“We Forget When He Was Alive There Was Nobody More Vilified, More Controversial”. Wasn’t he a republican? Barrack, you are no MLK Jr.
Obama is delusional, but I too have a dream. Obama being impeached
Obama, the narcissist and chief also has likened himself to Lincoln. There could not be a more stark difference between him and Lincoln:
Lincoln said you can’t bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.You can’t strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You can’t help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You can’t further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred.
You can’t help the poor by destroying the rich.
You can’t keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
You can’t build character and courage by taking away man’s initiative.
And you can’t help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. *Obama’s leftist ideology essentially violates everyone of these principles handed down in the writings and speeches of a great president he wants to compare himself with.
Guest author AC
Obama expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates 2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
6. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
8. Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
Guest author AC
Barry'popularity is clearly predicated on opinions of people who are doles of the government.
When I hear the words impeachment and Obama I get a tingle in my leg too.
042-68-4425 Do you know who's SS# that is? There are 15 more just like it. I am starting to have that tingling feeling again.
Summary of the eRumor:
This is a forwarded email that says Barack Obama used a Social Security number that once belonged to Jean Paul Ludwig, who emigrated to the U.S. in 1924 and died in Hawaii. The email alleges that Obama got the number from his grandmother who worked in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse where she would have access to the Social Security Numbers of deceased individuals.ccording to federal records the Social Security number in question does not belong to Jean Paul Ludwig.
The Social Security Death Index Interactive Search for Jean Paul Ludwig shows a different number than what is mentioned in the eRumor and that he died in 1981.
Ludwig's date of death came after the date that Barack Obama registered for the draft so Obama's grandmother could not have gotten his social security number.Just another pile of heaping dog pooh .Just go to http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/ssn.asp
August 13, 2011
Jim Jim Hoft Promotes Bogus Claim That Obama Compared Himself To MLK
Hoft of Gateway Pundit has again promoted a false a story about President Obama. Hoft claims:
Barack Obama played the victim card and compared himself to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at a fundraiser in Manhattan last night.
Hoft was so upset about the false story he was promoting, he re-tweeted a reaction to the story that said, "The rest of us compare [Obama] to Hitler, Stalin, & Lenin."Hoft links to a Politicker NY story that reports:
Before leaving, Obama likened himself to one more figure. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"I think that we forget when he was alive there was nobody who was more vilified, nobody who was more controversial, nobody who was more despairing at times," he said.
Except, that isn't what happened.
The transcript of Obama's remarks show that he wasn't comparing himself to King, but was paying tribute to King's fight for civil rights -- using that as an example to the audience of why all Americans should fight in the face of adversity towards a larger goal:
I'm going, on the 28th, I'm going to be at the dedication of the new King memorial, which I've flown over and it looks spectacular. And now that King has his own memorial on the Mall I think that we forget when he was alive there was nobody who was more vilified, nobody who was more controversial, nobody who was more despairing at times. There was a decade that followed the great successes of Birmingham and Selma in which he was just struggling, fighting the good fight, and scorned, and many folks angry. But what he understood, what kept him going, was that the arc of moral universe is long but it bends towards justice. But it doesn't bend on its own. It bends because all of us are putting our hand on the arc and we are bending it in that direction. And it takes time. And it's hard work. And there are frustrations.
And if everybody here is reminded of that fact, then I'm absolutely confident that America's arc is going to be bending in the direction of justice and prosperity and opportunity.
So I hope you will join me. Thank you.
Hoft continually promotes false stories like this, apparently insistent on defending his title as the dumbest man on the Internet.I think this A C character comes in a close second.
From a full page in Look a fortnight ago, Abraham Lincoln's rugged face looked out, seeming to endorse the ten aphorisms printed alongside his picture. Look thought "it's about time for the country to remember" such Lincolnian sayings as "You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift," "You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer," and "You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred."
To Lincoln scholars and plain readers, there was only one thing wrong with Look's snippets of wisdom: Lincoln had never said them. A few were paraphrases of genuine Lincolnisms taken out of context; others were pure invention, and all had been denounced as spurious in the Abraham Lincoln Quarterly. By last week, admitted Editor Gardner ("Mike") Cowles, Look was deluged with a "fantastic" flood of mail from indignant readers who had spotted the alleged Lincolnisms for what they were.
