Thursday, April 23, 2009
We have been hearing a lot lately about prosecuting the higherups who told the lowerdowns they must administer unpleasant methods to get terrorists to reveal what they could about what we wanted to know. I remember being in a war where not all captives even made it to a stockade or camp where they could be questioned. But times have changed; now even kid gloves are too much. Certain liberals would enjoy a special hearing and I can easily imagine Nancy Pelosi grilling Rice and Bush. That would look good for the country; but Presidential Obama appears to want none of that, depending upon which day he is asked. I guess waterboarding is torture of a sort, like when I was a kid my friends tossed me off a dock to see if I could swim. But water leaves no torn flesh or contusions. What say you about methods of torture we used in Iraq and should there be a thorough liberal quiz?
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Ever since the Iran-Contra scandal, pompous D.C. politicians have been quick in airing out our "dirty laundry" for the whole world to see. Technoloical advances in reporting the news and the excitement and attention said pompous politicians experience is the driving force.
We are the leader of the free world and should set an example for those striving for freedoms that we enjoy and have a natural God-given right to. There are things that the general public just doesn't need to know about. And when in the hadies were GIs allowed to carry cameras to the battlefield, i.e. the little prison fiasco in outside of Bagdad?
So in a nutshell, if strapping some alligator clips (connected to a car battery) to the sack of a terrorists in order to save one American, then I say go for it!
"No one is above the law" Barrack Hussein Obama.
No one is beyond the law...except for those who failed to pay their taxes prior to joining the administration and the Clinton adminstation.
This man called president has sold out this country to the world and now is selling it out our natuonal security. If anything other than US law is applied,whats next the UN and the world court?
Isnt Earth Day is about fighting civilization's desire and ability to improve the quality of man's quality by conquering nature.
Prosecuting the CIA is about fighting civilization's desire to maintain its quality of life and avoid being conquered by 6th century thugs.It's no coincidence that the same people endorse both agendas.
It's pretty incredible that the Obama administration thinks it's a good idea to retroactively prosecute CIA officials for simply doing their jobs to the best of their ability and knowledge. They couldn't do any more damage to the morale of the CIA if they tried.Think about the following
Even as many didn't want to believe, that person who sat quietly is Wright's hate America church is really the person who was elected President.I shudder to think what our intelligence community will be like in 4 to 8 years. Clinton did a lot of damage- damage that was still being corrected under W. It's another huge step backwards.Suddenly I feel less safe.
A couple days ago, Obama visited Langley and told the staff he won't prosecute agents doing their job. Then he suggested he might just let AG Holder go after them. Does this sounds like the Obama admin is playing Good Cop/Bad Cop with the CIA.He seems that he is good at that. He avoids making decisions that might reflect poorly on him.
"Still voting present so he won't make a mistake". Bob Schiefer said to Obama a few weeks ago, after 17,000 troops were designated to go into Afghanistan, 'well, this is your war now.'
Zero shot back, 'no this is america's war, NOT mine." This man child cannot he cannot handle responsibility.Little things like this confirm to me that Obama has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He feels entitled to special treatment and its' always somebody else is to blame for problems. Never him.
By playing this good cop bad cop b.s. all he is doing his chuming the waters for the MSM while they do the thing they do best attack anything regrding Bush or his adminstration Zero will look to push more legislation geared to more socialism.
What are we going to hear from the terrorist....Stop Stop tickling me it hurts? Hey Bro....dont taze me..
But we as American citizens must not wish him to fail.
I dont wish for it,everyday with what this man is doing to this country, I merely expect it.
The Obama 100-Days Of Love has been like the water swirling down the toilet. This country has been reduced to being a Banna Rpublic. With torture issue becoming fron and center. Obviously, given all of the information in-total,they're asking the wrong question - instead of "How could they" - the question should be "How could they not?" Obama wants thie country and its citizens to fill the role of a urine cake.
It is awfully important to know what is and what is not your business.
— Gertrude Stein
It's been days since the aniversary of the Bataan Death March and President Raffiki releases some of our most important interrogation techniques to our enemys and presumed allies. I doubt most government educated nit-wit voters have any idea what those heros experienced and how horrified they must be to see the country they sacrified life, limb and youthful years on the verge of collapse. Their only consolation is today we are not fighting an enemy as determined and organized as the Japanese of 1941. Had we done, so our politicians would have run away with their tails between their legs and begged the United Nations to pass another worthless reolution.
A friend of mine up in Michigan spent four years plus in a prison camp following his 60 mile forced Bataan Death March. And it took him years to recover when finally released. He knows what torture is and regards current methods of getting answers laughable. But it did make him strong; he is 91 years young.
I hope to God that this president is proud of how he is destroying this country and its place in the world. I made mention to the fact when could we expect to hear from the UN. Well here it is America. VIENNA – The U.S. is obligated by a United Nations convention to prosecute Bush administration lawyers who allegedly drafted policies that approved the use of harsh interrogation tactics against terrorism suspects, the U.N.’s top anti-torture envoy said Friday. I say to the UN......If you want Bush come get him from Texas. I don't recognize Obama's authority to surrender my sovereign rights as US citizen to the UN. Obama will turn over documents in the name of international cooperation
and be able to say, “It's not me prosecuting them.” He wants to be able to assassinate peoples' character with impunity, without suffering any legal blowback from it. Well he has already underestimated real Americans and is in for a big surprise. Obama makes Jimmy Carter look competent. Each day it becomes more and more apparent that there is no limit to the damage to this country that Mr. Hope and Change is willing to inflict.
