So who won? And did they do the right thing? And which side gave up the most to get this debate settled. Should we care?
United States of Greece
Government won, the taxpayer lost. By far the biggest losers are the Tea Party as they hoped the people the put into Congress was going to turn the ship of debt around. Like a sinking ship once it starts to go down you can't stop it without external means. We are well on our way to hiting bottom.
So both parties will play their media games, send out their liers for hire and kick the can down the street. Obama get trillions NOW and makes it look like he did it to shore up the 2012 vote. Oh yes the savings will come sometime in the next decade well after we are destitute and at the mercy of another group of DC Idiots.
They havent read or broke it down yet. Just what we dont need, is another piece of legislation like Obamacare not being read. I think that its going to have all sorts of little add ons hidden. Why should the liberals be trusted now Bob? Again they are going to gvie Barry 2.9 trillion more. For what, so he can finish off the country?
If this "compromise" passes, The predictable results of this are as follows:
(1) There will be more angry White people. (2) The political class will lose more of its legitimacy. (3) Washington and the Republican establishment will take another haircut in their authority. (4) As the economy continues to deteriorate, the Tea Party will experience a second wave of growth, as the perception will increase that Washington does nothing but spend money while lecturing the country. (5) Undoubtedly, as we head further down the slope to the bottomless pit of national decline, the taxpaying class will become ever more resentful of having to pay for the tax consuming class. (6) To the extent Obama caved, the Left will be furious with him, and their disenchantment with him will only grow from here. (7) The GOP will fracture on its right; the Democrats will fracture on their left. (8) Look for black people and illegal aliens to act out in some way. (9) The states will continue to their long term drift away from the policies of the federal government. (and its about time)
I know they keeep saying no third party, but I ‘m starting to feel like throwing my lot in with the tea party and to hell with the rest of them Pock
Third party, fooie! It's time to consider regional secession. Go on drink the koolaid or tea by the time someone grows a spine in DC we're long gone as a civilization. The only option now to save your savings, livelihood and children's future is to break away. Sounds a bit radical but it's the only lifeboat left on the ship.
Anon: Trivia Fact of the Day: Debt deal could pile up $10.4 trillion in new debt over next 10 years creating more than $20 trillion in debt. WHAT A GREAT DEAL HUH?
Also to my comments on the 9 things that will happen: Try this one if you will coming from a black demwit. Hank Johnson of Georgia wants protests and marches on D.C in protest. This is the same idiot that said if we put any more Marines on Guam, it would tip over.
Even Jesse and his legitimate son Jesse the third are complaning. here is what the shakedown artist had to say: “And who will suffer the most under the apparent winner of the job killing austerity plan? Those who are already suffering the most under present conditions — African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and women,” Jackson continued.”
Anon here is a fact and truth maybe you can grasp along with your welfare check, food stamps and medicade etc et.
YOUR RIGHTS ARE NOT BASED ON WHAT IDENTITY GROUP YOU BELONG TO! The people of the United States have no obligation to any arbitrary group created by the Liberal left-wing.
All rights are individual rights. There is no other kind.
The black community is suffering right now because self-appointed black leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and yes the big slave master Obama have made victims out of them. They have succeeded in convincing large groups of people THAT THEY ARE INFERIOR, and that they need “government assistance”.
The only thing that qualifies these self-appointed community leaders to speak for others is their narcissism.
Only after the dust settles does RIP Romney make a statement. What a piece of jello. If you Republicans make him your 2012 Presidential Candidate, it will be a another four year cake walk for Obama
The dust hasnt settled. Zero is under attack by liberals and the Black Political Caucaus as well. Other so called black leaders arent happy with the mut in chief.You need to look at the polls,One on one Zero 46 to 42 for romney and 3% undecided. Cake Walk? dont think so.
Boehner would love Romney. Both have little in the way of a backbone and would easily cave to pressure from Democrats. Romneycare is an excellent example of the type of leader he would be. Just like Bob Dole, Romney will be anything you want him to be.
Now that the Republicans agreed to raise the debt ceiling over $2 trillion, I'm sure we could afford to go a bit deeper into debt, not remove Obamacare, add more entitlements, grow government and increase revenue.
Democrat voters easily forget when there is a government check dangling in front of them. Republican voters (some) have a memory, conscious and principals. The election is 15 months from now and a lot could happen that Obama will take credit for whether he had a hand in it ot not. If RIP Romney gets the nod, many dis-enfranchised Tea Partyiestas and others will make it a cake walk for Obama. Like Boehner, Romney will sell us out in a NY minute. I know it and so do you!
