We encourage an open discussion with a wide range of viewpoints, even extreme ones, but we can do without racism, profanity or slanderous comments toward the author(s) or comment participants. Make your case passionately, but civilly. Stop the name-calling. Logical arguments supported by facts are far more effective, shows respect for your fellow readers, and garners positive judgments from even those who disagree with your position. This site was created to encourage positive and interactive debates to lift public knowledge and, hopefully, support positive changes throughout our community while keeping what is working for us. If your comment does not appear, it is likely because it violates the above policy. We reserve the right to remove comments at our discretion. We encourage you to make your comments under your name or a blog name of your choice. This permits our readers to recognize those who enhance public discussions and remain on the lookout for future comments from those whose comments they have enjoyed reading in the past.
We will do our best to enforce these “rules of comportment.”
We encourage an open discussion with a wide range of viewpoints, even extreme ones, but we can do without racism, profanity or slanderous comments toward the author(s) or comment participants. Make your case passionately, but civilly. Stop the name-calling. Logical arguments supported by facts are far more effective, shows respect for your fellow readers, and garners positive judgments from even those who disagree with your position. This site was created to encourage positive and interactive debates to lift public knowledge and, hopefully, support positive changes throughout our community while keeping what is working for us. If your comment does not appear, it is likely because it violates the above policy. We reserve the right to remove comments at our discretion. We encourage you to make your comments under your name or a blog name of your choice. This permits our readers to recognize those who enhance public discussions and remain on the lookout for future comments from those whose comments they have enjoyed reading in the past.
We will do our best to enforce these “rules of comportment.”
I recall during Mike Duman's race there was selective editing of comments at InsideSuffolk. There is much more but the number count of characters at IS doesn't permit. It wasn't because of slander or profanity but neretheless they were edited out or never posted. However on the other (pro-Duman) side in his supporters did a hatchet job on Ms. Martan. Allow me to refresh your memories she was called; elite, a witch, weak minded, tasteless, desperate, cheesy, misleading, a Martian, double standard, shady, rich, a gigantic blister, spiteful, deceptive, manupulative and a wannabe. Now Mr. Pocklington what do you have to say about that? An retraction and an apology would be appropriate however that has never been in the cards. How's landslide Mike doing lately? Taxes up, schools down, new garbage fees, and oh those shiny new blue recycling bins to decorate your front yard.
It is amazing that you actually believe your words describing past performance by "IS" will be accepted as truth. Duman was not treated well by you and several comments did a number on Martin. So it worked out reasonably fair. "IS" had no knowledge of Martin and was guilty only of allowing the opinion of others. We knew Duman and respected him. You didn't and much of your rant would not stand up in court. You might say we protected you. Perhaps if you were to identify yourself it would serve some purpose.
Mr Pock, why do you always take time to cooperate with obvious trouble makers. You always allow anyone to attack IS and its postings.
We don't need this. Just "delete" obvious trouble makers (such as just above you here) and ignore them. You have earned and created the respect of our community without needing to "explain" to everyone who wants to criticize without being constructive or even courteous.
If you've got any free time, tell us more about the 1940's.
The 530pm poster above, speaking in defense of whom he calls "Mrs. Martan," lists 16 alleged negative terms your writers wrote against her months ago.
If everyone who dislikes IS continues to read it and even memorize (or store) its comments, you have become by far more popular than the other sources of comments in our community.
Even your detractors prove how widely you are being received and maybe even quoted.
Conservatives are so easy to anger these days. Even the most insignificant statement can set off their tempers. If you want to enrage a conservative, I suggest saying the following:
1. A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free.
3. Joseph McCarthy was an un-American, witch hunting sissy.
4. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors.
5. The South lost the Civil War, get over it.
6. The Founding Fathers were liberals.
7. Fascism is a right-wing trait.
8. Sarah Palin is an ugly cow (said to conservative males).
9. The Earth is round.
10. Reagan raised taxes eleven times as President.
11. Reagan legalized abortion as Governor of California.
12. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency.
