Wednesday, September 22, 2010


“Supporters of a plan to build a massive residential and commercial development near downtown say it would create a much-needed economic engine in the southern part of the city. Naysayers against the Four Farms project say it would clog already congested roadways, tax the city's infrastructure and flood the real estate market with surplus housing. After a 90-minute public hearing Tuesday, the city's Planning Commission decided it needs more time to study the project and voted to postpone action on it for 60 days.” So it was reported in the Pilot.

It sounded good, seemed just what South Suffolk needs, and the developer’s offer was fair, way ahead of many offers in the past that PC and Council Okayed. The fact that Whitney Saunders, he's a fine chap, spoke for the deal sealed it for me. But opponents of the Four Farms project erected a Red traffic light saying it would clog already congested roadways, tax the city's infrastructure(sewer and water) and flood the real estate market with surplus housing. Can you imagine little things like that preventing a new city emerging called South Suffolk?
Jeff Sheler (757) 222-5563,


Toasted Cracker said...

Well there goes the racial harmony in the south end of town. Seems the North end is losing jobs and residents, while the South end is growing, Huh?!

Anonymous said...

not sure where the map came from, but that is not the 4 Farms proposed development.

Anonymous said...

Who on council will make the most from this one? I am betting on the Honorable Councilman Brown, with the Honorable Councilman Parr in a dead heat for the cash.

Any other bets?

Anonymous said...

Since the project is shelved and traffic flow seems to be the major problem, remember this excuse when the city finally decides who and what type of development there will be on the old Obici property

Anonymous said...

This from the SNH, "Business owners also were concerned about the local housing market", Saunders explained the market likely would be better by the time development is complete."

So who were the business owners that attended Whitney Saunders latest presentation? From the area near the proposed new South business section or from Downtown Suffolk? Both might think they would lose business rather than gain some. Are they really worried about housing?

Anonymous said...

If you think the traffic is going to be bad, you are right. Just look at how Peanut Fest impacts the roads out here and that is how it will be after this kind of development is done to us. This size of rezoning must not be allowed!

Council, say NO and with some conviction!

Anonymous said...

In the Pilot's article today on this very subject, it seems clear that even the lawyer for the developer has to admit that this is not a good idea. One can only hope the council will not cave-in for the few dollars they are offering to ruin our city!

Anonymous said...

I live in this area and can only hope that we do not get sold out for a few dollars. This will have a really bad effect on the entire area and traffic will be even worse near downtown as they admit. When the past city manager killed the east bypass some years ago for political purposes it sealed the fate of this project.

Council, please do not do to us, what you did to those poor souls off of Route 58. We do not need this big and monied development that will ruin our community.

Deb's Education Corner