How soon we forget: In his State of the Union address on Jan. 25, 2011, President Barack Obama suggested that the economy is in recovery mode.
“We are poised for progress,” the president told a joint session of Congress. “Two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known, the stock market has come roaring back. Corporate profits are up. The economy is growing again.”
DJIA closed at 11,979.08 on January 25, 2011
Fast forward to today: DJIA closed at 11,383.68.
Over the last seven weeks, Obama’s approval rating has dropped 11 percentage points among the poorest Americans — and 14 points among middle-class Americans earning between $5,000 and $7,499.
Yep I see a cake walk coming, this manchild socialist presdient is crippled mentally and physcially.
We hear Obummer use the words "Among The Poor”
Thanks to Obama and company, ‘the poor’ is the fastest growing constituency in the United States.
So we have Romney, Boehner and McConnell the sell outs against Obama, Reid and Pelosi. This is beginning to look like Russian Roullet with all the chambers loaded. When are the big mouth Texans like Perry going to show us how to secede.
Anon: This president has no capacity for introspection...everything he does is right in his own view. If things turn out wrong, well, that was someone else's fault. The man is unable to perceive reality but is certainly making a mess of it. The immaturity is just breathtaking. show more show less
r - Chosen by Asker There are more whites on welfare than blacks but percentage-wise there are more blacks on welfare than whites. It's also important to note that 24.7% of the black race lives below poverty line while only 8.6% of the white race does (as is stated here… ).
The countless whites who whimper about blacks on welfare as if it's a black-only program when 1.) there are plenty of whites on welfare and whites have always been welfare recipients in the U.S.; 2.) for the majority of its existence, welfare has been a white-only program. Hate to burst bubbles but welfare was created for solely whites. News flash: blacks were denied all their rights 35 years ago and prior. One of those rights was access to welfare. It was only by the end of a grisly African American Civil Rights Movement did poverty-stricken African Americans finally become eligible for welfare along with whites. Thanks to African Americans fighting for the equal rights of all minorities, all poverty-stricken racial groups became eligible for welfare. [source:… ]; 3.) even if welfare were a black-only program, whites would STILL be unjustified to whimper about it. If that were the case, it ought to be regarded as a small reparation for the 5 century long era of anti-black atrocities that ended 35 years ago. It's as a result of that era that so many African Americans are impoverished. The entire African American community had to start out at the bare bottom and work their way up from scratch. In addition, it ought to be regarded as a small measure taken in respect to white privilege. (What are whites even doing on welfare considering white privilege and the fact that they weren't enslaved from the 1500s to 1865, legally discriminated against from 1865 through the 1970s, then separated from society's wealth in white flight)? News flash: today's elderly blacks were treated like garbage and denied all their rights 35 years ago (that includes most jobs; all decent jobs; all decent salaries); consequently leaving today's middle-aged blacks to start out impoverished, much like most of today's younger black generation. Besides that, blacks have been doing the dirty work of whites for the vast majority of their time spent in the U.S., while receiving nothing but racial abuse from whites in return. 3.) middle-class African Americans like myself pay taxes and aren't entitled to welfare even after wrestling our way out of poverty-stricken lifestyles whites have placed us in and we're not whimpering about paying taxes everywhere you turn around like the white community is 4.) despite the fact that middle-class African Americans pay taxes, they receive no credit for paying taxes as the majority of whites whimper about it as if they're the only people who pay taxes and aiding all blacks and only blacks -- Much like affirmative action, welfare is in no way reparation for the black race like whites treat it as. Hell, it's not even treated as reparation by whites, but worse: preferential treatment that solely blacks get over all races. The white race hasn't done squat to make up for the era of anti-black atrocities. The only thing they've done is whimper AS IF they've done far more than enough. In addition to working for the white race with repayment of mistreatment, impoverishment, and zero reparations, blacks additionally have to deal with baseless welfare whimpering from whites.
Bob Our credit rating has been damaged by abuse of our constitutional system begining with the Birth of the Great Society which got us to where we are today.