13. Ronald Reagan supported gun control.
14. Global warming is real.
15. Republicans hate illegal immigrants, unless they need their lawns mowed or their houses cleaned.
16. The military is a government-run institution, so why do Republicans approve the defense budget?
17. The Cold War is over and the Soviet Union no longer exists.
18. Paying taxes is patriotic.
19. Republicans: Peddling the same failed economic policies since 1880.
20. The Republican Party began as a liberal party.
21. The Presidents’ full name is Barack Hussein Obama and he was born in the United States of America.
22. George W. Bush held hands with the King of Saudi Arabia.
23. President Obama saved the American auto industry, while Republicans wanted to destroy it.
24. Hate is not a Christian virtue.
25. Jesus was a liberal.
26. Republicans spend MORE money than Democrats.
27. Tea parties are for little girls.
28. Public schools educate all children; private schools are for indoctrinating children.
29. The Constitution is the law, NOT the Bible.
30. Sharia law doesn’t exist in America.
31. The President is NOT a Muslim.
32. Corporations are NOT people. People are people.
33. Fox News isn’t real news, it’s just a racist, sexist, hateful, right-wing propaganda machine.
34. The Federal Reserve was a Republican idea.
35. Women are equal citizens who deserve equal rights.
36. Women control their own bodies.
37. Abortion is a relevant medical procedure, just ask Rick Santorum.
38. Please use spell check.
39. It’s “pundit”, not “pundint”.
40. Social Security is solvent through 2038.
41. Health care is a right, not a product.
42. Roe v. Wade was a bipartisan ruling made by a conservative leaning Supreme Court.
43. G.O.P also stands for Gross Old Perverts.
44. The donkey shouldn’t be the Democratic mascot because Republicans are the real jackasses.
45. Barack Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden. It took him two and half years to do what Bush couldn’t do in eight.
46. Waterboarding IS torture.
47. 9/11 happened on George W. Bush’s watch, therefore he did NOT keep America safe.
48. Republicans invaded Iraq for oil, so Iraq should be allowed to invade Texas to get it back.
49. Separation of church and state is in the Constitution, it’s called the First Amendment.
50. Muslims are protected by the Constitution, just as much as Christians.
they attack.
Bottom line? If you want to anger a conservative, tell them the truth.
This anti-conservative comment certainly reveals the great intellectual depth of its author.
How could anyone not be impressed withe intellect of someone who calls Sarah Palin an "ugly cow."
Jesus was anti-conservative because he helped the poor?
Robert E Lee was a "traitor."
Etc, etc.
This type of bitter garbage serves only to make conservatives and many liberal simply feel sorry for the author (who probably copied this list.)
While the author is trying to be cute, he also degrades himself with his shallow hatred and bigotry in expressing himself so outrageously.
IS certainly is tolerant here in not deleting this post. In fact, if there is any speech impediment working against this post, it probably is merely the author's foot.
Mr. Pock,
Just delete Mr. Martian's comments, since he will always have a grudge against the world because his wife lost the council race. Maybe she can run for Mayor against her friend Linda Johnson. I will vote for her.
Harry you could learn alot from the 40's they are back. You see it that person in the WH. Stalin,Hitler, Muscollini.
More historical lies
Where can we find those comments made about Mrs. Martin on IS? Can they be retrieved from files so that we can settle this issue once and for all? I would like to see Mike Duman's comments as well.
The 1040's I asked Pock to comment on more was his military service. His past comments have been fascinating and earned him the respect of my office and family.
It’s quite a statement about the imminent “idiocracy” in this country that I or anyone would feel compelled to write an article called, ‘Why facts matter’. I mean…duh.
The fact that matters most of all is that the average American voter is lazy. Too lazy to check or process facts. And when you have enormous media concerns with agendas filling our eye and ear holes with whatever they please, it’s no wonder more people are more accurately informed about American Idol than who is running for president.
So accepting the premise that across the board we have a nation of ‘idiocratic’ citizens, let’s break it down by party.
My experience with the uninformed on our side, the leftie nut-jobs, is that they will substitute conspiracy theories for anything they are too lazy to learn and understand. Can’t understand all that science and physics about how buildings fall down? It’s much easier to say Bush had a hand in 9-11. Chemtrails, moon landing…you name it. It’s all black and white explainable science for those who choose to learn.
However annoying, the slightly redeeming thing about the laziness on the left is that there’s this kernel of inquisitiveness, some glimmer of possibility that critical thinking may eventually occur for this person because in their distrust there is a desire to know more. It’s just that they aren’t of an open mind to learn, but can potentially be informed at some point.