Look had not made up the "quotations." It had borrowed them from the Congressional Record, where they were inserted last January by Republican Congresswoman Frances P. Bolton of Ohio. Mrs. Bolton had gotten them from a friend, who had heard them on a broadcast by Radio Commentator Galen Drake. Drake couldn't remember where he had picked them up. One possibility: the Royle Forum, house organ of a New Jersey machinery manufacturer. (Said Forum Editor Richard Cook, who printed them without checking their authenticity: "One thing consoles me. I am now part of the Lincoln legend, and will live forever.") Cook got them from some direct-mail advertising of another manufacturing concern.
The chain led back at least as far as a 1942 leaflet distributed by the Committee for Constitutional Government, the well-heeled, reactionary Washington lobby backed by New York State Publisher Frank Gannett. In printing what Lincoln hadn't said, nobody had felt the need to print something that he did say. "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
you can find this at time magazine online as well as many other legitimate news sources.
Oh yes a socialist backed web site almost as bad as MSNBC. Charlie Rangle would be so honored.
I don't remember MLK going on vacation to Martha's Vineyard, or Ms. King taking friends to an all you can eat taxpayersubsidized buffet in Spain. The difference being the Obama's feel they are entitled annointed beings while the King's were humble servants of God.
Following his three-day bus tour to promote his economic agenda -- and not to mention the debt limit rancor in Washington before that -- President Obama is finally getting some rest and relaxation.
On Thursday, he and his family are heading off to Martha's Vineyard, the island off of Massachusetts. They'll be staying at a 28-acre retreat called Blue Heron Farm for about 10 days.
There has been criticism of the president's vacation at this time. But how does the number of vacation days the president has spent compare to his predecessors? FOX Radio's Mark Knoller has kept track of presidential vacations for years and supplied the data.
So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.
Among recent presidents, Bill Clinton took the least time off -- 28 days.
To be fair, a presidential vacation away from the White House is not the same as a vacation for the average person. The president is still in contact with his advisers and on call for any emergency.
Anon 5:05
yes when you praise the monument that has been struct in the memory of one of thos most respected REPUBLICANS think of those today that would call him Uncle Tom, house negroe etc etc.
Sometimes you read about a fact so outside your Weltanschauung (world view), that you just shake your head at the silliness of the fellow inmates with whom we happen to share the same planet. You amaze this poster.Please when you and the many ignorant types like yourself get off of the bus in DC. When you hear the speeches and stand or sit saying thats right shaking your head up and down. Think of the words used today in describing any black conservative ask yourself would MLK would speak out against those blacks who display this type of behavior?
Do you know the title of the statue? Have you gone on line and looked or read up on the statue but are you too dumb to do that, especially before you reap joy or praise this memorial. Let the second dumbest man on the internet school you again. Please ask your self a few more questions. Why was this statue not created by a black, American craftsman? You might not know it but there are other craftsman that are not rap and hip artists, NBA and the NFL players.
Stone of Hope" is the name given to the 30 foot tall sculpture of MLK.
Why was Red granite used? Why was it created in CHINA? And yes you can spin it anyway you want When Obama said that MLK was one of the most villified man in history that he wasnt comparing his plight to MLK then Robert Byrd wasnt a Klansman or was he a liberal who voted against civil rights.
I trust that you are not offended by my not using a hypen when I described black craftsman. If you are, I will not spin it but, I wont live with white guilt. You should live with your black entitlement thinking. MLK never lived that way or thought that way.
Zero the historical Me First President besides being black:
• First President to Preside Over a Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government
• First President to Violate the War Powers Act
• First President to Orchestrate the Sale of Murder Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
• First President to be Held in Contempt of Court for Illegally Obstructing Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
• First President to Defy a Federal Judge's Court Order to Cease Implementing the 'Health Care Reform' Law
• First President to Require All Americans to Purchase a Product From a Third Party
• First President to Spend a Trillion Dollars on 'Shovel-Ready' Jobs -- and Later Admit There Was No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Jobs
• First President to Abrogate Bankruptcy Law to Turn Over Control of Companies to His Union Supporters
• First President to Bypass Congress and Implement the DREAM Act Through Executive Fiat
• First President to "Order a Secret Amnesty Program that Stopped the Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Across the U.S., Including Those With Criminal Convictions"
• First President to Demand a Company Hand Over $20 Billion to One of His Political Appointees
• First President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space.
• First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places
• First President to Have a Law Signed By an 'Auto-pen' Without Being "Present"
• First President to Arbitrarily Declare an Existing Law Unconstitutional and Refuse to Enforce It
• First President to Threaten Insurance Companies if they Publicly Speak out on the Reasons for their Rate Increases
• First President to Tell a Major Manufacturing Company In Which State They Are Allowed to Locate a Factory
• First President to File Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN, etc.)
