Obama has tried to play Lincoln, Reagan, JFK and FDR-- but in the end he can only play himself, a shallow, manipulative and egotistical amateur who is in over his head, and trying to drag the country down with him. Obama's White House is falling down and while the flashbulbs are still glittering and the parties are going on in D.C. and around the world, Obama and the Democratic Congress may be headed for a recession of their own.
Daniel Greenfield
Do not blame Obama, Reid or Pelosi, Democrats or Republicans. The real enabler has and is our beloved mass media. They helped elect and kept electing left leaning candidates. The 24-7 news programs giving opinion instead of reporting news, the comedy shows like Letterman, SNL with vile personal statements explained away as jokes, then toss in the lack of basic knowledge/interest of the American People. Voila, there is all the necessary ingredients for a socialist cradle to grave system.
Obama's next move will be to undermine the television networks with advertisements paid for by federal dollars to promote his agendas. Any network that dares to oppose him will have their fed ad funding slashed. It reminds you of City Manager Herbert and the SNH. The SNH quickly caved in, giving a deaf ear and blind eye to city trangressions like the FOIA Office and media press releases.
Thus we must come to the conclusion that media and internet will soon become totally dependent on government and eventually absorbed as a government public relations agency. We will be informed only that which has passed government screeners without dialogue or dissent.
The Bamer is too cool to lose his cache. So what if the economy is faltering and unemployment rises over 10%. All he has to do is go out for lunch with Joe or dinner with Michelle and all is well in the world. He'll find the right words on the teleprompter or look arrogantly down his nose at us. CNN, MSNBC and Network media can't help themselves.
2012 is the year for the next election and it is also the same period, November 2012 that is predicted to be the end of the world. Perhaps the Mayan people knew our world would end under the Big "O" too.
Could it be that we are now in the "End Times" and the 2012 elections everyone has talked of will be our last?
If Obama likes to play roles how about possum? He still gets face time on the camera. His diciples in the media can still worship him, while nothing is done to further damage the economy, military, healthcare system our livelihood and general welfare. A suggested location for such role playing could be in the middle of the road (politicaly speaking).
Food for thought:
Many, many years ago when our grandfathers were asked if we’d ever elect a ‘black’ President, they’d reply: “When pigs fly!”
It is ironic that headlines now read “Swine flu”.
Obama the greatest president elected, likes to use the verbiage " Make no mistake and or Let us make no mistake.Well Comrade Zero WE DID..THE LIBERALS GOT THEIR WISH YOU GOT ELECTED
Well folks, a program to buy back old energy inefficient vehicles has apparently run out of money 4 days into a program that was supposed to last until October. You got to love government efficiency.These folks want to control your healthcare. This administration is posting one failure after another. The stimulus package that didn't stimulate, a cap and trade policy that right now is capped in congress, and an attempt at card check that got checked at the door.How's theis for government
The Mustang Ranch was a highly successful brothel in Nevada, that is until the owner got caught for not paying taxes, and since he wasn't an elected official, got sent to jail. The government took over control of the enterprise and within a year the ranch was out of business. How bad do you have to be to go bankrupt running a whorehouse??
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