On the right however we have an irredeemable paradigm called faith. Based in religious conservatism and ‘family values’, this person has been trained to not question things they don’t understand but simply have ‘faith’ that the Lord meant it to be, or that Father knows best, or that the Fox News commentator is telling the truth…because he threw in some comfy conservative buzz phrase. You can see where I’m going with this.
People who are willing to accept things they don’t understand on ‘faith’ are easily manipulated. In church it provides comfort for some who can’t handle pondering their own mortality, or that of a loved one – it’s important for them to have faith that there’s a better place after this life. I say fine…whatever gets you through the night.
But once you step out of that church and become a regular citizen who can vote. You are affecting me with your vote. At that point it becomes personal to me, so I am making this personal plea to those given to total ‘faith’ on the right:
Please use your brain. Please stop being lazy. Your stupid-ass Tea Party just voted to downgrade my country’s credit rating and made me, and everyone else, lose money. God, whatever your God is, doesn’t want you to substitute faith for facts, you won’t find that in your Bible or any other. God wants you to use facts to make good decisions and establish your faith based on the facts. Stop being blind to people using religious and conservative phrases instead of facts to sway your opinion. Please…think.
As the GOP debates are starting to ramp up now and the candidates become defined, please, just once, visit a site like and look at how bad your representatives and candidates are. And in reality how they lack your moral belief system that you are projecting on to them.
I have faith… that facts matter. :)
Is Rep. Paul Ryan really looking to make a buck off his constituents? In yet another Republican stunt that proves the GOP only cares about people with money, Ryan is charging a fee akin to a “poll tax” for the right to speak with him.
Politico reports:
“It will cost $15 to ask Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) a question in person during the August congressional recess. The House Budget Committee chairman isn’t holding any face-to-face open-to-the-public town hall meetings during the recess, but like several of his colleagues he will speak only for residents willing to open their wallets.”
Every White House is a bit defensive about presidential vacations and President Obama's staff is no exception.
"Whenever you talk about a presidential vacation you ought to put the word "vacation" in quotes because you can bet that there will still be work that he's doing every day," deputy press secretary Bill Burton told reporters yesterday on Air Force One.
Mr. Obama and family are today beginning a 10 day "vacation" on Martha's Vineyard. (Okay, Bill, those quotation marks are for you.")
Burton is right in that a president is never really on vacation. The job follows him wherever he goes as does a sizeable contingent of aides, secret service and communications personnel as well as the military officers who carry the "football," the nickname for the briefcase containing the nuclear launch codes. Some vacation...
Burton made a point of saying that Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan is among those accompanying Mr. Obama to Martha's Vineyard and will give him a national security and intelligence briefing every day.
Like its predecessors, the Obama White House is unapologetic about the president getting away for some rest and recreation. Last summer, Mr. Obama played golf on 4 of his eight days on Martha's Vineyard. It's also billed as time for him to spend with his family before his daughters go back to school in September.
"I don't think there's an American person who doesn't know that the president is working hard to do everything possible to get this economy back on the right track," said Burton to emphasize the point that the president deserves some time away from the White House grind, even if some of the grind goes with him.
This is Mr. Obama's 9th vacation since taking office. As of today, he has spent all or part of 38 days on "vacation" away from the White House. He has also made 14 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 32 days. It brings his total time away to all or part of 70 days.
It's less than the "vacation" time taken during the same period by his immediate predecessor. (Former President George W. Bush gets the quotation marks too.)
As of this point in his 1st term, Mr. Bush had made 14 visits to his Texas ranch spanning all or part of 102 days. He also made 40 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 123 days. His "vacation" total at this point in his presidency was all or part of 225 days away.
To show that even as he heads on vacation he's on the job, the White House announced that Mr. Obama would make a statement on the economy before getting on Marine One to begin his trip to the Vineyard.
Burton also said yesterday that Mr. Obama would be getting "constant updates on what's happening in the economy and other issues" while on Martha's Vineyard, where he has rented a house for his time there.
"Like a lot of American people, the president is taking a little time with his family to recharge his batteries," Burton said. But when asked if Mr. Obama really needed a vacation, Burton stopped short of making that assertion.
Let us take a look at history denied and rejected by the BCP, the race baiters and ignorant so called educated and non educated black and white folks (liberals)
We can commence by going all the way back to the WBTS.
In 2010, Democrats gave their website a facelift and whitewash. Check out the website to see what they used to say about their civil rights history compared to now.
Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws, and every law that protects workers. Most recently, Democrats stood together to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act.
On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight. We support vigorous enforcement of existing laws, and remain committed to protecting fundamental civil rights in America.
This is the kind of BS spewed by Democrats on a daily basis, and unfortunately the media and other so-called watchdogs are so apparently ignorant of American history, Democrats continue to LIE through their teeth to their constituents, and via academia, to our kids. Despite the truth being out there for years, it’s probably not going to explode until some big shot news anchor gives us an “explosive expose” bringing us all those facts first, so he/she can proudly receive a Pulitzer…
While I have only scratched the surface of civil rights history, here’s an except from yet another list of historical bullet points that dispute Democrat claims of civil rights support. As you read through it, remember, Democrats claim they “are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws”…
October 13, 1858
During Lincoln-Douglas debates, U.S. Senator Stephen Douglas (D-IL) states: “I do not regard the Negro as my equal, and positively deny that he is my brother, or any kin to me whatever”; Douglas became Democratic Party’s 1860 presidential nominee
April 16, 1862
President Lincoln signs bill abolishing slavery in District of Columbia; in Congress, 99% of Republicans vote yes, 83% of Democrats vote no
Remember that “Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
July 17, 1862
Over unanimous Democrat opposition, Republican Congress passes Confiscation Act stating that slaves of the Confederacy “shall be forever free”
January 31, 1865
13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition
April 8, 1865
13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate with 100% Republican support, 63% Democrat opposition
November 22, 1865
Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination
February 5, 1866
U.S. Rep. Thaddeus Stevens (R-PA) introduces legislation, successfully opposed by Democrat President Andrew Johnson, to implement “40 acres and a mule” relief by distributing land to former slaves
But remember that “Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
History class 101 for the ignorant un educated black and liberal mind set will continue, and watch those same folks deny and reject history.
Let us continue the education of the dolts who live off of the teat of the real taxpayers and the liberal mind set of the cess pool known as a mental disorder.
But remember that“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
January 8, 1867
Republicans override Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of law granting voting rights to African-Americans in D.C.
July 19, 1867
Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of legislation protecting voting rights of African-Americans
March 30, 1868
Republicans begin impeachment trial of Democrat President Andrew Johnson, who declared: “This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government of white men”
September 12, 1868
Civil rights activist Tunis Campbell and 24 other African-Americans in Georgia Senate, every one a Republican, expelled by Democrat majority; would later be reinstated by Republican Congress
“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
October 7, 1868
Republicans denounce Democratic Party’s national campaign theme: “This is a white man’s country: Let white men rule”
October 22, 1868
While campaigning for re-election, Republican U.S. Rep. James Hinds (R-AR) is assassinated by Democrat terrorists who organized as the Ku Klux Klan
December 10, 1869
Republican Gov. John Campbell of Wyoming Territory signs FIRST-in-nation law granting women right to vote and to hold public office
February 3, 1870
After passing House with 98% Republican support and 97% Democrat opposition, Republicans’ 15th Amendment is ratified, granting vote to all Americans regardless of race
Class to continue for the uneducated and deniers of history.
Class shall not be suspended due to the Messiah going on vacation AGAIN.
Remember class that “Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
Remember class as we continue your education.“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
January 8, 1867
Republicans override Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of law granting voting rights to African-Americans in D.C.
July 19, 1867
Republican Congress overrides Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto of legislation protecting voting rights of African-Americans
March 30, 1868
Republicans begin impeachment trial of Democrat President Andrew Johnson, who declared: “This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government of white men”
September 12, 1868
Civil rights activist Tunis Campbell and 24 other African-Americans in Georgia Senate, every one a Republican, expelled by Democrat majority; would later be reinstated by Republican Congress
Class is dismissed for the day but dont forget that
“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
Glad to see that you had to go back to the 1800s to find anything good about the repugnant party.
ANON just sit down and try and understand history as it is written, but denied by so called eduated and non educated blacks including its ministers and od course its racing baiting so called reverends.What you have read is the "repugants" "The Early Years. The Education and journey ontinues.