• First President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago
• First President to Fire an Inspector General of Americorps for Catching One of His Friends in a Corruption Case
• First President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts
• First President to Golf 77 Separate Times in His First Two-and-a-Half Years in Office
But remember: he will not rest until all Americans have jobs, affordable homes, green-energy vehicles, and the environment is repaired, etc., etc., etc.
To anon and those who actually are ignorant of their education and lack there of when you think of Zero and MLK you are looking at the following King united to overcome. Obama divides to conquer. One is the antithesis of the other.
During the '08 campaign, Candidate Obama occasionally channeled the oratorical style of Dr. King's speeches. It was a clever play of the race card. On other occasions, he simply referred to "The King." He may try those tactics again, but they're not likely to work as well the second time around.
In the run-up to the '12 election, we shouldn't be surprised if Obama embellishes on his implied comparison between his trials and tribulations to those of "The King." And, in that comparison, we shouldn't be surprised if he indirectly compares the obstructionist Republicans to the segregationist sheriffs and governors of the Old South (most of them were Democrats, by the way).
In the upcoming campaign, his summons to the inner city black Americans, who are suffering a depression in the midst of his recession, will be to keep the faith a little longer; to not weary on the long road to the Promised Land of an America where social justice reigns; to march with him to overcome economic opposition. And so on.
The Media Matters folks have guzzled from the Obama/progressive KoolAid container. And what would you expect from the spoor of Soros' money? A cool, fair assessment of political situations? It is obvious that Obama is cloaking himself in a not so thin veneer of "Martin Luther King, Jr.-ness" in order to curry favor and enjoy praise/adulation by association. Dr. King isn't here to refute or chastise Obama, so Obama uses the King legacy to his advantage with (what he thought was) impunity. But Dr. King and his good works aren't Obama's exclusive property to don like a coat of many colors to impress the ignorant or as cheap cologne to impress the opposite sex. Dr. King and his works stand miles higher than Obama can ever dream of reaching. Using a not-so-cleverly veiled allegory in his "speech," and trying to lead the listeners to the incorrect conclusion that 'Obama is King' is an attempt at a cheap parlor trick by a desperate, failing pol. Just because the lemmings at Media Matters desire to follow this devious, callow and shallow man off a cliff (as a false prophet antithesis of Dr. King) doesn't mean that thinking folks everywhere have to do the same. It just means that the Media Matters folks are indeed the fools and dopes that we knew they were all along. And that Obama will resort to any low deed to prop himself up.
Again the educated and uneducated dont see that Dr. King stood for only one thing, in my mind, and that was treating people based on their character and not the color of their skin. With Obama, skin color is paramount and character is of no consequence. For Obama to raise King's name in his bid for reelection is dispicable, much like everything Obama does for self-promotion. What is almost as dipicible is that anon appears to be somwhat educated but more ingnorant of his past and black leaders of the past, the present and the future. He or she needs to listen to the likes of Mayor Nutter in Philadelphia. If there is a off spring whether it be only or many of this person, surely they too have been abused mentality. The cycle continues. The plantation is growing by the year. Those who think that they are entitled are just as entitled to be kicked over and over as well.
Anon when you head out with the carvan of buses from the black community,when you get say north of Richmond or so I suggest the following. Leave out of the back of the bus as Rosa did, thanks to a repug white judge take the microphone and address the other uneducated deniers the following question; "What has the Obamas'and their socialist agenda done for the black community?Question #2Are you better off than what your were since he moved into the peoples house. Question #3 Can the black community afford another 4 years? Question #4.Did the black community vote for him based on his policies? Question #5 Final quwstion, did they vote on his JUST BEING "BLACk"? Even the NAACP had to vote to to see if they would support this half white man.
Having said and and asked theose questions it still comes down to what has he actually done for the black community? I will be glad to tell you. NOTHING but Barry and Mochelle have made off like a hord of bandits. From a senator who claimed he didnt have cab fare to get to the DNC cconvention in 06, is now worth about 12 million that we know of. Yep they have has done well for them selves.
All of you racist on here ought to go see the new movie "THE HELP".
It might open your hearts and your eyes.
