You might want to read on what other cities think. Can we assume Suffolk gets a good deal, including customers? Smithfield nixes plan.,0,5214128.story Isle of Wight also questions water deal.
Has our council and City Manager even told us yet what the deal is and how much it will cost? In our open and transparent local government we should be told what this will cost and that includes ALL THE COSTS! With water rates already headed through the roof, is it time to get into bed with Norfolk at any price?
This may turn out to be another form of "Developer Welfare" that cost the citizens much more than it pays. Just like how they would take care of fixing Route 58 after they approved Center-Point without a plan. Is this another idea in search of our funds? When and how will it end?
How much will this cost us and when? Is this another bad idea brought to us by a council that does not think? With rates already going up what will this do to them and who will pay?
Developers? I doubt it!
Why was this decieded in secret? is there still something secret and is so why? Why not charge a fee for the withdrawl of water from our local lakes?
Why is there no news on what this water contract is about? Is this another, "Gotcha" deal brought to us by our frineds on council?
We've started posting information about the "water deal" on the Inside Suffolk website. Just follow the link at the top of the Inside Suffolk Blog. When you get to the website then look on the left-hand side and choose the Water Deal Link. If you are interested, we will post more information. At the very least we thought you might like to read the agreement contract that our Counil will be voting on. We want you to have information so you can decide for yourself if this water deal is a good thing for Suffolk, if the contract does indeed represent the best interest of the citizens, and if the process for signing this deal has been (and is) open and transparent.
Please share your thoughts; your ideas help everyone think more deeply about this topic.
Are the assumptions that the Utility Director is using to fore-see water demands in 40 years as fauty as his plan for over 1000 building permits a year for new $12,000 tap-fees to pay to expand the utility system?
This miscalculation has lead to a situation where excess capacity must now be paid for by huge increases in water and sewer rates paid by the poor sould trapped on the City utility system. While it can be hard to fore-see the future demands due to growth, what happens if the charted growth does not happen? Are we then on the hook for huge costs for water we really do not need?
Please check three times again, before you get us hooked into a deal for water that may not be needed, but has costs that must be paid no matter what! We must make sure that this deal does not make an already skyrocketing cost for utilities even worse!
Both Suffolk and Isle Ofwight have signed the deal. If it is a bad deal we will know later.
We are now on our way to another really bad deal. Thanks and I will be setting even more aside to pay for our leaders mistakes.
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