Obama says the S&P analysis contains deep & fundamental flaws????? If he looked in a mirror he would see a deep & fundamental flaw in the White House. I wonder just how much farther the Stock Market would have tanked if they downgraded our credit rating in the morning instead at the end of the day by giving false hope that will cost investors on Monday. Obama runs the Presidency like it was a nickle dime craps game in a back alley in Chicago. The problem is it is not nickles & dimes & it is our pockets being picked not the street people the thugs fleece in Chicago.
Yes repugs and Bush raised the debt limit 6 times.People better take a long hard look at who they want to choose as the next president. Someone with the record that will very seriously cut spending in ways this country needs and now not in 10 years. The record on that is clear, and there is only one. Not to beat a dead horse, but just stating the facts..
I am still independent enough to state that let’s not use any political party names – BOTH of them have been eager to put into action that which is destroying the US economy… you can call it PROGRESSIVISM, SOCIALISM, SOCIAL JUSTICE, whatever. It all adds up to massive borrowing, spending and printing money that is in no way, shape or form done on a US constitutional basis.
If Bush is guilty of pressing the accelerator on spending, then Obama is guilty of bolting on a supercharger and filling the tank with nitromethane. Obama hates our nation and thinks it FAIRNESS that it become debased and debauched and be like every other bankrupt European socialistic economy.
I will continue as many others do is to dump on Obama, however much as many wont for what ever reasons, Me? I gotta give him credit for something I never thought would happen in my lifetime.
Jimmy Carter wasn’t the worst president, after all.
Can anyone on the left explain this quote: Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Sunday ruled out the chance of a US default following S&P’s decision to downgrade America’s credit rating.
“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default” said Greenspan Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Sunday ruled out the chance of a US default following S&P’s decision to downgrade America’s credit rating.
“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default” said Greenspan. Please explain how Tim Gainther also said we would would not suffer a downgrade.
One other thing CBS is still claming the chopper crashed and not shot down. Got to protect the zero in the wh who protects his muslim brothers
S&P said the downgrade was the results of spending over the last 3 yearss. The terriost organiztion known as the Tea Party is only about year old so which is it the TP or spending I guees they are liars too. Hell in fact they gave more to liberals in funding and only one repug from Ohio. Crickets are chirping.
Government won, the taxpayer lost. By far the biggest losers are the Tea Party as they hoped the people the put into Congress was going to turn the ship of debt around. Like a sinking ship once it starts to go down you can't stop it without external means. We are well on our way to hiting bottom.
So both parties will play their media games, send out their liers for hire and kick the can down the street. Obama get trillions NOW and makes it look like he did it to shore up the 2012 vote. Oh yes the savings will come sometime in the next decade well after we are destitute and at the mercy of another group of DC Idiots.
They havent read or broke it down yet. Just what we dont need, is another piece of legislation like Obamacare not being read. I think that its going to have all sorts of little add ons hidden. Why should the liberals be trusted now Bob?
Again they are going to gvie Barry 2.9 trillion more. For what, so he can finish off the country?
If this "compromise" passes, The predictable results of this are as follows:
(1) There will be more angry White people.
(2) The political class will lose more of its legitimacy.
(3) Washington and the Republican establishment will take another haircut in their authority.
(4) As the economy continues to deteriorate, the Tea Party will experience a second wave of growth, as the perception will increase that Washington does nothing but spend money while lecturing the country.
(5) Undoubtedly, as we head further down the slope to the bottomless pit of national decline, the taxpaying class will become ever more resentful of having to pay for the tax consuming class.
(6) To the extent Obama caved, the Left will be furious with him, and their disenchantment with him will only grow from here.
(7) The GOP will fracture on its right; the Democrats will fracture on their left.
(8) Look for black people and illegal aliens to act out in some way.
(9) The states will continue to their long term drift away from the policies of the federal government. (and its about time)
I know they keeep saying no third party, but I ‘m starting to feel like throwing my lot in with the tea party and to hell with the rest of them Pock
Third party, fooie! It's time to consider regional secession. Go on drink the koolaid or tea by the time someone grows a spine in DC we're long gone as a civilization. The only option now to save your savings, livelihood and children's future is to break away. Sounds a bit radical but it's the only lifeboat left on the ship.
Anon: Trivia Fact of the Day: Debt deal could pile up $10.4 trillion in new debt over next 10 years creating more than $20 trillion in debt.
Also to my comments on the 9 things that will happen: Try this one if you will coming from a black demwit. Hank Johnson of Georgia wants protests and marches on D.C in protest. This is the same idiot that said if we put any more Marines on Guam, it would tip over.