There it is being called a racist.Had to know to was coming soon or later. Again the uneducated and educated black & white liberals do what they do best. Play the race card.This person surely displays the inability to understand history and denies it. Yes I also remeber seeing Mississippi Burning. Also Jonestown, maybe you to stop and think about 900 blacks and whites mostly blacks who drank the kool aid of a self proclaimed religious leader who too had the same personal traits of Obama. Jim Jones was a self proclaimed atheist who promised a Utopia.Do you remember that Congressman Leo Ryan a DEMOCRAT was murdered on the orders of the false prophet Jim Jones? Of course you cant the similar personality found in the WH, just this time it happens to be a black man with the power to control ones minds and their future with false promises and a Utopian state.
Now that Obama has cancled deportations of illegal aliens, the massive wave of mexican invaders that will be comming is sure to help the unemployment problem for blacks. Enjoy living in chains on the democrat plantation black people.The black miniority status is sinking lower and lower, Mexicans will continue to still take jobs to advance their status while blacks will continue to live off the teat of the gov't. Tax the rich Tax the rich, swell but who the hell is going to provide the tax base when thje rich are gone? Don’t you get it poster, Barry doesn’t care that people are suffering. Your lives would be so much better if you could just get beyond skin color and show some character isnt that what MLK a republican preached.
What is tragic, blacks find solitude in the sucess of a "man" like Obama and Michelle. They think that if you "beat" the system, more power to them for they become mentors to those who think that they beat whitey, meanwhile you have no sucess or that type of it and think that your support of them with you vote is going to be rewarded? With what more unemployment, more food stamps, more racial unrest?
If Obama cared about blacks then why give all 26+ million illegal mexicans already here and thsoe who will be crossing the border in the days to come?
Did Obama do this with the approval of congress? No he used his executive power privelage. The stupidity of black americans ans liverals who drink the kool aid is simply amazing.
Please take the time and google the names of black politicians in congress and find their net worth as reported and mandated by law. Yes maybe 6% of the black population are millionaires.Duou think they care?
its Obama,liberals both black and white arfe destroying this country from within. Why should we be worried of destruction caused by a nuclear war? This poster who called out racist must never have seen the last scene from the movie "Planet of the Apes" before you go off screaming and frothing at the mouth, the point isnt about the name of the movie but what the scene leaves in your mind.gonstike
The hypocricy of Obama and liberals is a joke at best and is misleading as their history.Remember Obama asking how much is enough and attacks Wall Street and those with corporate jets?Can you tell me who the highest paid CEO in the country was last year? Obama took time off from his "working vacation" and had a meeting with his biggest supporter MSNBC (Comcast) and their CEO who was paid a $24,683,315.oo salary in 2009 Brian Allen. I wonder if Obama thinks Roberts’ $24,683,315.oo salary is “too much money”?
I also must assume there is no conflict of interest either, since MSNBS makes no pretense of objectivity anymore.
1:54 let me clue you in to a harsh reality, a movie is fiction it isn't real. The characters and script in the movie were crafted for an agenda as are most films originating in this country. I'm sorry to break it to you but it's time for you to grow up and see the world as it is, not Hollywood's version. The next time you're in Canada go see a movie and see how they perceive Americans as drunks, druggies, gamblers, gangbangers and otherwise up to no good and clearly not wanted in Canada.
Pock please for the love of God do not let two people destroy this blog. I think you know what I am talking about. I have been in contact with people and your blog will disappear soon if you are not more careful. Differences of opinion are great,but total fabrications and racism will destroy this blog.
The Republicans have vowed – No New Taxes, No Additional Revenues! Grover would slap them silly if they did that. That is, unless they can increase revenues by ending a temporary tax break for the working schmucks like us.
President Obama managed to get a small tax reduction through for working people, a reduction in our payroll taxes. That “half of all Americans pay no taxes” group – us – might not pay income taxes, but we pay payroll taxes no matter how small our incomes are. The Obama tax cut reduced our contribution to half while retaining the employer’s contribution level. Payroll taxes, in addition to Social Security and Medicare, includes state taxes for unemployment. There are no refunds for these taxes and no minimum income level. There is a maximum level, however. Payroll taxes terminate at $106,000, so someone making $1 million a year pays exactly the same dollar amount in payroll taxes as the person earning $106,000.
The tax break hasn’t amounted to a great deal of money for any of us. If one were able to find full-time work at $10 an hour, it would amount to just $8 a week savings. A whole whopping $416 a year. Compare that to the fact that hedge fund managers pay only 15% capital gains rate on their commissions instead of the 36% top rate. If a hedge fund manager received a $1 million commission, he now pays just $150,000 in taxes instead of $360,000 – that is if he didn’t find a few dozens other ways to reduce his taxable income. And, bless his pea picking soul, he only pays $4,452 in payroll taxes because those only apply to the first $106,000 of his earnings, so the other $894,000 are tax free.
