Monday, October 12, 2009


Suffolk officials want a new motto, perhaps because Obama is changing everything. Even the crop production in Suffolk is changing. Rex Cotton, a fit name for his job, reports that peanuts are down to 1400 acres. That's peanuts for a city with 50,000 acres of good farmland that once supplied Mr. Obici with a fine crop of money. Corn is a piddling 9600 acres. Cotton for Haynes underwear is down to 11,000 while soybeans bounded to 23,000 acres providing much nutrition for the deer herd. I guess the good news is that zero acres of tobacco were planted and that could mean kids are wising up to the destructive nature of the plant. Rex will agree that there is no official count of acreage devoted to marijuana but it pops up here and there.


Anonymous said...

Soybeans and cotton are better suited to Suffolk's climate and sandy soil. Corn while profitable is prone to drought often becoming a total loss. Wheat is also an important winter crop. Georgia the Carolinas and Texas also produce peanuts and may have better economies of scale. Tobacco while villified by the government and media is a huge source of revenue for government. More importantly it's one of the very few cash crops we process and export overseas to countries like China. Our trade imbalance doesn't need yet another hit. It's interesting to note that China exports peanuts to the USA.

Anonymous said...

We're getting killed by imports . . . plain and simple. The peas from China and South America are smaller and inferior, good for candy only in my opinion. We have to start protecting our farmers and agriculture. We have to stop relying on imports! Subsidies ARE NOT the answer. The current administration will not protect the farmer, the manufacturer or small businesses. See current health care debate, cap and trade proposal and lack of an energy policy for starters. You cannot solve any problem by just throwing the taxpayer's hard-earned money at it!

Un-Happy Taxpayer said...

To get back to the subject, yes we should rename the peanut fest. I should be called the peanut waste of my money fest!

Why are we still paying tax money to hold this thing? If after more than twenty years they can't make it on their own it is time to pull the plug. This is just like the waste for the SCCA, another money pit!

Anonymous said...

It simple unhappy.
Another person who knows nothing of the Pnut fest.

Un-Happy Taxpayer said...

Rather than move away, why not fix this collossel waste of money? It seems that the only way some what to deal with any issue is to force the commenter out of town. Who are these people? It looks like the comment to move is simple minded and self-serving. Fix the problem and do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

What problem would that be unhappy? Please tell me in my simple mind what you actually know abt Peanut Fest? You have any idea the money it generates, publicty for the city? Numbers of those who attend even when the weather isnt a friend. Lets not single out just one year, lets look at every year since the beginning. Most likley way before you moved here. Is your problem just abt YOUR tax dollar how about maybe one of your local charitable groups didnt receive any city funding? The city invests in the P-Nut fest why? YOU think its a waste and a failure? Would you feel that way if it was held up north. Good Luck on that happening, it has been estimated that it would cost in excess of 3 million of taxpayers money. Again you have no clue to knowing how it began,the success of it. You say its a collssal blunder? How much did the council invest this year?Your desire to defund and your opinion is considered by this supporter of Pnut Fest is null and void.It has no merit if you dont know what you are speaking of other than what you heard from another disgrunteled carpetbagger there up north Your complaints fall upon deaf ears on council because its a winner for the ENTIRE CITY.
As for forcing you out of town last time I looked you are still free to move around at your own desire and will.Maybe you wont have to move if the city dumps off the airport real estate in a depresse market if they decide to sell the airport. There are some issues on that council will need to be addressed before that happens due to agreements with the Pnut fest folks. Never thought of that I guess,A pilot who needs a flat tire reparied cant have it done at the airport, didnt know that either. This proves the point, you really dont know Jack or his by product.

Anonymous said...

To all who dont want their money going into the Pnut Fest. You think its a bad investment by the city. The so be it, Do all of your investments pay off all the time. Over a period of time the Peanut Fest suffers in attendance because of the WEATHER, thus you see a variation in its overall numbers as compared to when the weather isnt a problem. Take that analogy and look at your lows and peaks on your investments and what created a loss or a profit. In the long run or maybe in the short run you dump it. I think the city sees this in the long run as a winner for the city and "prays" for good weather for the entire event.Have you dumped a bad investment and how long was it from the time you made it and then dumped it. Not everybody can be as succesful as Barney Madoff.. sarc

Anonymous said...

The peanut mess has become nothing but a beer bash paid for by the city and yes that is my tax money too unhappy! I agree with you that this waste of money should end. Those who say keep spending even if it is a bad investment make the case for asking that it stand on its own of end. A bad public investment should end and we do not want it in the North end of town. Up here we have good venues and activities already, so we don't need a "bad city investment" to make our end of town work.