Even Jesse and his legitimate son Jesse the third are complaning. here is what the shakedown artist had to say:
“And who will suffer the most under the apparent winner of the job killing austerity plan? Those who are already suffering the most under present conditions — African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and women,” Jackson continued.”
Anon here is a fact and truth maybe you can grasp along with your welfare check, food stamps and medicade etc et.
YOUR RIGHTS ARE NOT BASED ON WHAT IDENTITY GROUP YOU BELONG TO! The people of the United States have no obligation to any arbitrary group created by the Liberal left-wing.
All rights are individual rights. There is no other kind.
The black community is suffering right now because self-appointed black leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and yes the big slave master Obama have made victims out of them. They have succeeded in convincing large groups of people THAT THEY ARE INFERIOR, and that they need “government assistance”.
The only thing that qualifies these self-appointed community leaders to speak for others is their narcissism.
Only after the dust settles does RIP Romney make a statement. What a piece of jello. If you Republicans make him your 2012 Presidential Candidate, it will be a another four year cake walk for Obama
The dust hasnt settled. Zero is under attack by liberals and the Black Political Caucaus as well. Other so called black leaders arent happy with the mut in chief.You need to look at the polls,One on one Zero 46 to 42 for romney and 3% undecided. Cake Walk? dont think so.
Boehner would love Romney. Both have little in the way of a backbone and would easily cave to pressure from Democrats. Romneycare is an excellent example of the type of leader he would be. Just like Bob Dole, Romney will be anything you want him to be.
Now that the Republicans agreed to raise the debt ceiling over $2 trillion, I'm sure we could afford to go a bit deeper into debt, not remove Obamacare, add more entitlements, grow government and increase revenue.
Democrat voters easily forget when there is a government check dangling in front of them. Republican voters (some) have a memory, conscious and principals. The election is 15 months from now and a lot could happen that Obama will take credit for whether he had a hand in it ot not. If RIP Romney gets the nod, many dis-enfranchised Tea Partyiestas and others will make it a cake walk for Obama. Like Boehner, Romney will sell us out in a NY minute. I know it and so do you!
How soon we forget:
In his State of the Union address on Jan. 25, 2011, President Barack Obama suggested that the economy is in recovery mode.
“We are poised for progress,” the president told a joint session of Congress. “Two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known, the stock market has come roaring back. Corporate profits are up. The economy is growing again.”
DJIA closed at 11,979.08 on January 25, 2011
Fast forward to today: DJIA closed at 11,383.68.
Over the last seven weeks, Obama’s approval rating has dropped 11 percentage points among the poorest Americans — and 14 points among middle-class Americans earning between $5,000 and $7,499.
Yep I see a cake walk coming, this manchild socialist presdient is crippled mentally and physcially.
We hear Obummer use the words "Among The Poor”
Thanks to Obama and company, ‘the poor’ is the fastest growing constituency in the United States.
So we have Romney, Boehner and McConnell the sell outs against Obama, Reid and Pelosi. This is beginning to look like Russian Roullet with all the chambers loaded. When are the big mouth Texans like Perry going to show us how to secede.
Compromise?! We the taxpayers have been compromised, not Congress or the President.
I forgot:The poor folks dont pay taxes either.
This president has no capacity for introspection...everything he does is right in his own view. If things turn out wrong, well, that was someone else's fault. The man is unable to perceive reality but is certainly making a mess of it. The immaturity is just breathtaking. show more show less
r - Chosen by Asker
There are more whites on welfare than blacks but percentage-wise there are more blacks on welfare than whites. It's also important to note that 24.7% of the black race lives below poverty line while only 8.6% of the white race does (as is stated here… ).