But don’t anyone dare suggest that we should eliminate the tax breaks for corporations. After all, they are “job creators” aren’t they? Bank of America has had ten years of Bush tax breaks that work so well they didn’t pay any taxes at all last year. Oh, sorry, bad example. They are laying off a total of 8,000 people this year.
Unfortunately, there may be no way to block this increase. The tax cut was temporary, for one year only. If the Republican House refuses to extend it, it expires in December. There is nothing the Democratic Senate or the President can do about it. And even more unfortunately, the right wing propaganda machine has been chanting “half of Americans pay no taxes” for so long that their bobbleheads don’t think of payroll taxes as taxes or understand what those payroll taxes mean to the millions of us who can’t find full-time jobs with benefits.
The right wing media has done an extraordinary job of convincing people that facts are lies and only they tell the truth. As long as the billionaires who most benefit from the Republican agenda can pour hundreds of millions of dollars into Republican campaign coffers, they will control the narrative and far too many Americans will continue to believe the lies and distortions.
Republican presidential contender Michele Bachmann said Thursday there is a growing fear among Americans about an "unstoppable decline" of the United States and a "rise of the Soviet Union."
The Minnesota lawmaker told conservative radio host Jay Sekulow the recent compromise among congressional Republicans and President Obama to raise the legal U.S. borrowing limit could give fresh vigor to Ronald Reagan's "evil empire."
"What people recognize is that there's a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward," she said.
"And especially with this very bad debt ceiling bill, what we have done is given a favor to President Obama and the first thing he'll whack is five hundred billion out of the military defense at a time when we're fighting three wars. People recognize that," Bachmann told Sekulow.
The Soviet Union fell apart two decades ago and is now 15 distinct nations. I guess ole Crazy Eyes Bachmann can see Russia from her back door.
This Post has gone on far too long and you will agree that fertile minds have all but exhausted their versions of what really went on relative to MLK Jr. Some writers have knowingly reached beyond the truth, others clearly pointing to the known truth. Those that read all comments must be struggling for the right answer. We have all had enough.
Bob, its your blog and no one elses. Here we see some one preaching censorship. how tyopical of the liberals and the left, When they go silent, its because they lost the arguement or cannot debunk truth. Nazi Germany, Russia and other baltic states did the same thing, that you know all so well sir.
This poster has abided by the ruiles of engagment as set for by you the blog owner. Sorry that the threat of censorship caused your re-action and decision. Having said that remember it is said respectfully.
OMG I watched the MLK cermony and once again the speakers yhave no clue, including the daughter of MLK Bernice proclaimed that Lincoln signed the Decleration of Independence. These people are uneduacted and ignorant of their own history and the history of this country. Over 600 k died for this ignorance.?
The official dedication celebrations for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial that were scheduled to take place this past Sunday in Washington, D.C., have been postponed because of the impending hurricane that's due to hit the East Coast this weekend. Aretha Franklin was among the confirmed performers for the Dedication Day festivities, which in addition to the unveiling ceremony were to have included pre- and post-event concerts.
The dedication will be moved to sometime in September or October, according to a statement from Harry E. Johnson Sr., president and CEO of the Washington DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation. The monument still will be open to the public on Friday until 10 p.m. ET, and on Saturday from 7 a.m. to noon.
Where did you watch the ceremony ? You must have watched on future T.V. I didnt know the Klan had access to future events.
What was seen was a video of the daughter addrerssing a black audience as a prelude to the cremony. I actually thought it was the cermony itself. After her stupie comments I turned it off and did so for a good reason. she is ignorant of her facts. No IO actually saw the video at the gathering of those racial tea Party folks. I tend not to hang out with Klansman who are liberals and demwits as history shows and teaches us with no denial of such.
We have congress criters such as the Black Political Caucus spouting what you and other liberals and blacks accuse the TP folks of. How can a group or a "club" which is a part of goverment promote rascism. You have Maxipad Waters, hanging tree Carson, Shelia Jackson I want hurricanes to be named after black folks Lee, by the way she still is looking for our flag we put on Mars.
The entire BPC spouts racism less the only conservative member Allen West. I wonder why that is? Is he a Uncle Tom or a house negroe because he doesnt tout the racial message of others?
