Sunday, April 3, 2011


There is a letter in the Suffolk News Herald this morning written by “IS” team member Roger Leonard. To read it just skip across this page to where we have listed “Local News  On  Line.” Click on SNH then “Letters The Editor.”  As he always does, Roger nails it. Read the letter and then call your Council member.


Anonymous said...

Where's does the car-man stand on raising taxes and growing government lately? The pundits on IS fell over themselves to support his candidacy without him taking a clear stand on the issues. Many positions Mike wrote about on IS disappeared immdeiately after the election. So let me remind him of one. In an August 31, 2010 IS comment Duman wrote; I will work to maintain a low tax rate by spending most tax dollars on core government services, public services, utilities and education. I insist we consider "needs before wants". I don't know if Mike and Roger ever got together but they should. If Mike goes back on his word will IS hold his feet to the fire?

Anonymous said...

Mike do you remember this one also an IS 8/31 comment; I will encourage and promote business development and assist existing businesses.

While you are only one of eight on the poliburo you need the spine up and tell the others you are against raising taxes, fees and impeding business growth.

Anonymous said...

Judging by how council is acting one one must presume either they cannott read or do not comprehend the deplorable state of the economy. Davenport's Rose will be preparing another letter to give the city administration an excuse why the milrate will MUST go up. Hmmm, lets see if anyone at IS remembers who was the city manager the first time Mr. Rose's letter was used as an excuse.

Anonymous said...

I like to thank Mr. Duman fpor all he's done for us since he got on the Business Economic Development Authority and now on city council. When I go around town in my car I'm so proud to have his name raight there on my back side for all to see.

Deb's Education Corner