“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
May 31, 1870
President U.S. Grant signs Republicans’ Enforcement Act, providing stiff penalties for depriving any American’s civil rights
June 22, 1870
Republican Congress creates U.S. Department of Justice, to safeguard the civil rights of African-Americans against Democrats in the South
September 6, 1870
Women vote in Wyoming, in FIRST election after women’s suffrage signed into law by Republican Gov. John Campbell
February 28, 1871
Republican Congress passes Enforcement Act providing federal protection for African-American voters
April 20, 1871
Republican Congress enacts the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-affiliated terrorist groups which oppressed African-Americans
October 10, 1871
Following warnings by Philadelphia Democrats against black voting, African-American Republican civil rights activist Octavius Catto murdered by Democratic Party operative; his military funeral was attended by thousands
October 18, 1871
After violence against Republicans in South Carolina, President Ulysses Grant deploys U.S. troops to combat Democrat terrorists who formed the Ku Klux Klan
November 18, 1872
Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting, after boasting to Elizabeth Cady Stanton that she voted for “the Republican ticket, straight”
January 17, 1874
Armed Democrats seize Texas state government, ending Republican efforts to racially integrate government
September 14, 1874
Democrat white supremacists seize Louisiana statehouse in attempt to overthrow racially-integrated administration of Republican Governor William Kellogg; 27 killed
October 10, 1871
Following warnings by Philadelphia Democrats against black voting, African-American Republican civil rights activist Octavius Catto murdered by Democratic Party operative; his military funeral was attended by thousands
October 18, 1871
After violence against Republicans in South Carolina, President Ulysses Grant deploys U.S. troops to combat Democrat terrorists who formed the Ku Klux Klan
November 18, 1872
Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting, after boasting to Elizabeth Cady Stanton that she voted for “the Republican ticket, straight”
January 17, 1874
Armed Democrats seize Texas state government, ending Republican efforts to racially integrate government
September 14, 1874
Democrat white supremacists seize Louisiana statehouse in attempt to overthrow racially-integrated administration of Republican Governor William Kellogg; 27 killed
October 10, 1871
Following warnings by Philadelphia Democrats against black voting, African-American Republican civil rights activist Octavius Catto murdered by Democratic Party operative; his military funeral was attended by thousands
October 18, 1871
After violence against Republicans in South Carolina, President Ulysses Grant deploys U.S. troops to combat Democrat terrorists who formed the Ku Klux Klan
November 18, 1872
Susan B. Anthony arrested for voting, after boasting to Elizabeth Cady Stanton that she voted for “the Republican ticket, straight”
January 17, 1874
Armed Democrats seize Texas state government, ending Republican efforts to racially integrate government
September 14, 1874
Democrat white supremacists seize Louisiana statehouse in attempt to overthrow racially-integrated administration of Republican Governor William Kellogg; 27 killed
Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
March 1, 1875
Civil Rights Act of 1875, guaranteeing access to public accommodations without regard to race, signed by Republican President U.S. Grant; passed with 92% Republican support over 100% Democrat opposition
January 10, 1878
U.S. Senator Aaron Sargent (R-CA) introduces Susan B. Anthony amendment for women’s suffrage; Democrat-controlled Senate defeated it 4 times before election of Republican House and Senate guaranteed its approval in 1919. Republicans foil Democratic efforts to keep women in the kitchen, where they belong
February 8, 1894
Democrat Congress and Democrat President Grover Cleveland join to repeal Republicans’ Enforcement Act, which had enabled African-Americans to vote
January 15, 1901
Republican Booker T. Washington protests Alabama Democratic Party’s refusal to permit voting by African-Americans
“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
May 29, 1902
Virginia Democrats implement new state constitution, condemned by Republicans as illegal, reducing African-American voter registration by 86%
February 12, 1909
On 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, African-American Republicans and women’s suffragists Ida Wells and Mary Terrell co-found the NAACP
May 21, 1919
Republican House passes constitutional amendment granting women the vote with 85% of Republicans in favor, but only 54% of Democrats; in Senate, 80% of Republicans would vote yes, but almost half of Democrats no
August 18, 1920
Republican-authored 19th Amendment, giving women the vote, becomes part of Constitution; 26 of the 36 states to ratify had Republican-controlled legislatures
January 26, 1922
House passes bill authored by U.S. Rep. Leonidas Dyer (R-MO) making lynching a federal crime; Senate Democrats block it with filibuster
“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
October 3, 1924
Republicans denounce three-time Democrat presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan for defending the Ku Klux Klan at 1924 Democratic National Convention
June 12, 1929
First Lady Lou Hoover invites wife of U.S. Rep. Oscar De Priest (R-IL), an African-American, to tea at the White House, sparking protests by Democrats across the country
August 17, 1937
Republicans organize opposition to former Ku Klux Klansman and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black, appointed to U.S. Supreme Court by FDR; his Klan background was hidden until after confirmation
June 24, 1940
Republican Party platform calls for integration of the armed forces; for the balance of his terms in office, FDR refuses to order it
“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
August 8, 1945
Republicans condemn Harry Truman’s surprise use of the atomic bomb in Japan. The whining and criticism goes on for years. It begins two days after the Hiroshima bombing, when former Republican President Herbert Hoover writes to a friend that “The use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul.”