Peanut Mess should end and the Airport shold be sold off ot private interests to run it as an airport, not a subsidized bad investment! Those who demand spending our public money on such a failure need to move on and find another hoby to occupy their time with! Maybe you can do a peanut sculture in the SCCA where you run your little cafe!

Anonymous said...

I agree, yank the funding from this turkey. If it can't make it with all those $10 parking fees then someone is pocketing the money! Time to pull the plug on money from the City and my taxes too!

UnHappy is right and has a right to be "Unhappy" with the city spending our money on this kind of thing! If they keep it up they should allow the city to divide into North Suffolk and "Wasting money South Suffolk". Then all the old Suffolk people can have their way and pay for it too!

Anonymous said...

Facts just the facts Prove its a failure. You talk like the guy in the WH,maybe that explains your lack of providing any substance or anything of value. You got none to offer. What makes it a city backed "beer bash"? I dont see them selling any beer. Maybe you carpetbaggers need to stop paying your taxes, save the money, employ a lawyer and incorporate.Some say that those who look in the mirror dont like themselves either.

Anonymous said...

I like my money and myself just fine, but I do not need a socialist hack telling me that he has a better idea about how to spend my money. I do like your idea about getting the push going to seperate the real Suffolk that you all want to waste money on, from the working Suffolk that pays most of the taxes in town up North here. The old-suffolk hacks that want to spend and control it all need to understand that the moon does not rise on thier say anylonger. And yes, peanut mess is a waste of money.

Anonymous said...

Socialist hack? So anyone who supports the ENTIRE city is a socialist? You say old-Suffolk hacks. I didnt know that so many of them SERVED on council.Your problem is with those on council. Not those old hacks of the city that was here first. Your history of being a city is null and void. You have none. You need to complain to the deaf ears who run the city, all of them and good luck in incorporating yourselves into becoming the "real" Suffolk.Hopefully the city will go ahead and provide the money for that anti gang taks force to help in protecting your rise in crime that seems to be a growing problem up your way. Say hello to your neighbors from Chesapeake Portsmouth and from across the James. North Suffolk the real Suffolk, isnt the Utopia you think it is. Stop blaming the old hacks for that "new" problem.
Stop your whining, do we need to send out a "whamblance"
You still havent presented any proof or facts to back up your claims.The crickets are drowning out your NOISE

Anonymous said...

T answer your question, YES anyone that blindly supports all that goes on in this City is a SOCIALIST HACK! They take your money and spend it to support things you do not need, want or ask for. That is socialist thinking and I see many here in peanut town support that, if they are getting their share!

Need more be said?

Anonymous said...

More said? Peanut Fest isnt a loser...

Anonymous said...

Texas Peanuts stand in the shadow of both Va and Ga goobers, much smaller and hard.

Watcher said...

The only purpose for Peanut Fest is to showcase the spending of public money so the political elite can showcase themselves. Those that are connected to them or have something to gain from them, of course support the effort. We all would be better served by a conservative government that focused on the delivery of real public services like trash pickup, utilities, roads, and schools. It seems that there is so much more time spent on the fluff like the Peanut Fest and so little on the real needs of our citizens. If the staff time and council focus spent on this type of event was redirested to real needs we could have so much better of a community, but.... That should be "enough said"!

If you feel otherwise, please also state if you have a connection as discribed and how you benefit from your position.

Anonymous said...

Dont confuse the Peanut Fest and the Shrimp Fest.Both are public events but only one that I know of is privately funded but held together. They both benefit and so does the ENTIRE CITY OF SUFFOLK

Anonymous said...

When will some get it that not all that is done the "Suffolk way" is good for us all!!?? Seems like some will argue for the same old policies, no matter what or how bad they are. I suppose that explains why so many have so little to say! If peanut mess is so good and does so much, why can't it pay it's way? Is there someone pocketing some of those $10 Bills? Seems like we need that answered before we give any more Public $10 Bills to peanut mess!

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is well past time for the city to spend my money on things like Peanut Feast when they can't pick up my trash and I am already paying taxes for the service. Suffolk is run by lunitics and it is getting hard to live her under these situations. Taxes are getting higher, cost are getting higher, and the intelligence of our city leaders is getting lower.

I guess that balances everything out!

Anonymous said...

ANON 20, 8:23 A.M.

Tell us more how the city benefits from PeanutFest. If that is happening, then we need to know.

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