Thursday, February 10, 2011


One-quarter of Suffolk contains three-quarters of its population growth in the past decade, leaving the city's political process as unbalanced as the people who draw the boroughs boundaries. Chuckatuck, Nansemond, and Sleepy Hole, have been gifted half the population of Suffolk courtesy of those who build and sell homes. The latest census will again summon the crazies who will dance around the table of maps, calculators in hand arguing while deciding what is and isn’t fair. Do not be surprised if you wake one morning living in a different borough with a new Council member representing you and he could be black. What that meant would depend on your color. It has been said that black residents  fiercely fight for equal representation based upon the fact they are black. This is a proclamation that whites are not fair in their treatment of black citizens. True or not it is easy to believe that forming borough boundaries would be much easier if skin color were not a factor. And it should not be a factor among grownups. It will be fun to watch. Remember that higher authority than Suffolk must sign off before a stamp of approval is applied. And what they approve will tell us a lot.


Anonymous said...

How much has the profile of Suffolk's population changed to cause officials to gerrymander the city to reflect the traditional three black boroughs of the past. It seems hard to believe the population according to race shifted that much.

In this remarkable era of Obama, government claims to be blind to race, color and creed then purposely peeks from the blindfold to allow DOJ sanctioned discrimiation by carving up neighborhoods to create a desired outcome by race in each borough.

Many believe racial voting patterns will never change. No matter who is running, black voters will always vote black, and white voters will continue to vote white. Clearly they are operating under the false assumption this city and country will continue to be separate but equal and survive much longer. It's about time we had this discussion.

Anonymous said...

Wasnt it "Rev" Wright who said not to long ago segregation, segregation, forever. George Wallace said it during the civil rights era. Blacks will never outlive the civil rights era, It will never die nor will blacks be haapy. Its not that Suffolk isnt already divided along racial lines.From the Great Society of LBJ to the New World Order of Obama and socialism. You would think that since slavery was so demeaning to the black and was such a big part of black culture that they would not be for socialism or a socialist state.

Deb's Education Corner