Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Obviously Obama will again run for the presidency without opposition. What democrat would dare?

What man or woman will top the ticket a year from now for the Conservatives and a short reason why.


Anonymous said...

It boils down to two choises. One is Obama and The Other. Traditionaly voters hove voted with the wallets. So it will be The Other. You fill in the name.

SadLy the Republicans are bashing each other and bleeding precious campaign dollars, while Obama goes to his base Unions, Academia and Media now well heeled thanks to his slush funding efforts and is floating in cash. So it will be a death struggle of the issues on one side and payoffs with the others.

Anonymous said...

Is this a suffolk blog or anti obama blog? Its hard to tell

Carol said...

I agree with anon 6:39 am

Anonymous said...

Who's Obama?

Anonymous said...

The leaders of the GOP have said right out loud that defeating Obama is their highest priority. Clearly they put party above country. Which makes them not patriots but partisans.

If you hate Obama, you ought to be able to articulate just what the issues are that you disagree with. If you just hate him because he's a Democrat, or even just because he's black, then you are not a patriot, you are a partisan. A patriot puts country first, and wants his country to succeed no matter who's president at the time.

Anonymous said...

Bill Malone interviewed former senator Alan Simpson, R-Wyo., for his documentary ‘Patriocracy.’ The veteran politician gave a candid summary of the partisan politics plaguing Washington of late.

“Just holler, ‘Bull sh*t!’ ” said Simpson, craning his head upwards to mimic shouting the expletive to the rooftops. “And let it ring through the land. That may be our credo, we may make it if we can do that, because everybody of any sense or status in life knows what bull sh*t is.”

Partisanship gridlock is the worst it has ever been, according to several characters that appear in Malone’s new film.

“I don’t think we look at government the right way, and a lot of it is the way we look at it,” Malone told ABC’s “Top Line” today. “Instead of looking at the differences we need to look at the similarities.”

“If you look at American history, much of American history, and the reason why American democracy has survived as long as it has is because of a spirit of compromise and collaboration,” he continued.

Yet as evidenced by the Republican presidential race, voters tend to reward extreme, partisan views, fueling politicians with a strong incentive to veer sharply to the left or right. Malone blames, in part, apathetic American voters for the extreme politics.

“There is a problem with getting smart thinking, well-minded people involved in politics,” said Malone. But he argues that “if people really knew what was at stake, and how these decisions in Washington were affecting their everyday lives, they would make the extra effort, and I think the time has come for Americans to really step up.”

Historically, American politics has had its fair share of boiling tempers. This is a country where founding fathers shot at each other in a dual, and people were beaten in the House of Representatives, after all. But Malone says that is an unfair comparison.

“Back in the early days of Congress when people were getting hit with canes or people brought — Congressmen, Senators — brought hunting dogs onto the Senate floor, they didn’t have the 24/7 news cycle that constantly fed viewers and voters what they wanted to hear, and reinforced in many cases their stereotypes, their fears and misinformation,” said Malone.

The filmmaker said several members of Congress told him they were frustrated that they can’t even walk from the House or Senate floor to their office buildings without seeing all the networks commenting on a bill they just voted on.

“So it’s hard for them to get perspective and I think that’s what we all need, we all need a little perspective.


ROFLMAO Obama a patriot? In what way? Now tell me you are better off now that you were 3 years ago. But if you are on any kind of gov't assistance you need not respond back other than to say thank you.
And drop the racism and playing that card. Cain in 2012

Nurse Miller said...

Okay so we are flat out broke morally, spiritualy and economicaly. We are at war with ourselves and we have an education system that's disfunctional with a media that supports primarily one view. So what has Obama done about those little tidbits? After you answer those we'll go on to review world events. Failure to respond will cost you four more years of hell.

Anonymous said...

