Sunday, August 2, 2009


According to Dave Forster in the Suffolk Sun, the City Manager is proving her worth by biting at the heels of waste. She is against more valuable Suffolk land being zoned for warehousing, too
premature and we already have plenty set aside. The idea may be that the land can produce more taxes if high-tech industries occupy the space. She also refinanced some of our debt bonds and secured lower interest resulting in savings of about fifty four thousand each year. Somewhere we read she saved us a ton by the redistribution of city employee cell phones. A simple count of usage over a month would reveal who really needs one. But watch out for Mayor Johnson's consideration of a free round of bulk pickup to assuage those who got stuck by not paying attention. We would suggest that those who have paid for the extra service have their money refunded or they rightfully could march on city hall. Doesn’t this activity prove our officials are doing a splendiferous job, or just doing their job?


Anonymous said...

Once again the city administration are being reactive NOT pro-active to the downturn in the economy. The writer and many other like minded citizens warned several years ago of the coming economic tempest. They were given recommendations where and how to minimize the effects. The words fell on deaf ears with smirks and the occasional run to the WC by our city council. So reading in today's Sun an article based upon a letter from the City Manager's office that Cuffee-Glenn is cutting back spending on rent and celphones is too little, too late for me. Obviously the drop in tax revenue has forced her into a corner for the time being. The lesson was not learned.

Anonymous said...

Doing her job? HA. An occasional puff piece from the VA-Pilot offset all those critiques. I remember the one about ex-city manager Steve Herbert a couple of months before he was tossed out.

Selena darling that was a nice story, now go fix Daddy another martini.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Glenn has yet to get the idea that working for us requires more than just keeping most council members off her back. While the golden eight do decide if she keeps her job, my question is: If she is doing such a bang-up job why did it take her over two years as the lead administrator, to finally decide that we did not need all those cell-phones and leased buildings? Why not reduce or eliminate payments to supposid "economic development pander's" like the Hampton Roads Parnership, the Miltary Alliance, and wastes like the SCCA? These alone could save almost one million dollars a year! In addition, it has been obvious to even the most humble observer that cuts could have saved even more if they were done even sooner and included more questionable uses. Then, when will we have a real and full review of the hiring practices that call into question who gets what job and for what reason? Nepitisum has occured, where jobs have been created or moved and some well connected placed. How and why? Just look at some recent hires to see what and why this comment is relevent. Then there is the question of the future utility rate for water and sewer. The use of fees to increase revenues, like: Garbage-Pickup, Alarm system fees, and the hike in almost everything that they can get past the people and so on.

I do not place these comments only as negative commentary, but has a thought of the fact that more can and should be done, especially if glowing praise is to be tendered. I respect Mrs. Glen for her ability to bring council together, but I am unsure if she might be able to do even more if encouraged with reasoned critique and new ideas. The problem is that there does not seem to be any method for such, without being branded a malcontent... Now is the time to really "Think outside the BOX", including the box called City Hall!

toasted cracker said...

To help this city manager in reducing costs has been a waste of time. She is not concerned about what YOU think. She only is concerned about the sacred eight. I will critique from afar and if I have suggestions how and where to save taxpayer dollars, I will save it for one of the council candidates taking on an incumbent. Selena has been a whole lot of nothing and doing less and less everyday.

Anonymous said...

The SNH opinion applauded city leaders for making cuts to cell-phone and office rental expenditures. Where were they when property assessments and taxes were jumping over 20% year after year and government employent ranks fattened? Their silence was deafening as citizens begged for fiscal restraint.

Strange how the editorial staff didn't challenge the city when assessments failed to drop this year. Hmmm, so when our property taxes jump next year after mil-rate increase they'll say it's another wise decision for Suffolk's Future. In no time the salad days for government return and all is forgotten.

If the SNH staff has an honest opinion they should be pressing for far bigger cuts than they have. They need to look back about five years if they have the earnest intent to understand where we are and how we got here.

Anonymous said...

If Cuffee-Glenn is sincere about reducing costs, she could start by terminating the position of Chief of Staff. It would be a signal to all she is serious and will even let go of one of her friends.

Anonymous said...

More bad news for downtown. At least three businesses on West Washington Street between North Main and Saratoga were damaged by fire water and smoke. Smoke from the conflagration could be seen for miles as addiional alarms were called for additional fire fighting equipment.

Anonymous said...

Businesses destroyed or damaged were Daves's Fitness Center, Red Thread, Cherry gift shop, and water damage to Salvation Army store Corner of Washington and Saratoga.

Just wondering... said...

What exactly is the success of the City Manager measured upon? IS it that taxes have been lowered? IS it that our schools perform better? IS it because the cost of living in Suffolk is better? IS it because there has been a huge growth of jobs for Suffolk residents? IS it that she has a real plan for transportation, schools, utilities, and public safety? IS it because the quality of life in Suffolk is better for most? IS is because government is more open and accessable? IS it because we all agree that our lives under her administration are better and not nit-picked by every concievable fee, tax and increase in utility costs that can be contrived?

No, there is only one assessment of her job skills that counts. That is her unwavering ability to do as she is told by Council and that is that. Where is the BEEF? Where is there some level of critical assemssment that is based on real and quantifiable performance?

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