I seem to remember getting an E-mail right before the election from a neighbor entitled, "Obama - The Centrist Leader We Need." Centrist, eh? From Reagan to Obama: From Shining Mountain on a Hill to the characteristics of a Third World pit. Hope and Change, Hope and Change. Years ago 16 Virginians went to Texas to protect Texas from the Mexicans, to have the right to be free and then gave their lives so the Republic could be born. I imagine there are Virginians today who would have no problem in coming to Texas to stand against the UN and the President.
During the War Between the States General R.E. Lee sent in a Division of Texans to counterattack a Federal assault. As he gave the order he rose up in his saddle took off his hat a proudly said; "Texans aways move them". What we need is another brilliant leader and angry Texans.
200 years to build a nation, one election to destroy it!
Thank you liberals...
I have been engaged in many conversations regarding the waterboarding/torture issue.I found the arguement and those who are against waterboarding someone to save thousands of American lives to be a laughable joke.When you think its not really hard to laugh at these same liberals and those on the right who are against waterboarding, supported the killing of 3 Somalian Pirates to save ONE American Life.
Even though Obama said AGAIN there will be no charges to be filed against anyone. I say so what. The damage has been done in the forum called public opinion and world opinion. This was a delibrate plan well executed to embarrass the Bush adminstration.Fortunately, we no longer have any enemies. Obama, the Golden Calf, has charmed them all. So we will never again need to resort to these methods to protect the lives of Americans.
American's suffer everyday from torture. Seeing Nancy Pelosi's grinning face on my TV screen is torture. Harry Reid telling the world the war is lost is torture. As is Barney Frank indignantly claiming he had nothing to do with the banking crisis. Even Obama giving a teleprompter-less speech is very painful. I find it very instructive that when the Bush Administration took over and was hit on 9-11, there was absolutely no attempt to investigate or charge anyone in the Clinton administration for failing to do enough to prevent 9-11. President Bush was an adult and focused on pulling the country together and protecting it.
The real torture is opening your home assessment and finding out that the world has gone to hell, but your assessment is jsut as high as ever. So much to the "Death by a tousand cuts" by high taxes that drain our family of any chance at a good quality of life. Without the means to have that life, we just loose. Perhaps Councilman/Developer Brown can show us all how to raise our means so we can pay our taxes.
Why do the "loosers of the world" always have the say in how taxes are set and how much we pay?
General Electric's MSNBC channel should be considered an instrument of torture. An evening of Ed Shultz, Chris Matthews, Rachael Maddow and Keith Oberman should be outlawed in the Geneva Convention. That much stupidity for public viewing can only be construed as cruel and inhuman punishment.
If waterboarding is torture, then I guess every Navy aviator who went trhough Survival, Escape, Recovery, and Evasion (SERE) training before deploying to Vietnam can put in for a claim against the government for millions! Most of us were waterboarded during the early 1970s just to show us that we could be broken more quickly than we thought posssible and the quickest way to get killed after being captured was to ack like John Wayne. Once you knew the score, you could figure out how to tie us teh enemy as long as possible before revealing anything of consequence. And guess what? The government called this training--and it saved lives. And at least one of the ememy actors was a medical corpsman but we never knew it so--to my knowledge--we never lost anyone either! So get some prospective people and stop acting like you can't wait to be put in a safe cage by an enemy who hates your way of life, everything you ever did, and anything you believe.
Scooter Libby goes to jail for "his" outing of one desk jockey CIA agent in Valeri Plame. Meanwhile Pelosi cant remember and our beloved presidnet sells out this country.
Wake up America...The Obama administration is doing a 180 vis-a-vis foreign policy than the Bush administration.
With Obama's world-wide apology tour, the polite listening of diatribes against our country, closing Gitmo, declaring no torture ever, and zero response to North Korea's provocations, and proclaiming that America is just another country no better than any other, he is gambling that terrorists and others won't see America as a threat; therefore, there is no need to attack America or her interests.
We eedd to bring in the clowns Unicorns and the rainbows. How about we all sing We Are The World or that catchy song from the coke commercial from the 70/80's I can't remember the name but It sticks to you like toilet paper stuck to your heel.
I'd like to remind the press and the liberals that Americans were genuinely tortured and slaughtered on 911. Some of them were executed. They cried and prayed in those burning buildings and airplanes. They were brutally tortured by fire until they were forced to jump out of 100 story buildings to their deaths. And many are upset over waterboarding?
Face it folks we are going to be hit again. This next one will make the last look like a picnic. Too bad we have such a short memory of 911. So once again thousands of Americans if not millions are at risk of being slaughtered without consequence.
My apologies, Pock. Now I understand how torture works.
1. When Repulicans waterboard - TORTURE.
2. When Democrats waterboard - Enhanced interrogation technique.
That so called comedian Wanda Sykes helped me see the light.
1. Waterboard Islamofascist terrorist - Evil.
2. Waterboard Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity - That's fine, go ahead
I'm slow but getting there. Just get me into a Obama re-education camp and I'll be converted. A Barack baptism.
What is really funny,"A top Obama fundraiser and hedge fund manager said: "I'm appalled at the anti-Wall Street rhetoric. It was OK on the campaign but now it's the real world. I'm surprised that Obama is turning out to be so left-wing. He's a real class warrior." "
Well, there's a Hedge fund I don't want to invest in, when the manager can't take the time to do even a cursory job of research. Only a moron would be surprised.
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