Saturday, January 2, 2010


According to some there is a great demand for an easy way to recycle household waste. Now is your chance, for as little as forty cents per day you get a ninety gallon tub that will be picked up every other week on your regular trash day. It looks like you can toss anything in there except organic garbage. There are about
32,ooo households in Suffolk and the vendor needs 3000 signers, less than 10%. So your problem is solved for $12. per month. Three hundred have already signed. It will be interestsing to see how quickly signers appear.


Toasted Cracker said...

How much will that efficient authority known to all as SPSA benefit monetarily from such a program? Justifing an eco-tax to cover recycling costs would stir the community tired of being being taxed. Fourty cents a day appears high when communities all across the country have recycling stations for the eco-friendly citizen to deposit their trash at greatly lower cost. Someday the legislature will pass a program for plastic bottles and glass containers to refund the consumer when it is returned for recycling.

Anonymous said...

Have the good folks here in Suffolk forgot about the fee for heavy trash pick up that is looming on the horizon of her majesty's kingdom?

Anonymous said...

Just another non-problem solved by our do-nothing city council and city manager. Why not do something to increase the quality of our lives in Suffolk and lower taxes so we can buy food, pay our utilities, and other necessities of life. Is it because the people like the manager making the decissions are being paid big bucks to forget the rest of us? Seems so!

So let's see, we get free trash disposal and now you want me to pay to dispose of some of it? Another idiotic idea. Where do they dream them up?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous (January 2, 2010 12:39 PM)

I do not think you can blame this new proposal on the City Manager or City Council. As I recall, about 2 years ago the old recycling program was terminated because of poor usage by the residents that were provided this service (about 50% of the City). The old system used the 18 gallon blue containers and only about 25% of the residents that were offered this service were using it. But the City had to pay SPSA or each person that was being provided the service. IN other words, 75% of the Cost the CIty was paying SPSA for this service was being wasted because of poor participation.

Many residents complained that they were willing to pay for curb-side recycling. So here is there chance, if they want it they can pay for it. What is wrong with that option? The City manager is just doing what many residents asked for, that being to enter into a contract with a private vender to provide for curbside recycling.

Of course, many would like for the service to be provided for "free". Bottom line is that the service is not free....the $12/month cost is what the recycling contrator offered to provide the requested service.

Anonymous said...

As a New Year's Resolution will you people that drive pickups refrain from using the bed as an automatic trash disposal system. Opening your rear cab window and dumping garbage with the intention of it blowing out on to the street that can block the view of the driver in the vehicle behind you is dangerous and constitutes littering. Hopefully a law will be passed to penalize these nitwits from having unsecured trash in the bed of their truck. We pay enough in taxes we don't need to give Suffolk Public Works a reason to further swell their ranks with roadside cleanup crews.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:08 PM. Well said, however our little 430 square miles of city makes it economicaly unfeasible for a recycling contractor to cover. The recycled material depot is the best and most cost effective method. It is used in almost every state by responsible citizens. If this city administration is responding to public comment for recycling, rest assured there is more to it than you think.

Truth Finder said...

Dear city employee listed as: January 3, 2010 2:08 PM,

The reason that this all falls to the City Manager is that she is supposed to lead, not just follow unrealistic demands of the masses at any cost. This is another example of reation, not planning by her and her staff. I agree with those comments that it is impossible to recycle economicly in this city due to size and mind-set of most. Most reasonably ask, why recycle when the city pays nothing to put it into the regular trash without a tipping fee paid by Suffolk? I know there are arguments about making the SPSA storage space last longer, but with the new deal on the trash incinerator, that makes no sense at all. Most of the trash is not headed to SPSA anymore if the deal is approved and put into place, it will be handled by the private vendor and put into private landfills. The other issue is that the cost to do this recycling effort, makes it unproductive. The cost to collect, process and sort the trash is not going to yeild any real benefit at all. So the issue again is that all this is known to the City Manager, yet she failed to lead and that is too typical of her and her staff. Sorry to be so blunt, but the truth is there for all to see.

