Saturday, February 6, 2010


I was thinking about those unfortunate families without job income and my mind drifted back to 1925 when I was born just in time for the GREAT Depression. Nothing has come close to that one; 1929 right up to World War II in 1941. Much of the problem was said to be employee shortage of education but to be fair there wasn’t a lot of technical manufacturing going on and most employment was on the job training. Even during Roosevelt’s third term the no job rate was 12%. Nothing the government did got us out of the hole. War made the difference and the population proved it was willing to work twelve-hour days producing war materials. The population was only 133 million with about 16 million in the military. During that depression the unemployment was 22%.

Families traveled anyway they could to find jobs and life for many was a miserable existence. Hundreds of thousands lost everything, including their dignity, and the nation could not even extend a helping hand. With our nation trillions in debt we are deep in the woods and facing more taxes that cannot possibly end our debt to foreign nations. If the expected inflation takes place we might see 1929 again. Are you ready? PS - - Due to recent budget cuts and the rising cost of electricity, gas and oil, as well as current market conditions, the Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off.


Anonymous said...

Not only is belt tightening necessary but we must come to the realization that quality of life improving and the never ending entitlement thinking has come to a sudden stop. Most Americans do not know this but it's already happening. We are entering a phase akin to Post-Soviet Era Russia.

The big difference between where we were in the 1930s and now, is we had a manufacturing base to manufacture and export ourselves out of debt. American companies, farms, mines, railroads and real estate were owned by Americans. That no longer exists. We consume far more than produce while living off of imports from China and India. Much of our economy is now foreign owned. Even our best universities are populated by foreign students learning how to export technology to their country. The only shining star is we could be energy self-sufficient if we get serious about it.

We can no longer be the policeman for the world nor freely offer our money (borrowed from China) to provide goods, labor and sometimes blood to countries that dispise us. We should retrench from the global scene. We should withdraw participation in the United Nations. They do not like us, they never will like us and if given the chance they will take us out. Frankly I've tired hearing the UN will fight to the last American. It's time we take an isolationist practical approach with the world while we try to get our house back in order.

I see the next decade as being a very difficlt one for this country. Government, the media and our pop-culture, PC, non-confrontational conforming thinking will take that long to devolve. I see America splintering apart with Regional States demanding a greater say and less interference as was established in the Constitution. Take a quick trip to Quebec to see what we will look like in 2020. See what their taxes, policies and short term thinking has created. Then ask your children for their forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time two countries on different continents were beaten into unconditional surrender. Their economy was in shabbles and their cities nearly leveled. The citizens of those nations believed they were invicible were forced to rebuild their lives a brick at a time. Through careful management, prudent investment and hard work they returned to became one of the worlds big eight economies in one generation. They however didn't have a near twelve trillion dollar deficit and no plan how to effectively stimulate their economy. Herein lies our predicament.

Anonymous said...

There is no way to get ready. Unless our nation defaults on our horrendous debts to other nations there is no option except tax us to death, literally. And during the Great Depression thousands chose death as the only way out. Conservatism is on the rise nationally but much to late. The liberals think nothing of more debt. During the thirties a sizable portion of the population lived in third world conditions. I see it happening again.

Anonymous said...

Nostalgic for the good old home spun days of the depression? Well they're coming back better than ever. Once again we will see failed banks, a dead market, no jobs, no government entitlements, huge debts and the return of the socialist programs of FDR. Unlike FDR's profile on a dime, Obama's will appear on worthless paper. Change you can't count on.

Anonymous said...

Does the photograph depict the truely hard times of the 1930s or Dr. Liverman's new classrooms along East Washington Street. Hearing the panic and fear mongering about overdue budget cuts from the school administration has become a joke.

Anonymous said...

In a different "light" isnt AMTRAK a bust as well?

Anonymous said...

AMTRAK a government monopoly poorly managed, under-performing, over staffed, highly unionized and always broke. Sounds just like what we'll see with Obamacare.

Deb's Education Corner