One thing is a given when Obama and his freeloading wife are sent packing in 2012. The repug who becomes president wont be hiding his vital past history such as a real BC not a forged one.At the time of the so called birth of Barry Soreto, the language used to describe ones race on a BC was Negroe, not African American or black. If in doubt and if you are in the same age range, I suggest you read your own.

SPTSP said...

One thing is a given. The next repug who goes to the WH wont be denying access to his personal historical record. Tell you what Iam a businees owner and I am seeking to hire on some workers, please show up with out a resume.


This patriot and veteran asks.Will American patriots stand up and be counted? I've seen and listened to many people who, for one reason or another, are reluctant to speak out against this terrible disaster in the White House. Personally, I think he has a very troubled pysche, obsessed by racism and "fairness," a boy tutored by radicals both in his family and his "elite" education. Our only saving grace is he's a clumsy would-be dictator, who has managed to alienate millions, even many of his supporters. It's an appalling disaster as more and more people are reluctantly beginning to realize. Have we learned our lesson that you don't vote for a president just to prove you're not prejudiced? The Peter Principle has been proven by events of the last 2 years!
Zero actually told you he was going to change the country when in his 2001 NPR interview ...where he declared that the Constitution was flawed because it didnt declare what the Federal Govt 'should do' for you.....that reveals who he is and what he is for.
And because I speak out like many million of others I am not a patriot? Rember Hillary's comment duering the Bush years? Whats the difference now? I await your response to that.
Zero and liberal moonbats in congress say you will be on your own....if the Republicans get their way. Well, for one, the Federal Government's objective is to 'promote' the general welfare...not 'guarantee' the general welfare.See above comments on his on the constitution.
I saw a property the other day that is for sale. The sign said "Will Divide." Add the blue logo, and it would make an accurate Obama campaign sign. Also remember that there was one other who had his own symbol and that was a swastika.

Anonymous said...

Well slap me silly and call me Susan, but on this day the Right Wing just thrown it’s feathery limb around President Obama’s job proposals. In a just released Fox News Poll, taken over October 23rd to 25th, a plurality of respondents favor the President’s jobs bill, and a majority believe the President has good ideas for the economy, he just hasn’t been able to implement them.

Not only that, but 53% of those surveyed believe that President Obama understands the economic pain that everyday Americans are going through.

Here is the breakdown:

23. If you were in congress, how would you have voted on President Obama’s recently proposed $450 billion dollar stimulus package aimed at creating jobs?

For it: 48%
Against it: 44%
(Don’t Know): 7%

This despite of the loaded way they answer the question by throwing in the dollar figure and calling it a “stimulus” to freak out the austerity types.

24. Which of the following best describes why the economy is not doing better under Barack Obama’s leadership?

His ideas are good, but he hasn’t been able to get them implemented: 52%
His ideas are bad, and too many of them have been implemented: 37%
(Mixed): 6%
(Don’t Know): 5%

I wish they would have asked “why” they didn’t think they were being implemented–intransigence, anyone?

25. Do you think Barack Obama understands the economic pain many everyday Americans are going through these days?

Yes: 53%
No: 46%
(Don’t Know): 2%

I can just imagine Roger Ailes’ reaching for his nitro pills after analyzing the results of the last three questions. Of course, this being Fox, the headline of the released poll is “Fox News Poll: 76 Percent Dissatisfied With Direction of Country.”

Even so, let’s take this in, Fox News–known for their “right leaning” poll results–has just released a poll that shows that not only do those questioned think the President has good ideas, but also that he is empathetic to the trials and travails of ordinary citizens.

Excuse me, I need to go get something cool for my forehead.

Anonymous said...

Gee Fox News comes out with a favoralbe poll geared towards the president. Hey its the congress that counts not those who dont pass laws. Oh Please sit down and have a fruit cup with the kids.

SPTSP said...

Bubba Clinton and Zero Obama pl;ayed gold a couple of weeks ago. There were no other players. It was a twosome. I wonder how much Bill was promised to buy off Hillary from running?

NO BAMA ABO said...