September 30, 1953
Earl Warren, California’s three-term Republican Governor and 1948 Republican vice presidential nominee, nominated to be Chief Justice; wrote landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education
November 25, 1955
Eisenhower administration bans racial segregation of interstate bus travel
March 12, 1956
Ninety-seven Democrats in Congress condemn Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, and pledge to continue segregation
June 5, 1956
Republican federal judge Frank Johnson rules in favor of Rosa Parks in decision striking down “blacks in the back of the bus” law
November 6, 1956
African-American civil rights leaders Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy vote for Republican Dwight Eisenhower for President
September 9, 1957
President Dwight Eisenhower signs Republican Party’s 1957 Civil Rights Act
“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
September 24, 1957
Sparking criticism from Democrats such as Senators John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, President Dwight Eisenhower deploys the 82nd Airborne Division to Little Rock, AR to force Democrat Governor Orval Faubus to integrate public schools
May 6, 1960
President Dwight Eisenhower signs Republicans’ Civil Rights Act of 1960, overcoming 125-hour, around-the-clock filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats
May 2, 1963
Republicans condemn Democrat sheriff of Birmingham, AL for arresting over 2,000 African-American schoolchildren marching for their civil rights
September 29, 1963
Gov. George Wallace (D-AL) defies order by U.S. District Judge Frank Johnson, appointed by President Dwight Eisenhower, to integrate Tuskegee High School
June 9, 1964
Republicans condemn 14-hour filibuster against 1964 Civil Rights Act by U.S. Senator and former Ku Klux Klansman Robert Byrd (D-WV), who still serves in the Senate
“Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
June 10, 1964
Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) criticizes Democrat filibuster against 1964 Civil Rights Act, calls on Democrats to stop opposing racial equality. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was introduced and approved by a staggering majority of Republicans in the Senate. The Act was opposed by most southern Democrat senators, several of whom were proud segregationists—one of them being Al Gore Sr. Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson relied on Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, the Republican leader from Illinois, to get the Act passed.
August 4, 1965
Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose. Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor
February 19, 1976
President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII
September 15, 1981
President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs
June 29, 1982
President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act
August 10, 1988
President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR
November 21, 1991
President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation
August 20, 1996
Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law
Democrats are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That’s why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws… On every civil rights issue, Democrats have led the fight.”
And let’s not forget the words of liberal icon Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood…
We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population….
So the next time any Democrat claims they’ve been supportive of civil rights in America (and been so all along), ask them to explain their past. “We’ve grown” is not gonna cut it, considering they continue to lie about their past to this day, and only someone lacking in common sense would believe two distinct political parties could juxtaposition their stances on civil rights seemingly overnight.
And I’m tired of the recitation that Southern Democrats became racist Republicans and took those tendencies with them. Even today, it never takes long for a Democrat to play the race card purely for political advantage.
Truth in education that will still be denied by the real race baiters Liberals, blacks educated and non educated and yes those so called black leaders in th pulpit.
When it was reported that a Canadian company built the shells of the buses commissioned by the Secret Service and inaugurated on President Obama’s bus tour of the Midwest, the right-wing media saw an opening to attack the president.
Fox News and Fox Nation eagerly repeated the story, as did The Blaze. NewsBusters asked if Obama was “saving or creating manufacturing jobs... in Canada.” National Review Online snarked, “Well, maybe Canada is one of his 57 states?” Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey declared that “buying two buses from a Canadian company while promising to create jobs in the US is the worst kind of optics imaginable.” Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump joined in the attack.
Missing from all of this Obama-bashing: any curiosity about why the Secret Service would use Canadian-built bus shells for the two vehicles it purchased, which were bought and outfitted to Secret Service specifications by an American company. (One of the buses will be provided to the Republican presidential nominee for campaigning during the 2012 election.)