At this moment this "racist" is supporting Cain, wishing that West would enter the race. Now I hear Obama wanting us to become a member of the Federal Family. If that is what the future holds or believes in. I want no part of it and I will do my part to see that your future isnt mind.
One other thing, when you go to Washington to honor a man (republican) who's idealogy is not accepted today by blacks will you please dont leave the place trashed out with garbage? I consider the mall my front yard too.
Oh no this cant be true.
President Barack Obama will honor NASCAR champion Jimmie Johnson and the 11 other Chase drivers from last year in a White House ceremony on Wednesday — but nearly half of the 2010 playoff contenders won’t be there.
NASCAR said Thursday that five drivers — Greg Biffle, Kurt Busch, Carl Edwards, Kevin Harvick and Tony Stewart — will not be attending the White House visit due to “schedule conflicts.”
They must be very busy people. Regardless of one’s political views, the president is still the president — and an opportunity to speak with the leader of the free world is a rare and special one.
You’d think whatever photo shoots or sponsor appearances these drivers have lined up on Wednesday afternoon — if that’s indeed the reason — could be rescheduled. After all, this is the President of the United States we’re talking about here.
For a sport that prides itself on patriotism, having so many drivers turn down the president’s invitation simply seems strange.
Johnson, Denny Hamlin, Jeff Gordon, Kyle Busch, Clint Bowyer, Jeff Burton and Matt Kenseth will attend.
I find this to be most interesting and the next to last paragraph the most interesting.
Actually when you think about it, it’s not strange. Why would someone who loves their country meet with someone who loathes it and wants to change it.
I am not sure I can blame them. The office of President has been so diminished by Obama that I would have a difficult time accepting an offer to meet with the person who has shown such little respect for that office and for the people he represents. I also would not want to become part of his campaign photo ops, sucking up to the people whom he has called racist, bitter clingers and even terrorists. Not to mention the free world is not so free under this administration.
I say wait a damn minute. Is he trying to up his image with the toothless, backwoods rednecks(as the left loves to label all in the South)? This is the same Adminstration that tried to stop the recrooters Army etc from sponsering NASCAR events and drivers?
"Regardless of one’s political views, the president is still the president – and an opportunity to speak with the leader of the free world is a rare and special one"
Key the projectile vomit!
Based on Zero's inability to select a winner in any sport.I’m not a huge NASCAR fan but from now on I will be pulling for the 5 that opted out.
When it comes to the BPC club that recives 5 billion in taxpayer funds, I ask the question why?
Inciting hate should be an ethics violation, at the very least.
These people have become the very thing that they claim to despise. Racists. They are the antithesis of what Martin Luther King said he wanted for black Americans. How sad.
You know that murdering sociopath Charlie Manson might not have been all that wrong on his race war thinking…he was just off a few decades.For that is sad as well.
Im sorry to say Bob that I have just recently began to take full advantage of my concealed gun permit. This administration and many so called black political leaders, and the black on thje street that is unemployed and yes employed are encouraging a race war...it's as simple as that.
If you're in a state that respects the second amendment, and you choose to go unarmed and turn the other cheek and allow "flash" mobs of black youth running wild and those who play a new game called "The Knock Out Game", where blacks jump and beat whites, how's that working for you? I will turn the other cheek once, as directed by the Lord, and after that, He left no further instructions, and my assailants should be prepared to move at a rate of at least 1500 feet per second.
Remember that Zero and the 1st "lady" tell us that we ALL must make sacrifices right?
Having read and heard that spewing from the WH how can they explain how they flew in "Bo" the 1st dog of America in on a smaller version of AF1 a gulfstream jet? This is juist another WTF moment in the hyporicy of this family and liberals. This is not more hate and lies coming from the right wing TP. If in doubt google "Bo the flying dog" and its almost 80k hits.
More news from the liars over at the TP who control the media and the Treasury:
At the close of business on Aug. 31 — for the first time in the history of the country — the publicly held debt of the federal government topped $10 trillion, according to data released by the U.S. Treasury Department at 4:00 p.m. yesterday.
Also, according to the most recent reports available from the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, approximately $6.1 trillion of that debt — or about 61 percent of it — is owned by foreign interests (led by the Chinese and the Japanese) and by the Federal Reserve.
Well done Obama another historical first.. Obama is going to tell us how he is going too improve the economy and create jobs. There is a sweaty group in the WH feverishly working on Bam’s
mojo. Incense, chicken blood, feathers and bones have been
smuggled in, and drumbeats issue from the Oval Office as I type.