Rommney & McCain Rino's

Anonymous said...

Herman Cain warns China trying to get nukes they've had since 1960s

These days, Herman Cain is spending most of his waking hours coming up with new explanations about why he's not a sexual harasser. In his spare time, however, he's apparently decided to become an armchair analyst of the nuclear arms race:

JUDY WOODRUFF: Do you view China as a potential military threat to the United States?

HERMAN CAIN: I do view China as a potential military threat to the United States. [...] They've indicated that they're trying to develop nuclear capability and they want to develop more aircraft carriers like we have. So yes, we have to consider them a military threat.

Of course, China has had nuclear weapons since 1964. But as David Waldman points out, maybe Cain's discovered the soft underside of China's nuclear capability:

The problem with Chinese nuclear capability is that half a century later, you have to develop it all over again.

And Herman Cain is just the guy we need to protect us from that terrible threat.


oh thats great blame Cain for Clinton giving the Chinese the key to nuclear technology. Blame Cain for downzizing our military might. Blame Cain for Zero's inability to deal with the NK and the Chinese
You could bet that his Sec of Defense Allan West would know how to deal with national defense issues or even John Bolton. What a weak pathetic arguement you present but you werent concerned when all of the above took place on the liberal front.Typical of lollipop leaders and belivers in Unicorns.

TPR said...

when wrong I admit thast. Clinton gave the NK the key to nuclear technogolgy.

Anonymous said...

Republicans: Just a Bunch of Warm Bodies Taking Up Space

Republicans seem to have forgotten the cardinal rule of President Obama: He’s at his best when he’s on the stump. When he said he was going to bring the jobs bill to the American people and garner support, Republicans should, just maybe, have listened . . . but they didn’t. And they continue to waste time, waste energy, and simply waste space.

Let’s see what Republicans have been up to while President Obama has been selling his jobs package to the public (a jobs package, by the way, that would put about 1.8 million people back to work and that’s supported by72% of Americans).

Hmm, let’s see how Republicans are doing on improving American lives, particularly on the jobs front – oh, I know . . . everyone can breathe easier knowing that Republicans have been batting around the National Baseball Hall of Fame Commemorative Coin Act. And H.Con.Res. 13, the super important bill that ensures that “In God We Trust” is plastered all over public schools and government buildings. According to Republicans, ”some people, including Obama, needed to be reminded of the motto.” Hey, Republicans may not have a single damn jobs bill, but they’re on a mission from God himself. I’m sure the unemployed will be reminded, every time they see the motto, that Republicans traded it for their well-being.

Now, hear me out . . . I’m sure that somewhere in the recent Republican bill, HR 358 (or commonly known as the “Just Let Women Die Act”), there’s a job or two. I mean, come on – somebody’s gotta mop up the blood when women bleed to death on hospital floors when they’re denied abortion-related treatment.

And coffin-builders . . . now there’s an industry that’s sure to boom under recent Republican policies. Take Republican-driven HR 2250, the EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011 – now that bill will give big manufacturers oodles of time to comply with regulations (five years, if I’m reading right, at the end of which they’ll just outsource jobs and move to Vietnam), and apply a “legislative stay” on rules “that govern emissions of mercury and other hazardous air pollutants from approximately 200,000 boilers and incinerators nationwide.” (Of course, in a little footnote to the bill, “pay as you go” features don’t apply here.) All those pesky regulations that preserve health are just “exceedingly complex and unduly onerous,” according to Republicans.

Citizens registered as an Independent, Democra...
Image via Wikipedia

HR 1070 - now, I don’t know exactly what it does, except that it has something to do with the SEC – but when I see the words “exempt” and “$5 million and $50 million” in the same sentence, I know it doesn’t have shit to do with me – or any other average American. HR 1965 - same thing, only this time it’s “holding threshold” and “$10 million” and “bank or holding company.”

