Sunday, September 5, 2010


The local  NAACP recognizes that violence is a local problem. But a comment by an anonymous writer to "IS" said this:   I understand that this is a national problem...a cultural problem...a (attach another vague general term) problem. However, on the smaller scale, what is the Suffolk problem? It is a problem of generations of families raised on government assistance. Go visit any SRHA property and see the truth. The standards are lax and not enforced. This results in a generational attitude of entitlement and a complete lack of accountability. What is the motivation to finish high school, go to college, or get married before having children when the government will essentially pay you NOT to? You want to know how to fix the problem in Suffolk? 1. Close the projects. All of them. Take a note from Virginia Beach - tear them down and don't rebuild. (This means ending the Fairgrounds Project - which, if completed, is going to be the death knell for downtown Suffolk.) 2. Enforce code violations across the board - and follow through. This means citations (followed by actual collection – (see Hobson), seizing properties and demolishing unsafe structures. If you can't maintain your property to a degree that it is safe, then you lose it. I think that the above two suggestions would dramatically change the flavor of Suffolk. But just for fun... 3. Attach drug test requirements to all government programs. Attach criminal record requirements to all government programs. (Read: if you're a convicted felon, you don't get a check.) How can anyone reasonably argue against these things?  ANONYMOUS


Anonymous said...

This analysis is right on the money and only failed to mention that the location of Social Services contributes to perpetual status quo of the welfare state as will the Fairgrounds. Another example of poor planning. You could add landlords that rent out delapidated housing.

Anonymous said...

A brilliant and courageous Post by an obviously educated person whose observation is unmatched by our city officials. For sure the problem is continually fueled by local government action.

Anonymous said...

City fathers, and mothers, are smug and relish their do nothing method of cleaning up downtown Suffolk. Suffok actually contains two swamps, one called the Dismal and the other just dismal. There is insufficient courage to deal with concentrated welfare. Three of our Council members are always clamoring for more free help that only feeds the problem, attempting to make the welfare state more comfortable.

Anonymous said...

With the leadership we now have in Suffolk, why expect anything else? The present leaders are more interested in buying votes than leading and doing the right things in the town I grew-up in.

Seems like the best that we can hope for, is that they will have less of our taxes to do "social tinkering".

Another reason that Suffolk is going down in my book is such brazen thinking that government knows all. What are the core services that one could expect from government? It should not be the definition of the "Nanny-State". Government can not solve many of our problems, only we can as citizens in the private manner that serves our needs and wants. To have some that gain power in government to think that they have all answers as we have seen here in Suffolk for years is the problem, not the solution. Government should have the smarts to knwo that they do not have all the answers and get out of the way.

Anonymous said...

Don't you wish Mike Duman had written this Post? The author has a fire in the belly and earnestly means what he/she wrote as do those that commented. Mike Duman said he believes the current city manager and council have done a good job the past four years. What do we make of this statement? What conclusion will voters make of his opinion and power of reasoning?

Martin is no better, just quiet about how she gets her way with closed door meetings exactly the way Mayor Johnson likes it. With Martin sitting on the dias the number of closed session council meetings would skyrocket. Duman hasn't said a word about greater public access which is very disturbing to anyone voting for more open and transparent government.

As long as both candidates hold out from giving their platform and hold off their constituents questions the situation will worsen. This borough election is going to be real stinker!

Anonymous said...

There is no stomach for the politics such demands have for our council. They will crumble when they figure out that there are so many votes to mine for their turning a blind eye to it all. Expect no change, only pretty words of concern.

Anonymous said...

If the Suffolk Chapter of the NAACP doesn't like the "Change" they are seeing in their community then tell them to write a G.D. letter to Obama. Frankly we're tired of their whining and do nothing way of business hoping they can pry MORE money and programs out of our wallets. Sorry but; Dems days folks is over.

Deb's Education Corner