We now have a new first of ” voodoo economic policy” $10 trillion and the talk only continue.
I use the term zero in describing Obama:Let me try to explain the concept of what zero means.
Zero is 5 less than the number of rounds of golf President Obama shot in August.
Zero is 7 less than the number of days President Obama spent in Martha’s Vineyard in August.
Zero is 2 less than the number of planes the Obamas used to get to Martha’s Vineyard.
Zero is 71,500 less than the number of dollars per couple people paid to attend Barack Obama’s fund-raiser in the Hamptons hosted by Harvey Weinstein.
Zero is 8 less than the number of fund-raisers President Obama held in August.
Zero is 86 million less than the number of dollars Obama had raised at fund-raisers in the previous three months.
Zero is 1 less than the number of credit rating services that downgraded the U.S. credit worthiness in August.
Zero is 1 million less than the number of taxpayer dollars spent buying a Canadian bus to allow President Obama to take a bus tour of Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota in August.
Zero is 3 less than the number of days President Obama spent on that tour in August.
Zero is 38 less than the percentage of Americans who now approve of Barack Obama’s job performance as president.
Zero is 535 million less than the number of dollars taxpayers lost on that solar panel company President Obama loaned money to in the hopes of creating green jobs.
Zero is 1,100 less than the number of people who lost their jobs on that deal.
Zero is 302 less than the number of those vaunted Chevy Volts GM sold in August.
Zero is 7,500 less than the number of tax dollars it costs in subsidies for each Chevy Volt sold.
Zero is 433 less than the number of days left before Election Day 2012 when voters decide whether to give President Obama four more years.
Zero is 4 less than the number of years Obama will likely spend as president.
Zero is thirty less than the number of months since StimPorkulus was supposed to save the economy and prevent unemployment from going above 8%.
Zero is roughly 6 million more than the jobs created or saved by Barack Obama’s policies.
zero is the number of employees left from the company Solyndra a San Francisco Bay area solar company that he touted as a gleaming example of green technology. It has announced it will declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy. ore than 1,100 people will lose their jobs. After it received over 35 million in stimulus taxpayer money.
Zero is the number of jobs created in August
Zero is the number of votes I will give Obama.
The last and final zero is:
There is ZERO IN THE WH.
Correction on facts and the stimulus money given to Solyndra the green jobs company. It was 535 million. I apologize for mis-stating the fact and truth.
In his early activist days, Barack Obama the community organizer sued banks to ease their lending practices. Now his administration is suing banks for issuing risky mortgages.WTF?
I betcha Bank of america is not on the list.That is Warren Buffet owned bank who took 94.1 billion. You wonder why Obama invited Warren to the WH last week?
I find it funny that as a "lawyer" in his early days he sued banks for not providing funds to the poor to obtain homes and now he is suing those same banks for failed lending practices.
Even educated people must ask:How exactly does this insanity work?
Its strictly my guess but looks like this lawsuit is a pre-emptive strike by Frank+Waters and other Freddie-Fannie corruptocrats.
The feds are not suing because the banks gave risky loans .
The feds are suing because the banks bundled these loans as securities and
The feds are basically admitting that Freddie+Fannie were so stupid that they bought those securities from these banks , and lost money .
So it must be the banks’ fault that Freddie+Fannie made stupid decisions. Barney Frank,Maxipad Waters. Chris Dodd, Frankin Raines will make a public comment in 1.2.3
Obama (Zero) spoke out years ago and accepted responsibilty for forcing the govt to issues these loans and now speaks out for what he was advocating for. amazing isnt it?
The Zero adminstrations hits just keep on coming.
Government Motors Sells a Whopping 302 Chevy Volts in August. In August, and for the second month in a row, the Chevy Cruze was the best selling compact car in America, with 21,807 cars sold.Great news huh?
The Chevy Volt? Not so much. Only 302 of the plug-in hybrids were delivered to customers, up from 125in July.
If my math is right based on the percent of all cars sold in the month of August, this comes to That works out to about 0.066% of the US market.
6 tenths of 1 tenth of 1 percent.
And now the EPA wants to hamstring all the coal plants that would generate the electricity for these boondoggle Volts with job and plant killing regulations. Of course, AS PLANNED, ZERO stepped in as usual with his idea of thinking “have no fear Underdog is here”.but the taxpayers are still the real losers.