Anonymous said...

to: Truth Finder:
Your comments will be valid as long as the minimum number of recycling participants do not sign up for the service. However, if the 3,000 number is reached and they are happy with paying the required fee, then your position/comments would appear to be incorrect.

time will tell as the deadline for signing up is less than 120 days.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Linda Johnson and other council members will kick off the campaign by signing up for the recycling program. The event is at 2 p.m. Wednesday on the lawn in front of City Hall, 441 Market St.

To sign up, go to by Earth Day, April 22. No payment information is required until the 3,000-household threshold is reached.

You all better wear your heavy underalls.

Anonymous said...

Since it's such a great idea the city administration should sign up each and every city and school employee to participate in the recycling program. After all it's only a mere $144 a year to participate and look what good it will do our community. An automatic withdraw from their weekly paycheck would do nicely. It's about time our municipal employees show us by example.

Anonymous said...

Good for Linda and the others that sign up. They make big money and can afford it so why not make a liberal and political statement and sign up now. In fact why not pay for ten other Suffolkians' and be a real leader!?

I still do not believe that there will be 3000 other suckers out there.

Anonymous said...

From the SNH: Susan Davis moved to Suffolk from one of those communities, Virginia Beach, where she and her husband got used to curbside recycling. It was something they missed when they got to Suffolk. As a member of Suffolk’s Clean Community Commission, she said, “I’m really thrilled” about the new program.
I think there will be a lot of participation,” she said, adding that the fee might be palatable for many Suffolk residents, “when you consider that it’s $144 a year to help save the planet.” Imagine that, save the planet. It would be more effective to put signs along our highways reading, "Vote out all incumbents."

Anonymous said...

Susan "Earth Mother" Davis' neighbors need to give her an education about Suffolk. For starters have her stand in the front yard for a couple of hours and tell us all about global warming. Today's forecast high will be 39 about ten degrees below normal.

Anonymous said...

Who is keeper of this number applying for recycling? Want to bet that they manipulate it for the cause? They will because the can.

Another fairytale policy that shold never have been. Nice to have, but impractical!

Anonymous said...

I just wanna know what’s up with Al Gore's head. When is it gonna explode? How much CO2 will it emit when it finally blows? After that I have a vision of Al Gore meandering aimlessly across an ice floe wearing nothing but a robe and flip flops. He’s muttering to himself about the …bears…polar…bears… as he kicks little snowballs.

Anonymous said...

The planet has been here for 4 and a half billion years and man is going to destroy it? It wont be man that will destroy the planet.Save your money and stop buying Al Gore's newsletter.That will do more for the planet.Man needs to stop meddling in natures processes.

Anonymous said...

Earth has been subjected to many forces. It has been struck by asteriods, bumped by comets, exposed to radiation, swamped by tsunamis, flooded by oceans, hit by lightening, shaken by earthquakes, blanketed by ice, buried by molten lava, jolted by volcanic explosions, shrouded by clouds of noxious gases, scorched by solar flares, erroded by winds and repeatedly folded by massive tectonic plates. But the most damaging in it's four billion years has been Man. So now we need a tax to pay for it?

Anonymous said...

They give us recycling, at $12 per month and then destroy the Obici House. Seems like a bad deal to me. This council is not representative of what I want in Suffolk. They seem more and more like an incompetent version of SPSA itself~

Anonymous said...

Any number on how many have signed up to recycle?

Bet it is not goint a s swimingly as the pundints would like it to.

Another no issue handled swell by our nincompoops we pay so much for. If only they could tackle the world's problems, all would be solved.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see how many employees of the SNH signed up to recycle. They always jump at the opportunity to spend our money, now let's see them put THEIR money where there mouth is. After all is said it's only $144/year and they can do their part to save the world. They can start by recycling unread newspapers in their offices.

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