"From IS," congrats on your victories, you earned them by the old method, getting out the vote. The city Council gained but the school system lost opportunity. Now we can set aside the local aspects of government changeover, and there was lilttle of that, to concentrate on what a National sea change means. Pelosi is gone, one of greatest obstacles to recovery, and enough others are relegated to pastures. A combo of Tea Party organizations and what's left of the Republicans welded and pulled off an historic booting of House delegates. Now if we can just find a way to eliminate the Department of Energy, the hapless Department of Education, and the painful IRS we could eliminate the national debt Obama has placed like a yoke on our grandchildren. Two years from now we can get Socialism and worried conversation about it out of our hair. All we need to do to become "Exceptional America" again is to hush up the President and put a stop to the arrogance of government. We can save many millions of tax payer dollars by keeping the first lady from traveling, for god's sake lock the Queen in her room like the old kings did.
I told you Mike would win.
For those of us who believe in American exceptionalism and individual liberty and freedom, the results of the mid-term election have validated our belief in our fellow citizens.
The bottom line is we still have much work to do to convince our fellow citizens that individual liberty and freedom are worth it.
We fell a sleep at the wheel feeling that we were in good hands when actually not. We need to keep our elected officials feet to the fire so that what has happened in the past is not repeated. term limits, balanced budgets, and respect for the voters wishes has to be demanded of our government leaders or with the next election they will be applying for unemployment too.
The progressives/liberals need to realize the American people will never give up their rights to allow socialism/Marxsim to take over in this country.
The country has begun to once again to head in the right direction. Virginians voted to return the state to the path that the nation is now taking while Suffolkians chose the ruling class of status quo. Lets move along, nothing new here to report.
Congratulations, Mike. You outed Martin for what she really is - a go along to get along, spineless politician who will say anything to any group to get their vote.
Martin's support of Democrats on the Peninsula over the years is well known to many of us but you did the right thing by making sure everyone knew it.
Her so called endorsement by the Suffolk GOP is a stab in the back to all of us who are actually Suffolk Republicans. I hear that the endorsement was made by 5 people - certainly not a quorum by the organization's rules. It's outrageous that these so called Republicans allowed themselves to be played by Dana Dickens. They were used and probably don't even know it.
Chris Jones and Fred Quayle have to get engaged in the Suffolk GOP before one of this group's ridiculous decisions impacts their political careers.
Way to go, Mike. We know you will do a great job on Council.
Well done by Mike, even if Martin did not play fair at all. To get the supposid Republican endorsement with only five people voting and purporting to be the committee speaks volumes about how disfunctional that group has become! Martin got what she deserved!
Mike, we are all wishing you good luck and only wish more good candates would run for council too. Now it is time to get some of this mess straight.
Hopefully, we'll receive some sort of explanation from the Suffolk Republican Party for their truly weird conduct here. They apparently told Duman he was "endorsed" and the dropped him for Martin, only to keep that second endorsement a secret until the last minute and even left it out of their Virginian Pilot endorsement ads. Now several prominent Republicans have expressed suspicion as to what happened and keep referring to a mysterious "5" Republicans who probably should now resign from any local party affilation and who may even have precipitated the Martin loss.
It's ironic that the high point for Republicans in this country comes at a time when the local "leadership" is so suspect.
Hopefully some new leadership in the Party locally will restore confidence in the Party, avoid a new World War been the local party and the Martin camp, and restore the local image of the party to its past respect under Bill Davis, Hubert Young, Kit Webb and Mills Godwin.
The local Republican PArty in Suffolk is a sick puppy and need to be put to sleep. The way they conduct themselves is dishonest and dispicable. This gorup is why there are many Republicans that will have nothing to do with them. We need a "New Republican Party" in Suffolk for sure!
Thankfully their deciept was not a factor of any magnitude, like most of what they try to do. Does anyone now have a defense of this dishonest group? Thought not!
Now that the election is over,Va. has told the state and local folks what the gentlemen from R.I. told Obama. "SHOVE IT" Now we know that Fla is a red repug state, I dont think you will see any changes in the fleet status in Norfolk and the transfering of any vessels.
Now lets see Forbes if he can save JFMCO.
When looking at the local election results going back to last year and now this year, there is the question of ethics with Issacs and now Debranski.Debranski won another term by a wide margin Tuesday despite conflicts of interest.With Issacs and now Debranski.Remember that "In a Democracy, "the people get the government they deserve.”
Congrats to Mike Duman for his win Tuesday evening, mostly if not entirely due to his eleventh hour, unsavory and baseless letter he decided to send prior to the election. A real stand-up guy. Even the Suffering News Harald agreed that his unprofessional tactic made the difference.
Mike will now be 'one of the boys' downtown and my guess is that we will see no substantive representation for Chuckatuck. My only hope is that the Carfax checks out and that we don't have a lemon that will be blowing blue smoke at 25 percent APR.
Duman regarding the letter:“I wasn’t crazy about it,” he said. “It’s not what I’d prefer to do, because I’m not a politician.”
Who do you think you are kidding Mike?
I agree with Anon 8:43. Mike's tactics were unfortunate, and given the closeness of the count, his last minute slander seems to have made the difference.
I believe this selection was a mistake and that Caroline was the better candidate. Sorry, Pock.
Until I see evidence of business as usual, I will give Mike the benefit of the doubt. At this point, I (we) have no choice.
What did you expect from Landslide Mike the famous used car salesman from Suffolk. The cronies that supported his campaign with the misleading letter they prepared will eat their own one censored word at a time. Things could not be brighter for Mayor Johnson, she has her quorum plus one. Well done to all the deep thinkers at IS!
I look at the picture being used on the thread Wise Decision, hello Jeff Gardy
Where is the call for the review of the actions and slander, if that is what one calls it from the Martin Camp? Where and when do we hear about her claim of an endorsement from the Republican Party that was done in the dark and by a few, not the group? Where will be hear her claims that Mike was a Democrat and Big Spender rather than the Independent Conservative he is? Where was her Saintly claim to being a non-partisan in this undeclared race for local office, only to attempt to paint herself as the "Republican" when convinent and Mike as the "Democract" for her self gain?
Seems like a double standard to me. Now lets hear the rest of the story, as the famous commentator asked...
The person named in the newspaper as the Martin paid political consultant was listed under Google as a registered Virginia "Democrat lobbyist."
Her prior campaign donations to at least one major Democratic candidate can also be found under Google at "Virginia Political contributions."
This lady gives new meaning to the phrase "two faced" and apparently thinks she is Suffolk's only eagle and surrounded by a bunch of easily deceived buzzards. One cannot pity someone who has disdain for the electorate.
The more interesting thing to note is, if she will ever ask us again to "trust her" in a future run for office? If so, maybe it is time to own-up as a politico that lives in a glass house, and to stop throwing stones at others. Being a spoil sport after the election get you no where.
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