Sunday, August 21, 2011


Why not,  I asked myself, why not  a picture taken way back, a year after the war.  We are now in the  second half of the eighties and have to remind ourselves we were once young. The picture was taken in 1946, we were engaged even though the U.S. government said to forget it. I stayed in Germany a year fighting the naysayers and finally went home to fight from that end. We won, as did hundreds of other American soldiers. Her dress is made from two kerchiefs and a white parachute, the  best we could do under the circumstances. Of course Germany was in terrible condition, her city of Bremen was bombed regularly and her home severely damaged when the British took the city. But that day was party time with both German relatives and my American buddies celebrating our union and end of the war. 


Anonymous said...

You have served your country, your family, and our community well.

All that said, however, looking at you and your sweetheart in the picture shows you are also a very lucky man. Also, you still seem to be surrounded by good looking women. Few have earned the luck and fortune you have.

Harry said...

Pock, do you remember sharing Hershey Bars?

Great picture! Have the two of you ever gone back toghether for a visit?

rpock said...

We have been back to England and Germany several times but it ended when all friends and relatives had passed on and airlines became hapless. Both beautiful countries and small enough to see. Granddaughter just back from France learning to fly. Hershey bars and cigarettes were the coin of the realm.It has been a great life and after spending two months in hospitals I'm about ready to give it another try.

Anonymous said...

Gentlemen you forgot to mention nylons and canned corn beef as an important part in the barter trade. A month after VE Day, my father a Captain in the RN entered a restaurant in London sat down at the table and ordered a hardy breakfast of hard boiled eggs, sausages, grilled tomatoes, and toast with marmalade. The waiter paused momentarily and politely replied that although the war was over the peace has yet to begin. Bully beef on two day old bread sufficed.

SPTSP said...

Bob was the soldier who left the message that read "Kilroy was here". He saw his future bride and shouted "Hubba Bubba Dubba" and the rest is history.To Trudy and Bob,well done.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the other Pock picture?

rpock said...

All my grand and great grand daughters want a picture. Too many of them. I'll switch subjects--my wife and I were kicking the old days in Germany around and I submit a picture of why she was willing to marry me. It a picture of her neighborhod right after a bombing raid on Bremen. Her home, just across the street, only slightly damaged. See Time Speeding Up.

Anonymous said...

After seeing your new pictures of the destruction here, I understand even more why on a recent trip to Russia I witnessed families, women and even children gladly give up their seats at events or busses to veterans.

Anonymous said...

The bottom picture clearly shows what happens when you light a match next to a leaking gas stove.

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