Direct from the Suffolk News Herald. Now that City Officials have just cleaned your financial clock and forced you into recycling they are asking for volunteers to help in a citywide cleanup day this month. Tell you what, our home and property will be spotless, and there never is litter in our subdivision. Beyond that is no man's land where the deer and the antelope play. Instead of expecting an army of volunteers to clean up after the litter slobs, use some of the new trash taxes to hire some ambitious young people to drive a city truck around town making a business of it. Most of them can't find a job due to businesses lack of customers. Call it a stimulus package and the people will applaud you City Officials for spending other peoples hard earned dollars.
Or once a year help out the "Suffolk Clean Community Commission and Suffolk National Night Out 2011" that sponsor the “Suffolk Clean Sweep” on May 14 from 9 to 11 a.m. Volunteers can choose the community they want to give a facelift. Cleanup supplies will be distributed that morning at Bennett’s Creek Park and the City Hall parking lot. Volunteers will be treated to an appreciation picnic at Sleepy Hole Park beginning at noon. Need more info? Call Hattie Lester for that and to register . She is Suffolk's Litter Control Coordinator at 514-7604 or
Ask Suffolk Public Works to close the top of their automated garbage trucks when they are not picking up garbage. That should save about 60% of the litter problem. However all is for naught, because ditches and the empty lots will be the new Suffolk Receiving Stations for other people's waste. Now you are suggesting the city to 'hire' high school drop outs to clean it up? Thankfully we remain one of the best 100 small cities to live in America and we have a night time HOLIDAY parade to look forward to.
The words "drop outs" do not appear in my Post "Good Day to get outside nor were they intended. There are hundreds of students looking for summer jobs. My job is to look for the negatives.
The graduates and those still in school will get a real job with patience and perserverence. The drop outs however end up working for the city or taking handouts from the public dole. After Wednesday's council vote guess who gets the raw deal?
If you want to be charitable why don't you open your checkbook and write another check besides your property tax to the City of Suffolk. I'm sure they'll accept it and spend it the same day. Better yet why don't you hire one of the youths of Suffolk to weed the beds and water the plants?
Whats next? Earth Day will become a religious holiday in this city?
The drop out conversations make me laugh. Check out the Work Success program run by the City's Parks and Recreation Department.
"To be eligible, the applicant must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen; registered with Selective Service if applicable; low income; and possessing one or more of the following barriers: basic skills deficient, school dropout, homeless, runaway or foster child, pregnant or parenting, offender, belongs to a household receiving public assistance, public housing resident, Section 8 housing resident, has a physical or learning disability, has no paid work experience, is living in a single-parent home, has a Section 504 plan or IEP, is behind one or more grade levels, or requires assistance to complete an educational program or to secure and hold employment."
It makes you wish there was a program for people who are responsible, make good grades, have never been in trouble with the law...
For every action there is opposite reaction. Raise the tax on cigarettes in one state and watch the flow come in from the other. Government workers proclaim victory by reducing the number of cigarette smokers by the drop in tax revenue while in the real world truckers are getting by on skyrocekting diesel fuel costs by supplementing income by the transportation of cigarettes into these states. So goes it in every state and local tax increase initiative. A simple law of physics applies; for every action there is a complete and opposite reaction. Linda and her crowd don't get it and never will.
Why should I feel compelled to perform free labor for a city that taxes me to death to pay a workforce without tasking, ie. Public Works? My 10 year old daughter and I like to enjoy a plate of nachos or pizza at The Baron's Pub from time to time after I pick her up from school. On seperate occasions while sitting by the front window we have seen instances where all lanes of the 3 way intersection of Market and Main were occupied by at least one Public Works vehicle waiting for the light to change. All were gas guzzeling pick-ups with tools in the back and a cab full of employees. We always note the same vehicles going back and fourth down Main Street numerous times in the hour or so we there. It happens so frequently that we have made a game of it. We each pick a public works vehicle and note its vehicle number and guess how many times we will see it drive by. The one closest gets to pick pizza or nachos at our next visit. I wish the police patrolled as such in my neighborhood. I live directly between three police stations and I see people sitting on church steps selling dope on a daily basis. *Newsflash* They aren't sitting there taking in the wonderful view Wellon's Street has to offer or waiting on a bus. also unlikely that they are waiting on the Job Application Delivery Fairy.
The police can't pick up the criminal trash and Public Works is unable to pick up trash because the most time they spend outside their city vehicle is walking between it and the time clock.
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