Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Perhaps the magic words this morning, the day after the election, are Virginia, Jersey, brick wall, about face, and surprise. This has got to keep the leftists awake for a few nights but today we will only hear them say those two victories mean nothing. And locally, the size of campaign signs mean something. Tea party members will certainly be emboldened and incumbents across the nation will rethink what they have been doing. It was a great night for conservatism.


Anonymous said...

POCK: MSNDNC stopped election coverage at 10:00 PM. My bet is that Chris Tweety Mathews didnt have that tingly feeling in his leg but had a wet warm squishy feeling in his depends. Obamas chicken are starting to come home to roost.

Anonymous said...

Don't think for a moment this was a watershed (ala Chris Mathews) event. The basic machinery that put Obama, Pelosi and Reid in power is still in place. The heavy left biased media, a population dependent on government checks, a under-educated distracted pop culture led population and a huge growing government bureacracy. No walk around money this time but 2010 and 2012 they'll be plenty to go around along with surrogates from Move-On, AARP and ACORN.

The other problem is the Republican party's inability to purge itself of RINOs and the Country Club types. Senators Snowe, Collins, McCaine and Graham to name a few are bringing the party down. Fiscal Conservatives must grasp the reins of power if we are to ever recover as a nation. Enjoy yesterday's little victory but keep in mind the war had yet to be won.

Anonymous said...

The Presidential election is a few years off. However the early primary system in New Hampshire remains broken. Liberals for Mass. drive to NH to register for the primary and skew the vote to left of center Repubican candidates. Once they have a lead the money quickly flows in. This is how McCaine was nominated. Such an obvious problem MUST be rectified if they intend to have a vaiable candidate to oppose Obama.

Anonymous said...

So far the list of potential candidates to run against Obama is weak. The prospects of Pawlenty, Palin, and Romney fail to generate any tingly feelings ala Bob Dole, nor do they have the skills to effectively joust with the rabid pro-Obama media.

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