Oh, and this is a nice one: HR 1002, the Wireless Tax Fairness Act of 2011. Here, these Republican proponents of “small government” and “states’ rights” want to prohibit state and local governments from “imposing certain ‘new discriminatory taxes’ on providers of wireless communications service (mobile services, mobile service providers, or mobile service property, cell phones) for five years . . . .” Hmm, now that wouldn’t benefit AT&T or Verizon, would it? Surely not . . . and damn, there’s probably a job in there somewhere – wait, if states can’t tax, this no doubt will translate into lost jobs at the state and local levels.

So, the Republicans have been busy little beavers, making sure that logos are intact and coins are pretty and big manufacturers get breaks on emission regulations and wireless companies that generously contribute campaign funds to Republicans get tax breaks.

Republicans waste our President’s time. Republicans waste taxpayer money with their non-job-related puttering. Republicans waste energy trying to make sure President Obama is a one-term President.

All they are is a bunch of warm bodies, wasting air.

ZERO HAS TO GO said...

Barrack and the UN are concerned about China you think?

China is continuing to provide advanced missiles and other conventional arms to Iran and may be doing so in violation of U.N. sanctions against the Tehran regime, according to a draft report by the congressional U.S.-China Commission.”

UN sanctions and $16 will buy you a muffin — if you work for the Department of Justice
Thats how much Bracky and the UN care.moron


Let me ask of all regarding the issue of ones experience. Where was the experience of Barrack Hussein Obama when he began his rise from the unknown? Is he still an unknown? Yes. Let me let you in for a surprise he had none. Now we hear the same being said and asked about Hermain Cain. Many will deny or will agree there is no difference from then and now. If you could consider facts as all should when considering where you vote will be going to. But still many liberals and blacks especially blacks will vote based on one thing. Skin color.

Some will say, when defending a politician they like, that inexperience in an area such as foreign policy doesn't matter because their man will surround himself with the right people. This may be true, but, if so, what is being said about that person? Did Obama do that? Not really. he brought in 'Czars" who are no more that radicals and socialist with an "academic"back ground. Well, when discussing the importance of wisdom in the classic work The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli said that if a leader didn't possess the quality, it didn't matter if he was surrounded by sages because he wouldn't be wise enough to listen to their counsel, anyway. And we can go a step further: the foolish flock to other fools. For instance, Barack Obama can have access to the world's greatest minds, but instead he has given us a "professorocracy," that governance by "the whole faculty of Harvard" types, the same of type that Obama hides of his own past.

There is no comparing the men when it comes to experience. Barrack Obama has never ran any thing in his life all he has done is run from it.Obama has never experienced an American life has he would want many to believe and speak of his past which is WHAT? He has only experienced an American life of fraud and self greed.

So lets not think that Zero has more experience than Cain has at present and even returning to the "birth" of Obama and his "birth" into the political arena.

A good way to tell if someone is experienced in wisdom is to ascertain if that person is also humble. A braggart, a narcissist, someone who always wants all the attention; that may to someone in a leadership position, but that is not a wise person. A humble leader is a wise leader.Barrack Hussein Obama is neither.


here isd another simple question for liberal hacks regarding teh Cain sexual harrassment BS. When Cain was in 4th place where were thre outcries then. Remember whwne he was in scond place? Now tha the is in first place, we now have 5 "women" speaking up and out. They are going to save us from Cain? This Blaike "women" is gidddy to talk about what she claims happened to her.
This woman is just another version of Susan Smith who claimed a black man took her kids.


A simple statement from a simple man.
Barry, it is not the color of your color skin that differs from mine that caused my disdain, it is that your ideologies and abilities differ so much from what I believe America is and should provide for us in a leader that are the basis of what I have found so troubling with you. I worked for everything that I have ever had, while you did not, I watched while everything I have ever worked for evaporated while watching as what you have grew off my hard work…Barry, you cannot go fast enough and may God have mercy on you for what is coming your way for the fraud that you perpetrated on an entire Nation!

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