in Massachusetts to the potential of a looming nuclear war is absurd! Can you not see a huge difference? The president (right or wrong) has said all along that this beer meeting was merely to start a dialogue between the two men. Not to solve this problem outright, or any problem for that matter.
To me, it is both hilarious and disheartening that many of the same people who were insulted when folks made fun of Bush/Cheney are now the biggest Obama/Biden bashers out there. Apparently, the "he's our president and we should respect him" idea only works if the president is a Republican.
Again, I am not an Obama supporter. Yet it seems there are many people who would still be pissed at him even if he somehow managed to balance the budget and give every American a million dollars. Anger and bitterness, no matter who it's directed against, will get us nowhere.
And now, I'm sure, here comes the bashing of my post...
It was a good thing that there were no Kennedy's there.No good drinking party ends without a Kennedy running over a parking meter or driving off of a bridge.
Ladies and gentlemen, There has been no apology offered by the president nor the professor in this case and there will be none offered in the future. How many of you have forgotten about ALL of the apologies that were given in the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case. NONE were given by black leaders and none was given by the school. That event was a "teachable moment" to. It taught white folks never to expect an apology from black folks especially when white folks are the victim.
Just because he is President does not mean I have respect for his actions. I do respect the post and have waited to see him deliver on his promises, which have fallen flat. To somehow assume that it is the American Way to just set back and nod, have nto been paying attention. Obama has twisted, mis-used and contrived at every turn. I believe that he has been given enough time to prove that he is not very good at the job, only at readign a tele-prompter. There has been very little on this blog that could even be construed to be harsh. If we can not critisize where due, then this is not America anymore!
So take a hike about your liberal thoughts and claims about others comments. It always seems that the liberal mind views their own views as gospel, but the rest of us a misguided. Go-figure!
Lets review..Obama throw gas on a fire. Obama calls in all concerned he thinks the problem is resloved. A problem that he HELPED create HE THEN SOLVED??..HAIL OBAMA HE IS A gOD He will solve all of our problems even the ones he creates I see the unicorns and rainbows...HAIL OBAMA
To end this and other racially charged events when laws are broken, Ia m sure the familes of the 4 murdered policmen in Oakland wont like this, we heard nothing but praises for the blackman the killer..Lets just stop arresting black americans. How many will travel across the James to attend the celebration of Michael Vick the event that the SCLC is sponsoring this weekend welcoming him home?
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