Govt fact:Total Leafs and Volt sold, 3,073. Obama promised a million electric cars by ’15.
3,073 sold!996,927 to go!
Both cars have been on sale since Dec. 2010. at 9 months, 342 per month.
39 months to 2015… 39 x 342 = 13,338 on the road in addition to the 3000 already out there.
To make a million by ’15 they’d need to sell 25,562 a month, or inrease sales volumes by 74 times.
And we question his economic policies? But then again when one does its racist.
However GM sold 36,832 Silverado pickups, 13,244 GMC Sierras, 16,606Equinox suvs.And Obama still thinks that Americans want and need the Volt, he will continue to try and force his vision of green jobs and green lifestyles. Has Zero put in the solar panels he promised to put in at the WH yet? Maybe that will happen during his second term. Nothing to worry here, lets move along to more good news.
More good news to report for Zero:
August Jobs Report: Black unemployment surged to its highest level since 1984,16.7% in August.
No this reort didnt come from the racist over at the TP.And if you ask 97% of the blacks who voted for this horror in the White House, they’ll tell you it’s the fault of Bush, Cheney, Republicans, whites, Palin, Lincoln, Reagan, the Jews, or some such nonsense.
Remember that Zero is half white and zero dont care ’bout no black peoples.
The black unemployment could be 50%and those who vote would still vote for Obama and his Mrs based on their policies.oppps I mean skin color. The liberals and black race baitors are still the slave masters still run the plantation.
Gee, it is being reported but not by the MSM that blacks in Libyaa re being rounded up and place in prison cells and some are being murdered by the Lybian "Freedom Fighters" supported by Zero and Hillary..Zero and Thunder Thighs didn’t see this coming? Can now take off their blindfold?
Ron Paul idiot calls Rick Perry candadiate of the week. Gee Ron this is a compliment coming from the crackpot of the decade whom no one has ever recognized as a viable candidate. Ever.
Ron “Jack in the Box” Paul. Turn the crank and he’ll pop out and say something profoundly stupid.
He needs to put on a burlap bag on and go stand barefoot on a street corner with a sign the reads “The End is Near”. The perfect place for him.
U.S. Falls To 5th In Survey Of World’s Most Competitive Economies, Was No. 1 When Obama Was Elected…
Something else Obama inherited from Bush (along with a AAA S&P credit rating).
Zero won’t be happy until were right behind Haiti.
30 mins to the same speech version number 1000. I cant wait.Stimlus #3
another failing original idea from Zero.
Gee, did you feel like that you were lectured by dad?How many times did barky pronounce the word JOBS as jopppssss?
With all of that wooting that was going on from the liberals, I thought I was watching a rerun of Arnesio Hall
This bill I am passing will heal the sick, raise the dead, and save the entire world.
Oh wait. Wasn’t that supposed to happen when I was elected?” -Obama
"build build build=union union union
You can build highways and bridges but who can afford gasoline or diesel?
He mention trucking. The industry that the EPA will regulate to oblivion.
Obama said to nevergiveup = Equals one worker and 11 Union supervisors to fill a pothole.
This entire rah rah speech, should be named the “Save Obama Job Act” –
Lets go Packers..
Nasa was #1 in the universe and now we hace to ask the Russians for a rife. Oh wait a minute, It wont belong we can ask China for a ride. I just wish Zero would ride off into the sunst in his golf cart.During his cheerleading and lexturing like dad, I detected the smell of sulfur coming from my TV.
George Washington said that ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
Once again Zero spouts off about Lincoln.Something and somebody Zero thinks himself to be. He ranted how government was the driving force behind the Transcontential Railroad.BS.It was private enterprise, capitalist, not the goverment. The privately owned rail road owners sold bonds to obtain the funds or cash flow to build the railroad. They paid out interest on those bonds the citizens bought.The govt had nothing to do with the sucess of the TCRR.
For Obama To compare himself in any way with Abraham Lincoln is an insult. First of all, Lincoln was a self made man. From what I know, Obama has been constructed by many people over the course of his life. Lincoln often poked fun at himself in a humble and playful way. Obama is a narcissist that is incapable of anything other than self aggrandizement. And finally, Lincoln worked tirelessly to hold this great nation together. Obama labors to blow it asunder.
What kind of character must a man possess who abides in the glow of others' admiration for a skill he secretly knows he does not possess?
A little Political humor:
A black guy, a Muslim and a Communist go into a bar.
The bartender asks, “What can I get you Mr. President?”
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