Wednesday, August 17, 2011


There have been many comments made, some good, some bad and a recent comment asked if there is  any record available of statements made in past comments to Posts. The answer is "yes." You can easily use the search engine located on the Home Page of "IS" on the right side of the page.  Type in, for example, Mike Duman or Mrs. Martin, wait a minute then go to the top of the Homepage,  where you will see comments that were made at the time of the Posts some time ago. Also, to refresh your  mind,  check the listing of Past Posts. "IS" hopes this will assist your search.


Harry said...

I did a short research here. Ironically, it appears to me that Pock himself was the most attacked by writers to the blog, almost all critics blaming him for that others had written. In fact, his personal opinions and columns have been highly praised.

Let's hope he doesn't have a temper tantrum like some of the outspoken IS critics (who ironically seem to read and sometimes even memorize the IS comments they don't like and sometimes even deny reading.)

Anonymous said...

Can't seem to find Mike Duman's comments. He had two or three and they are no where to be found. Maybe Pock has a clue where they are in the pre-election IS files.

rpock said...

I typed im Mike Duman and believe I saw them all. Did you click on all pages they showed at bottom?

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