Tuesday, November 2, 2010



Anonymous said...

Hey its been a great week at the national level. The liberals are being shown the door, Obama is still not accepting any responsibilty for the butt kicking he and the liberals got. Obama and Meechell have left the country spending our money again. And Keith Obltoon at MSNBC was suspended.When you look at the bigger picture he and Obama are two of a kind. Their ratings are dismal, both have a personality that is irritating, their ethics are more than questionable, and everyone on the planet already knows that they both are insane flaming leftists. Consequently,their audience is limited to a limited portion of Americans that are flaming leftists like they are. Who else could stand to watch them both without projectile type barfing on the remote control?
Yes its been a good week nationally but at the local level the eliets are still the same, except their ranks grew by one and a man with real intergrity, backbone, honor and character was portrayed to be anything but that by a sleaz bag elietist attorney. Also a used car salesman stooped to the same level where in his own defense, he said he wasnt a politician. The only thing missing in this group is a tow truck driver.

Anonymous said...

Is this what any major American city will look like when Obama is finished extending his hand to Iran and the Muslim community of terrorists. Will he still stay he is sorry and apologize for America?

Anonymous said...

President Walk On Water is drowining.

Anonymous said...

"We are a nation without a president. " There I said it said it..
we have no president...but the office itself has been hijacked by someone who hates the country and that for which it stands...and loves our enemies. And this hijacker is hiding behind the skirts of those Americans who suffer from self-induced inferiority complexes (because of their race or impoverishment) so as to avoid exposing himself to those who would remove him. He is a ravenous wolf pretending to be an abandoned neighborhood dog.
I hope that most Americans will now realize how faulty affirmative action really is. Obama does a disservice to the word "worthless". He'd have to improve considerably to rate that, but as it is now, there's no term in the English language that provides a level lower. The first couple see themselves as some sort of royalty, as do the leaders of every socialist country in existence. Peel away the appearances afforded by the codification of goverment from any socialist enterprise and what you get is nothing more than a criminal gang exploiting citizens for their own benefit.It never fails to amaze this poster that people who espouse more or less socialist agendas seem to grab as much as they can for themselves. These two moochers are just living large at our expense. This is the most classless first couple to ever occupy the white house. They have no dignity. The younger Bush does not engage in tit for tat debates because it is undignified for the President to do so. Of all the things a president and first lady should be is dignified, but these two are just kids in a candy store. They are a painful and expensive embarassment. I belive the term grifter applies to them both.These two are just classless, uncouth, undignified con artists and nothing more. I shudder to think of how much more these two thieves will loot from the Nation in the final 2 years of this disgraceful presidency.We saw how Malcom X was managed when he didnt tout the line that extremist wanted. I think that Obama is beholden to powerful, dangerous interests and he has proven himself incompetent. When these puppet masters decide they need a new front man, they won't be waiting for a new election.

Anonymous said...

My god people when will the liberals and their mindset ever learn about personal freedoms? Didnt they learn anything at all from the last election? Just like their leader, the messiah, the "Won" who knows whats best for us all, liberals out in Nancy Pelosi's home district of San Franscio have banned toys in "Happy Meals" but celebrate the homosexual festival known as the Folsom Street Festival, which allows public displays of sexual acts in front of the publlic and police, are now wanting a ban proposing in San Francisco on male circumcision.
The proposed ballot measure for the November 2011 ballot – when voters will be electing the San Francisco’s next mayor – would amend The City’s police code “to make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18.”
Doing so would result in a fine of up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail, according to the proposed measure submitted to the Department of Elections.

Doing so would result in a fine of up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail, according to the proposed measure submitted to the Department of Elections.

Shouldnt they ban Muslim female circumcision, (female gential mutilation) as well? Oh that would be racist if they did right?
Wait a sec…so it’s a bad thing to remove foreskin, but it’s totally fine to just abort the kid.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is wrong with liberals? Why is this a cause that anyone in the government would want to touch? (nothing implied) Circumcision is a religious act to some, and others do it for health reasons. Why is it the government’s concern what anyone does with their penis?
Seriously people, the liberals and the left are "worried" about The Tea Party movement? Liberals have nothing to do but sit around and think of stupid "crap". They are mentally constipated and it comes natural to them.

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