The Los Angeles Times reported that the buses have “been in the works for years” and that:
When the Secret Service decided to order custom-made buses, it wanted a particular model only available from Quebec-based manufacturer Prevost, said Ed Donovan, a spokesman for the agency.
"The vehicle had to support the weight of security and communication equipment that we had," Donovan said in an interview. "Our understanding was that that was the only model that could do it."
The Times also noted that President Bush rode on a bus from the same Canadian company for a 2004 campaign tour.
So it appears the Secret Service had a good reason for going with a Canadian-built bus, and that Obama is not the first president to have used buses from the same company. Just don’t expect to hear about that from the right-wing media.
Awarded to Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) for the following:
Coffman announced a bill to that would “repeal a section of the 1973 Voting Rights Act that requires jurisdictions with large populations of nonproficient English speakers to print ballots in more than one language.”
Another day, another Republican attempt to suppress the liberal vote. Because even a Teabagger is smart enough to know that if you constantly bash Hispanics as violent, drug dealing, illegal immigrants that come here and drop anchor babies they are not going to vote for you. They will vote for anybody but you.
Solution? Keep them dirty Mexicans from voting by pretending its about “speaking English” (despite the fact the US intentionally does not have an official language) or the mythical beast of “widespread voter fraud” (which somehow can never EVER be proven, just constantly alluded to by the Right).
Oddly enough, my grandmother has been in this country for over 60 years and her English is TERRIBLE which is apparently a genetic trait passed on to me because I’ve been trying to learn Spanish since 6th grade and I’m still embarrassingly bad at it. So according to the Reich Wing, my grandmother should have her right to vote taken away but making it difficult, if not impossible, to do so.
Because nothing says “democracy and freedom” like restricting both in a bid to illegitimately hold on to power.
Congratulations, Mike Coffman! You’re a scumbag!!
Anon: strong arguement
1. 2004 what was the unemployment rate?
2. Who is this repug that is purchasing the Canandian bus? I will attack her or him for that as well.
3.These are not shells they are custom made, they were not most likely wer not bidd on a competive basis, just like the green evergy jobs that were awarded to GE who's Jeffery Imlet now sit on a panel of advisors there at the beckon call of Obam. no conflict of interest there huh? Now the parentr compnay of MSNBC strikes a deal and sells out to Comcast who in turn ends up with a 20 year contract with the City of Chicago whos mayor was Obama's COS..yes i watch Fox and Msnbc,CNN, ABC, CBS NBC, and the liberal pundits, It amazing out those networks can leave many stories out or can change the facts like the Ed show does. Matthews worked for Jimmah Carter, that is self explantory in its own right. All that being said, please if you can how Fox has the ratings it has. its been fun and I think you can count on Bob is going to censor comments because some on has made a threat, which proves my point. When liberals can bring nothing else to the table, they go silent because they have lost the debate, So they cry out for censorship. Have a nice day.
You often hear Republicans claim that President Obama and/or Democrats and/or Liberals, “Hate America!”
Here is a list of ways that Republicans showed us that while they claim to “Love America,” they seem to really hate Americans.
When Republicans in Congress refused to extend unemployment benefits at a time of very high unemployment unless millionaires and billionaires got to keep their tax cuts, they showed us that they hate unemployed Americans.
When Governor Rick Perry and the Republican controlled Texas Legislature chose to lay off thousands of teachers all across Texas rather than increase taxes or use more of the rainy day fund, they showed us that they hate American teachers and students.
In 2004 when then State Senator Michele Bachmann said, “If you’re involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it’s bondage. It is personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement.” She showed us that she hates gay and lesbian Americans.
When Republicans chose cuts to social programs that help many Americans just trying to get by rather than cuts to tax subsidies for corporate jets and oil companies, they showed us that they hate poor and disabled Americans.
When Republicans such as Presidential Candidates Herman Cain and Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Representatives Allen West and Peter King, and many others sought to deny freedom of religion to Muslim Americans by claiming that they shouldn’t be allowed to build a mosque, they showed us that they hate Muslim Americans.
When Republicans stripped the collective bargaining rights of union workers in Wisconsin and elsewhere, they showed us that they hate American union workers.
