Friday, October 7, 2011


Real eye opener,   Always suspected that the Fast & Furious plot was a political scheme hatched to raise the public’s ire against legally held guns in this country.  Just another one of Eric Holder’s botched political gambles I suspect but I hope this one sticks to him and forces him out of office!  But unfortunately, I doubt it.  Too many of the “Republicans” in Congress are no more supportive of conservative values and individual responsibility than are the Democrats.  The Republicans just want to get back in charge so that they can overspend and start diverting our treasury to their political supporters rather than watching the Democrats do the same thing to their own.

It’s amazing that the left gets to frame the debate in terms that invariably denigrate individual responsibility, gun ownership, property ownership, wealth building, the sanctity of innocent life as opposed to crying over the SOBs rightly placed on death row for praying on their own species, and people in “flyover country” who still believe in teaching our children fundamental values and principles that—yes—come from the bible, our Founding documents, and from our Judeo-Christian heritage. 
"is" staff



Bob, Are you now sipping the Kool Aid? What F&F is about is an unfolding act of treason in the public forum. F&F is about wanting to prove that the 2nd amendment was no longer feasible and that the US should now fall in line with the UN weapons ban; a favorite goal of all Marxist ideology.
This operation makes Watergate look like child's play.A special prosecutor would be useless. Remember what the dewits did to Ken Starr?

Bob,There is no way Eric Holder should have been confirmed attorney general, but the Republicans in the Senate were far too afraid of being called racists to raise objections to his confirmation. Remember Mark Reich?And yes, Waco Branch Davidians and Ruby Ridge were both ATF stings gone bad just like this one did and they happened during the Clinton administration. No one involved in those government massacres of US citizens in this country was ever prosecuted.
I also remember Obama back in 2009 that he knew that Ameruca was to blame for the guns coming from America that the drug cartels had.

Its very simple.When Holder is called back to Congress they need to ask simple questions, like: Mr. Holder, who reads incoming memos that are addressed to you? Mr. Holder, is English your primary language? Mr. Holder, do you have trouble comprehending written English in other situations? If so, please describe those challenges. Mr. Holder, are there other programs in operation in which guns are being delivered out of the United States into other drug cartels in other countries, thus creating confusion for you as to WHICH gun running program was being discussed? Mr. Holder, can you fill us in on the details behind the Mark Rich pardon? Exactly how did you provide deniability to William Jefferson Clinton in that situation? And, one last question, Mr. Holder, do you take us for utter fools?

Anonymous said...

Come January 2013 Obama will pull out his pardon pen and release all his friends from prosecution or jail. This is why no formal charges should be filed against members of his admimistration until after Barack has left the White House.


My God, it never ceases to amaze me what Obma and his adminstation will do.
The family of Charlotte N.C.'s of al-Qaida propagandist Samir Khan was called by the State Department to offer the government’s condolences on his death in a U.S. drone attack last week in Yemen, according to a family spokesman.

WTF? Did they call Brian Terry’s family for murdering him, too?For those of you who dont know, he is the border agent that was killed by the guns of Fast and Furious. Obama and Holders brain trust.

Instead of offering condolences I would have sent them a bill for the cost of the missiel that took him out.Since China owns us, In China when they execute by firing squad, the family is charged with paying for the bullets.

How about calling the parents of some of our fallen heroes Zero? Good God we know what side this traitor is on…..

NOBAMA ABO said...

I am so glad that war monger Bush isnt in the WH.

Obama Sends U.S. Combat Troops To Uganda To Help Kill Rebel Leader…
Last time it was Bush Sr sending humantarian aid e to Africa and Clinton turned it to Black Hawk Down.
How does this squabble impact our national security?

I hope these men – the fateful 100 – are being allowed to defend themselves in any way they see fit. They’re being dropped into a blood feud. God Help Them

How’s that Nobel Peace Prize doing, Barry?

Code Pink will respond in


More Obama hits. Most open transparent adminstration Right?

President Barack Obama won’t be sharing his BlackBerry messages with House investigators seeking communications about Solyndra, the White House told Hill Republicans on Friday.The Left practically wet themselves over getting Sarah Palin’s emails.
Now let’s see what obama is hiding.
But.I guess he has nothing to hide right?

Can you imagine what the left would have done if Bush had all his life’s records, no birth certificate and a phony SS# in a vault?

Please dont tell me that Obama is thumbing his nose at the law? Say it ain’t so! What will his constituents think??
Oh that’s right they don’t, that’s how he got elected.

SPTSP said...

Fast and Furious, Obama and Solandya and now troops in Uganda a third war...“If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.” ― Joseph Goebbels


Zero the first president to see that we are involved in 4 wars. Another Obama first.It becomes clearer every day. The man isn’t playing with a full deck of cards.


Black leaders are demanding that black voters show racial loyalty to Obama. And the Tea Pery is racist?
Herman Cain could not have been more right when he said black voters have been “brainwashed” into voting Democrat.

That’s right black folks…don’t think for yourself…you might hurt yourself…let us do the thinking for you…fall in line now.
Only a racist would tell anyone to vote for someone based upon the color of their skin.
Liberal and black commentary in 1.2.3.


Are you not suprised that in Zero's announcing we are leaving Iraq that,was no mention of victory,or ou troops.By the way….was it an oversight that Obama did not mention President Bush.?
As I recall candidate Obama wanted to leave Iraq three years ago…and only the success of Petraus turned the tide…which now allow the president to take a victory lap.
Such it is for people whose careers circumvent accomplishments but still present themselves as people of achievement.
His Iraq policy is nothing but epic failure and it displays his sheer ignorance and inepititude as a commander in chief.Rfemember this?
Mr. Obama, just after passing the second anniversary of his entry in the U.S. Senate, said, “I have been a consistent and strong opponent of this war.” He also assessed of the surge that “I cannot in good conscience support this escalation. It is a policy which has already been tried and a policy which has failed.”

Zero's speech formally declaring that the last 43,000 U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year was designed to mask an unpleasant truth: The troops aren’t being withdrawn because the U.S. wants them out. They’re leaving because the Iraqi government refused to let them stay. But this is already being spun as 0bama fulfilling his campaign promises, and most citizens in the U.S. are to stupid to believe anything other than that


Are you not suprised that in Zero's announcing we are leaving Iraq that,was no mention of victory,or ou troops.By the way….was it an oversight that Obama did not mention President Bush.?
As I recall candidate Obama wanted to leave Iraq three years ago…and only the success of Petraus turned the tide…which now allow the president to take a victory lap.
Such it is for people whose careers circumvent accomplishments but still present themselves as people of achievement.
His Iraq policy is nothing but epic failure and it displays his sheer ignorance and inepititude as a commander in chief.Rfemember this?
Mr. Obama, just after passing the second anniversary of his entry in the U.S. Senate, said, “I have been a consistent and strong opponent of this war.” He also assessed of the surge that “I cannot in good conscience support this escalation. It is a policy which has already been tried and a policy which has failed.”

Zero's speech formally declaring that the last 43,000 U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year was designed to mask an unpleasant truth: The troops aren’t being withdrawn because the U.S. wants them out. They’re leaving because the Iraqi government refused to let them stay. But this is already being spun as 0bama fulfilling his campaign promises, and most citizens in the U.S. are to stupid to believe anything other than that



2700 arrests have been made during this OWS liberal hangout. If liberals and hippies are so active in enviromental issues, how come when they gather like they do and have now, the area in which they gather looks like a garbage dump?

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