The countless whites who whimper about blacks on welfare as if it's a black-only program when 1.) there are plenty of whites on welfare and whites have always been welfare recipients in the U.S.; 2.) for the majority of its existence, welfare has been a white-only program. Hate to burst bubbles but welfare was created for solely whites. News flash: blacks were denied all their rights 35 years ago and prior. One of those rights was access to welfare. It was only by the end of a grisly African American Civil Rights Movement did poverty-stricken African Americans finally become eligible for welfare along with whites. Thanks to African Americans fighting for the equal rights of all minorities, all poverty-stricken racial groups became eligible for welfare. [source:… ]; 3.) even if welfare were a black-only program, whites would STILL be unjustified to whimper about it. If that were the case, it ought to be regarded as a small reparation for the 5 century long era of anti-black atrocities that ended 35 years ago. It's as a result of that era that so many African Americans are impoverished. The entire African American community had to start out at the bare bottom and work their way up from scratch. In addition, it ought to be regarded as a small measure taken in respect to white privilege. (What are whites even doing on welfare considering white privilege and the fact that they weren't enslaved from the 1500s to 1865, legally discriminated against from 1865 through the 1970s, then separated from society's wealth in white flight)? News flash: today's elderly blacks were treated like garbage and denied all their rights 35 years ago (that includes most jobs; all decent jobs; all decent salaries); consequently leaving today's middle-aged blacks to start out impoverished, much like most of today's younger black generation. Besides that, blacks have been doing the dirty work of whites for the vast majority of their time spent in the U.S., while receiving nothing but racial abuse from whites in return. 3.) middle-class African Americans like myself pay taxes and aren't entitled to welfare even after wrestling our way out of poverty-stricken lifestyles whites have placed us in and we're not whimpering about paying taxes everywhere you turn around like the white community is 4.) despite the fact that middle-class African Americans pay taxes, they receive no credit for paying taxes as the majority of whites whimper about it as if they're the only people who pay taxes and aiding all blacks and only blacks -- Much like affirmative action, welfare is in no way reparation for the black race like whites treat it as. Hell, it's not even treated as reparation by whites, but worse: preferential treatment that solely blacks get over all races. The white race hasn't done squat to make up for the era of anti-black atrocities. The only thing they've done is whimper AS IF they've done far more than enough. In addition to working for the white race with repayment of mistreatment, impoverishment, and zero reparations, blacks additionally have to deal with baseless welfare whimpering from whites.
Bob Our credit rating has been damaged by abuse of our constitutional system begining with the Birth of the Great Society which got us to where we are today.
Obama says the S&P analysis contains deep & fundamental flaws????? If he looked in a mirror he would see a deep & fundamental flaw in the White House. I wonder just how much farther the Stock Market would have tanked if they downgraded our credit rating in the morning instead at the end of the day by giving false hope that will cost investors on Monday.
Obama runs the Presidency like it was a nickle dime craps game in a back alley in Chicago. The problem is it is not nickles & dimes & it is our pockets being picked not the street people the thugs fleece in Chicago.
Yes repugs and Bush raised the debt limit 6 times.People better take a long hard look at who they want to choose as the next president. Someone with the record that will very seriously cut spending in ways this country needs and now not in 10 years. The record on that is clear, and there is only one. Not to beat a dead horse, but just stating the facts..
I am still independent enough to state that let’s not use any political party names – BOTH of them have been eager to put into action that which is destroying the US economy… you can call it PROGRESSIVISM, SOCIALISM, SOCIAL JUSTICE, whatever. It all adds up to massive borrowing, spending and printing money that is in no way, shape or form done on a US constitutional basis.
If Bush is guilty of pressing the accelerator on spending, then Obama is guilty of bolting on a supercharger and filling the tank with nitromethane.
Obama hates our nation and thinks it FAIRNESS that it become debased and debauched and be like every other bankrupt European socialistic economy.
I will continue as many others do is to dump on Obama, however much as many wont for what ever reasons,
Me? I gotta give him credit for something I never thought would happen in my lifetime.
Jimmy Carter wasn’t the worst president, after all.
I want to make a correction in my last post. Bush and the repugs raised the debt limit 19 times in 8years not 6 times.
Can anyone on the left explain this quote: Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Sunday ruled out the chance of a US default following S&P’s decision to downgrade America’s credit rating.
“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default” said Greenspan Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Sunday ruled out the chance of a US default following S&P’s decision to downgrade America’s credit rating.
“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default” said Greenspan. Please explain how Tim Gainther also said we would would not suffer a downgrade.
One other thing CBS is still claming the chopper crashed and not shot down. Got to protect the zero in the wh who protects his muslim brothers
S&P said the downgrade was the results of spending over the last 3 yearss. The terriost organiztion known as the Tea Party is only about year old so which is it the TP or spending I guees they are liars too. Hell in fact they gave more to liberals in funding and only one repug from Ohio. Crickets are chirping.
Regarding S&P's decision to down grade had nothing to do with the almost 14 trillion Obama the black messiah has spent.
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