When Republicans in Congress sought to turn Social Security to a voucher program and Republicans in the Texas Legislature cut funds to nursing homes to balance a budget deficit, they showed us they hate senior Americans.
When Republicans in Congress and state legislatures across the country sought to remove funding family planning centers and the Women’s Health Initiative, they showed us that they hate American women.
When Republicans in Arizona, Texas, Alabama, and several other states passed laws that discriminate against ethnic Americans in the name of national security, they showed us that they hate Ethnic Americans and especially hate Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and Asian Americans.
When Republicans sought and continue to seek to remove funding from the EPA, they showed us that they hate breathing Americans.
Obama loves America like OJ loved Nichole
Int the famous words of a member of the BOP maxi pad Walters said 'GO TO HELL"
how nice
Int there a hearing goign on about her corruption too. She and Charlie Rangel make American proud.
Please dont forget that Zero wants you to be a part of one big family called government. Does that mean we all will be treated like he has taken care of his aunt? His black half brother in Kenya? His Uncle? What do the uncle and aunt have in common? They ALL have stolen social security numbers,they are all illegal alien muslims in this Country committing fraud. Barry has them all beat on crimes committed so far.
If Obama wants me to be a part of this so called Federal Family I don't consider the government "family",but if they want to compare what a real family comparison is here goes. His family resemble the drug addicted uncle who abuses and steals from the productive members of the family and manipulates the unproductive to get their favor. What he steals from us we need for survival and he just spends it on a fix. If we confront him he tells us how much we mean to him and promises not to do it again. We know he will, but we can't do anything about it. That kind of family is a curse and needs to be put on a cure, but first they need to accept what they are and they need to really want to be clean. I don't see that in Obams vision of family.
Speaking of family. especially the Zero family.It is clear to this taxpayer and millions more we have discovered in less than 4 years there is more than one egoe in the WH.Michelle, whose lavish wasteful use of government resources had escaped MSM attention, is starting to come under scrutiny. Among other things for the $10 million in travel expenses attributable to her last year alone. Her outrageous and unending hypocrisy and semi-literate cajoling of food producers, parents and schools are starting to grate.
The following is a article written for Essence Magazine.
Why You Should Put Yourself First! by Michelle Obama
If there's one thing I've learned as First Lady, it's that ain't nobody putting the ladies first. It's all "put down the bbq sauce before the vegetable garden photo op" and "we have to alter the Vera Wang to show off your hips when they give you some other Woman of the Year award" and "why you gotta take a separate plane back from the Vineyard". In three years, I had but one real vacation, and even then I had all the security hassling me all over Spain. I'm not complaining; I know all the Essence readers face the same kind of challenges.
And it's not like our husbands are any help. I know, you see Barack on the tv and you think he's the bomb. He shows me the press clippings. They make him look alright. But in person? For one thing he never eats, which makes even a fashion icon like me self-conscious (so you can imagine what it does to my youngest, who's going through a "fatty" phase). And his idea of romance is watching basketball on the couch. It can get me going to see some big, powerful, rich black men, but I don't know why he thinks it does his skinny butt any good.
So if nobody else going to look out for you, you have to look out for yourself. Even in the job I have, I find ways to do it. Like when I got here, there was no per diem. They thought I would just eat at the state dinners or whatever. So I'm like, "Hello? Between-meal snacks?" And now I get a couple hundred bucks a day for emergencies. It's not much, but it'll tide me over until we get out.
One thing you don't want to do is be selfish. I see that all the time because we have to meet Republicans so often. Don't think you have to be like them. This job has taught me that you and me are united by the fact that we are all part of the same great thing: the community of African-American women. So stand up for yourself by doing the right thing for our community, and vote for Barack and I, campaign for us, volunteer for us, and keep us where we're at. Because the best way to put yourself first is to put all of us first, and that means putting me first.
Reading HER comments actually proves to me she will milk the system like blacks before her who will never have her status or those who come after her. She realizes that her tenure is almost up in the WH and her title of 1st lady (lady being used lightly) will become a part of her checkered history of legal problems and for once being proud of her country. Her actions remiund me of those who at the first of every month receive their checks that are limited in teh payout but not hers. Its a blank check.
In the meantime, Barack and Michelle are heading off to Bali in November, and then it's time for Christmas vacation.Where and when will millions of blacks and whites under this adminstration of grifters be taking their vacations and returning to their jobs?
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