Sunday, October 2, 2011


He  further added this original wise statement; “Now is the time to act,” Milteer said. “I think that if we want to do something, let’s not wait until the horse leaves the stable before we try to ride it. Let’s catch him in the stable and hook him up.” Wow, that motivating expression is almost as old as Curtiss. But like the answer most people approaching Council get,  Milteer’s suggestion got no further discussion.  Nor will it.
Literally thousands of Suffollk citizens have prepared themselves for the opportunity to stand at the lectern to plead their case. No matter how good or bad their presentation was, the standard reply by the Mayor is, “Thank you, next speaker.  It is as though you were never there.  


Anonymous said...

Curtis besides being an order of french fries short of a happy meal doesn't understand that more whites are moving into Suffolk than blacks. With each new unsubsidized housing sub-division, the demographic profile of that borough changes. Post Curtis Milteer Whaleyville will go for a white councilman. Regardless of their color we could use one that's a fiscal conservative with a backbone and not a doormat. That however is unrealistic. Based upon the last national election 98% of Black voters voted for a candidate just because they are Black. Whites are divided between their liberal slavery/civil rights guilt trip and their fast shrinking savings.

With full Understanding said...

Your comments about the mayor are true and prophetic, in that it will always be that way until we get her, and her terrible city manager out! The mayor has no more regard for the citizens than Curtis has for that poor horse he spoke so stupidly of. Get him, saddle him and ride him for their purposes will always be the way with most of the folks in their tiny little pumkin-seed minds that run this sick city.

Unfortunatly, it will be that way under the guise of leadership from the worst mayor and city manager the city has ever seen. "Take" for their own purposes is always the method toward all and ride us like the old horse they believe us to be for our taxes and fees that they can squeeze out of us, to set their own political agendas. Suffolk has become a sick place to live, but most of us are stuck without a way to sell and move on, given the harsh reality that many of us are upside-down in our home mortages and jobs. We can't sell the house to take a new job out of Suffolk, and can't take the new better job in a better community because we can't sell the house to qualify for another place to live in. Depressing to say the least and they have us in their barn and can ride us all into the ground witht he ever rising spiral of taxes, fees and costs fro water, sewer and on and on. A sick, sick, sick situation they have us all harnessed to and they do put the spurs to us, as we all have seen and suffer under. Don't believe it, just open your new tax bills and see the latest assault on your meger wages to fund ever rising spending for new city halls, do nothing visitor centers and more spending by the mayor for her agenda, not our's. Is the propaganda that Suffolk is so great a place to live true, or is it more like the story where some can take and move on while the rest of us wither and die? As a long-time resident of Riverview and downtown, I am appauled by how our city is run and even after all these years, yes if I could get out I would. I talked with a friend who did get out for a new job, in a nice community and he has never been happier. How many more would like the same opportunity to shuck off the yoke of this sick place to make a real life in a better job and in a much better community? Many I am sure, even if I am to old to go too.

Land Surveyor and historian said...

You gave an inch and now they are wanting a mile.

Anonymous said...

Milteer wants? Milteer wants? I want Milteer to retire and stop sucking his the taxpayers dry so he can survive.

Anonymous said...

Okay, this has been bothering me for a while, and it might not bother you, but I need to get if off my chest. Somewhere during the middle of the Colts and Bucs game on ESPN Monday night, maybe a few minutes after reading Hank Williams Jr. compare Obama to Hitler, it became obvious: Monday Night Football's as washed up and depressing as Hank Williams Jr.

The Monday Night game used to be an Event each week. It felt special. The best teams in football, the biggest games, all on national TV with the whole country watching. From 1970 to 2005, there was something special about being on Monday Night, and it gave football fans something to look forward to every week. Then the game shifted from ABC to ESPN, and it just hasn't been the same.

Anonymous said...

Instead of another borough why not give Curtis and ice cream cone and leave it at that. Give him a couple of minutes to enjoy it and he won't recall what he wanted. The best part is ice cream is soft and melts with no mental effort expended.


Next he will want 40 acres and a Lexus.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:12
It really makes no difference if ESPN or ABC have the rights to the games both are owned by Disney and we know where Disney stands politically.As for Hank, Hank who?

Anonymous said...

Curtis Milteer and a Rubix cube....Priceless.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the media hatchet job to Jimmy the Greek Snyder about his comment of selective breeding during slavery. He wasn't incorrect, it made perfect sense but just didn't fit the likes of PC-CBS executives. These are the same people that allowed Walter Cronkite to declare the Tet Offensive a victory for the Vietcom after our sons and brothers fought and bled them white, and socialists Dan Rather Katie Couric to be the evening news anchors with a left leaning commentary.

Anonymous said...

Jilted Hinton is calling out the DOJ because she is calling the redistricting racially biased. If the shoe was on the other foot she would be calling it justice. Si which is are we a nation of one set of laws or two?

Diane Foster is losing her seat as well but without the rancor of Hinton. Why? Does Hinton have more in store for us as a future counci candidate or are there special considerations. One thing is certain now that she will be living in the Suffolk Borough she will be chopping on Parr's leg for a piece of the action such as a seat on the Planning Commission or EDA. The next time around that borough will go to a black candidate as old time allies turn against each other.

With full Understanding said...

Ms. Hinton is only doing what most would do if they were given the shaft like council has decieded to do to her and the others. Suffolk is under the spell of a despised mayor and her henchmen like PARR, GARDY and most of all our MINNIE MINDED City Manager. Small town politics no doubt that need a swat in the pants and I hope her claim is given some review and maybe even action by the Department of Justice. We need some new people and maybe the only thing to come from the redistricting will be aome new alliances and new faces on the council, finally. Johnson has got to go as step one and then her named henchmen. Sorry to say, but Hinton is right on this one as she and Foster and Bennett are being treated unfairly and we all know that to be fact. When council claims the lines drawn are all their idea, does anyone really believe that a covert call by the mayor was not right on the heels of such? I do not think anyone has any belief held that such could be the case or situation. The mayor Johnson would never miss an opprotunity to shaft her enemies with such underhanded stuff and facts and past practice show us all that such is what most likley happened, no matter what they all say. They are either in on it, or stupid, or both. I've been around this city for decades and I do knwo how it works with the lieks of Johnson and her henchmen and so do all of you, so realize that when three get the shaft, we all do too!

Anonymous said...

Never let a crisis go to waste. Johnson has been out there telling disenfranchised voters that she'll make it right with redistricting after next year's election. Nothing more than a cheap way to buy votes and the dummies take it hook line and sinker.

Anonymous said...

Potential names for the new borough; Sleepy-Nan, Holy-Chuck, Cyfolk, Whalypress, and my favorite for an upper city borough Up-Chuck.

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